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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
modelviz.py - DOT file generator for Django Models
Based on:
Django model to DOT (Graphviz) converter
by Antonio Cavedoni <antonio@cavedoni.org>
Adapted to be used with django-extensions
import datetime
import os
import re
import six
from django.apps import apps
from django.db.models.fields.related import (
ForeignKey, ManyToManyField, OneToOneField, RelatedField,
from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation
from django.template import Context, Template, loader
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, force_str
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import activate as activate_language
__version__ = "1.1"
__license__ = "Python"
__author__ = "Bas van Oostveen <v.oostveen@gmail.com>",
__contributors__ = [
"Antonio Cavedoni <http://cavedoni.com/>"
"Stefano J. Attardi <http://attardi.org/>",
"limodou <http://www.donews.net/limodou/>",
"Carlo C8E Miron",
"Andre Campos <cahenan@gmail.com>",
"Justin Findlay <jfindlay@gmail.com>",
"Alexander Houben <alexander@houben.ch>",
"Joern Hees <gitdev@joernhees.de>",
"Kevin Cherepski <cherepski@gmail.com>",
"Jose Tomas Tocino <theom3ga@gmail.com>",
"Adam Dobrawy <naczelnik@jawnosc.tk>",
"Mikkel Munch Mortensen <https://www.detfalskested.dk/>",
"Andrzej Bistram <andrzej.bistram@gmail.com>",
def parse_file_or_list(arg):
if not arg:
return []
if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, set)):
return arg
if ',' not in arg and os.path.isfile(arg):
return [e.strip() for e in open(arg).readlines()]
return [e.strip() for e in arg.split(',')]
class ModelGraph(object):
def __init__(self, app_labels, **kwargs):
self.graphs = []
self.cli_options = kwargs.get('cli_options', None)
self.disable_fields = kwargs.get('disable_fields', False)
self.include_models = parse_file_or_list(
kwargs.get('include_models', "")
self.all_applications = kwargs.get('all_applications', False)
self.use_subgraph = kwargs.get('group_models', False)
self.verbose_names = kwargs.get('verbose_names', False)
self.inheritance = kwargs.get('inheritance', True)
self.relations_as_fields = kwargs.get("relations_as_fields", True)
self.sort_fields = kwargs.get("sort_fields", True)
self.language = kwargs.get('language', None)
if self.language is not None:
self.exclude_columns = parse_file_or_list(
kwargs.get('exclude_columns', "")
self.exclude_models = parse_file_or_list(
kwargs.get('exclude_models', "")
if self.all_applications:
self.app_labels = [app.label for app in apps.get_app_configs()]
self.app_labels = app_labels
def generate_graph_data(self):
nodes = []
for graph in self.graphs:
nodes.extend([e['name'] for e in graph['models']])
for graph in self.graphs:
for model in graph['models']:
for relation in model['relations']:
if relation is not None:
if relation['target'] in nodes:
relation['needs_node'] = False
def get_graph_data(self, as_json=False):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
graph_data = {
'created_at': now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
'cli_options': self.cli_options,
'disable_fields': self.disable_fields,
'use_subgraph': self.use_subgraph,
if as_json:
graph_data['graphs'] = [context.flatten() for context in self.graphs]
graph_data['graphs'] = self.graphs
return graph_data
def add_attributes(self, field, abstract_fields):
if self.verbose_names and field.verbose_name:
label = force_bytes(field.verbose_name)
if label.islower():
label = label.capitalize()
label = field.name
t = type(field).__name__
if isinstance(field, (OneToOneField, ForeignKey)):
remote_field = field.remote_field if hasattr(field, 'remote_field') else field.rel # Remove me after Django 1.8 is unsupported
t += " ({0})".format(remote_field.field_name)
# TODO: ManyToManyField, GenericRelation
return {
'name': field.name,
'label': label,
'type': t,
'blank': field.blank,
'abstract': field in abstract_fields,
'relation': isinstance(field, RelatedField),
'primary_key': field.primary_key,
def add_relation(self, field, model, extras=""):
if self.verbose_names and field.verbose_name:
label = force_bytes(field.verbose_name)
if label.islower():
label = label.capitalize()
label = field.name
# show related field name
if hasattr(field, 'related_query_name'):
related_query_name = field.related_query_name()
if self.verbose_names and related_query_name.islower():
related_query_name = related_query_name.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()
label = '{} ({})'.format(label, force_str(related_query_name))
# handle self-relationships and lazy-relationships
remote_field = field.remote_field if hasattr(field, 'remote_field') else field.rel # Remove me after Django 1.8 is unsupported
remote_field_model = remote_field.model if hasattr(remote_field, 'model') else remote_field.to # Remove me after Django 1.8 is unsupported
if isinstance(remote_field_model, six.string_types):
if remote_field_model == 'self':
target_model = field.model
if '.' in remote_field_model:
app_label, model_name = remote_field_model.split('.', 1)
app_label = field.model._meta.app_label
model_name = remote_field_model
target_model = apps.get_model(app_label, model_name)
target_model = remote_field_model
_rel = self.get_relation_context(target_model, field, label, extras)
if _rel not in model['relations'] and self.use_model(_rel['target']):
return _rel
def get_abstract_models(self, appmodels):
abstract_models = []
for appmodel in appmodels:
abstract_models += [abstract_model for abstract_model in
appmodel.__bases__ if
hasattr(abstract_model, '_meta') and
abstract_models = list(set(abstract_models)) # remove duplicates
return abstract_models
def get_app_context(self, app):
return Context({
'name': '"%s"' % app.name,
'app_name': "%s" % app.name,
'cluster_app_name': "cluster_%s" % app.name.replace(".", "_"),
'models': []
def get_appmodel_attributes(self, appmodel):
if self.relations_as_fields:
attributes = [field for field in appmodel._meta.local_fields]
# Find all the 'real' attributes. Relations are depicted as graph edges instead of attributes
attributes = [field for field in appmodel._meta.local_fields if not
isinstance(field, RelatedField)]
return attributes
def get_appmodel_abstracts(self, appmodel):
return [abstract_model.__name__ for abstract_model in
appmodel.__bases__ if
hasattr(abstract_model, '_meta') and
def get_appmodel_context(self, appmodel, appmodel_abstracts):
context = {
'app_name': appmodel.__module__.replace(".", "_"),
'name': appmodel.__name__,
'abstracts': appmodel_abstracts,
'fields': [],
'relations': []
if self.verbose_names and appmodel._meta.verbose_name:
context['label'] = force_bytes(appmodel._meta.verbose_name)
context['label'] = context['name']
return context
def get_bases_abstract_fields(self, c):
_abstract_fields = []
for e in c.__bases__:
if hasattr(e, '_meta') and e._meta.abstract:
return _abstract_fields
def get_inheritance_context(self, appmodel, parent):
label = "multi-table"
if parent._meta.abstract:
label = "abstract"
if appmodel._meta.proxy:
label = "proxy"
label += r"\ninheritance"
return {
'target_app': parent.__module__.replace(".", "_"),
'target': parent.__name__,
'type': "inheritance",
'name': "inheritance",
'label': label,
'arrows': '[arrowhead=empty, arrowtail=none, dir=both]',
'needs_node': True,
def get_models(self, app):
appmodels = list(app.get_models())
return appmodels
def get_relation_context(self, target_model, field, label, extras):
return {
'target_app': target_model.__module__.replace('.', '_'),
'target': target_model.__name__,
'type': type(field).__name__,
'name': field.name,
'label': label,
'arrows': extras,
'needs_node': True
def process_attributes(self, field, model, pk, abstract_fields):
newmodel = model.copy()
if self.skip_field(field) or pk and field == pk:
return newmodel
newmodel['fields'].append(self.add_attributes(field, abstract_fields))
return newmodel
def process_apps(self):
for app_label in self.app_labels:
app = apps.get_app_config(app_label)
if not app:
app_graph = self.get_app_context(app)
app_models = self.get_models(app)
abstract_models = self.get_abstract_models(app_models)
app_models = abstract_models + app_models
for appmodel in app_models:
if not self.use_model(appmodel._meta.object_name):
appmodel_abstracts = self.get_appmodel_abstracts(appmodel)
abstract_fields = self.get_bases_abstract_fields(appmodel)
model = self.get_appmodel_context(appmodel, appmodel_abstracts)
attributes = self.get_appmodel_attributes(appmodel)
# find primary key and print it first, ignoring implicit id if other pk exists
pk = appmodel._meta.pk
if pk and not appmodel._meta.abstract and pk in attributes:
model['fields'].append(self.add_attributes(pk, abstract_fields))
for field in attributes:
model = self.process_attributes(field, model, pk, abstract_fields)
if self.sort_fields:
model = self.sort_model_fields(model)
for field in appmodel._meta.local_fields:
model = self.process_local_fields(field, model, abstract_fields)
for field in appmodel._meta.local_many_to_many:
model = self.process_local_many_to_many(field, model)
if self.inheritance:
# add inheritance arrows
for parent in appmodel.__bases__:
model = self.process_parent(parent, appmodel, model)
if app_graph['models']:
def process_local_fields(self, field, model, abstract_fields):
newmodel = model.copy()
if (field.attname.endswith('_ptr_id') or # excluding field redundant with inheritance relation
field in abstract_fields or # excluding fields inherited from abstract classes. they too show as local_fields
return newmodel
if isinstance(field, OneToOneField):
newmodel['relations'].append(self.add_relation(field, newmodel, '[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none, dir=both]'))
elif isinstance(field, ForeignKey):
newmodel['relations'].append(self.add_relation(field, newmodel, '[arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]'))
return newmodel
def process_local_many_to_many(self, field, model):
newmodel = model.copy()
if self.skip_field(field):
return newmodel
if isinstance(field, ManyToManyField):
remote_field = field.remote_field if hasattr(field, 'remote_field') else field.rel # Remove me after Django 1.8 is unsupported
if hasattr(remote_field.through, '_meta') and remote_field.through._meta.auto_created:
newmodel['relations'].append(self.add_relation(field, newmodel, '[arrowhead=dot arrowtail=dot, dir=both]'))
elif isinstance(field, GenericRelation):
newmodel['relations'].append(self.add_relation(field, newmodel, mark_safe('[style="dotted", arrowhead=normal, arrowtail=normal, dir=both]')))
return newmodel
def process_parent(self, parent, appmodel, model):
newmodel = model.copy()
if hasattr(parent, "_meta"): # parent is a model
_rel = self.get_inheritance_context(appmodel, parent)
# TODO: seems as if abstract models aren't part of models.getModels, which is why they are printed by this without any attributes.
if _rel not in newmodel['relations'] and self.use_model(_rel['target']):
return newmodel
def sort_model_fields(self, model):
newmodel = model.copy()
newmodel['fields'] = sorted(newmodel['fields'], key=lambda field: (not field['primary_key'], not field['relation'], field['label']))
return newmodel
def use_model(self, model_name):
Decide whether to use a model, based on the model name and the lists of
models to exclude and include.
# Check against exclude list.
if self.exclude_models:
for model_pattern in self.exclude_models:
model_pattern = '^%s$' % model_pattern.replace('*', '.*')
if re.search(model_pattern, model_name):
return False
# Check against exclude list.
elif self.include_models:
for model_pattern in self.include_models:
model_pattern = '^%s$' % model_pattern.replace('*', '.*')
if re.search(model_pattern, model_name):
return True
# Return `True` if `include_models` is falsey, otherwise return `False`.
return not self.include_models
def skip_field(self, field):
if self.exclude_columns:
if self.verbose_names and field.verbose_name:
if field.verbose_name in self.exclude_columns:
return True
if field.name in self.exclude_columns:
return True
return False
def generate_dot(graph_data, template='django_extensions/graph_models/digraph.dot'):
t = loader.get_template(template)
if not isinstance(t, Template) and not (hasattr(t, 'template') and isinstance(t.template, Template)):
raise Exception("Default Django template loader isn't used. "
"This can lead to the incorrect template rendering. "
"Please, check the settings.")
c = Context(graph_data).flatten()
dot = t.render(c)
return dot
def generate_graph_data(*args, **kwargs):
generator = ModelGraph(*args, **kwargs)
return generator.get_graph_data()
def use_model(model, include_models, exclude_models):
generator = ModelGraph([], include_models=include_models, exclude_models=exclude_models)
return generator.use_model(model)