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from rest_framework import permissions, exceptions
from re2o.acl import can_create, can_edit, can_delete, can_view_all
from . import acl
def can_see_api(*_, **__):
return lambda user: acl.can_view(user)
def _get_param_in_view(view, param_name):
assert hasattr(view, 'get_'+param_name) \
or getattr(view, param_name, None) is not None, (
'cannot apply {} on a view that does not set '
'`.{}` or have a `.get_{}()` method.'
).format(self.__class__.__name__, param_name, param_name)
if hasattr(view, 'get_'+param_name):
param = getattr(view, 'get_'+param_name)()
assert param is not None, (
'{}.get_{}() returned None'
).format(view.__class__.__name__, param_name)
return param
return getattr(view, param_name)
class ACLPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
Permission subclass for views that requires a specific model-based
permission or don't define a queryset
def get_required_permissions(self, method, view):
Given a list of models and an HTTP method, return the list
of acl functions that the user is required to verify.
perms_map = _get_param_in_view(view, 'perms_map')
if method not in perms_map:
raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(method)
return [can_see_api()] + list(perms_map[method])
def has_permission(self, request, view):
# Workaround to ensure ACLPermissions are not applied
# to the root view when using DefaultRouter.
if getattr(view, '_ignore_model_permissions', False):
return True
if not request.user or not request.user.is_authenticated:
return False
perms = self.get_required_permissions(request.method, view)
return all(perm(request.user)[0] for perm in perms)
def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
# Should never be called here but documentation
# requires to implement this function
return False
class AutodetectACLPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
Permission subclass in charge of checking the ACL to determine
if a user can access the models. Autodetect which ACL are required
based on a queryset. Requires `.queryset` or `.get_queryset()`
to be defined in the view.
perms_map = {
'GET': [can_see_api, lambda model: model.can_view_all],
'OPTIONS': [can_see_api, lambda model: model.can_view_all],
'HEAD': [can_see_api, lambda model: model.can_view_all],
'POST': [can_see_api, lambda model: model.can_create],
'PUT': [], # No restrictions, apply to objects
'PATCH': [], # No restrictions, apply to objects
'DELETE': [], # No restrictions, apply to objects
perms_obj_map = {
'GET': [can_see_api, lambda obj: obj.can_view],
'OPTIONS': [can_see_api, lambda obj: obj.can_view],
'HEAD': [can_see_api, lambda obj: obj.can_view],
'POST': [], # No restrictions, apply to models
'PUT': [can_see_api, lambda obj: obj.can_edit],
'PATCH': [can_see_api, lambda obj: obj.can_edit],
'DELETE': [can_see_api, lambda obj: obj.can_delete],
def get_required_permissions(self, method, model):
Given a model and an HTTP method, return the list of acl
functions that the user is required to verify.
if method not in self.perms_map:
raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(method)
return [perm(model) for perm in self.perms_map[method]]
def get_required_object_permissions(self, method, obj):
Given an object and an HTTP method, return the list of acl
functions that the user is required to verify.
if method not in self.perms_obj_map:
raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(method)
return [perm(obj) for perm in self.perms_obj_map[method]]
def _queryset(self, view):
Return the queryset associated with view and raise an error
is there is none.
return _get_param_in_view(view, 'queryset')
def has_permission(self, request, view):
# Workaround to ensure ACLPermissions are not applied
# to the root view when using DefaultRouter.
if getattr(view, '_ignore_model_permissions', False):
return True
if not request.user or not request.user.is_authenticated:
return False
queryset = self._queryset(view)
perms = self.get_required_permissions(request.method, queryset.model)
return all(perm(request.user)[0] for perm in perms)
def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
# authentication checks have already executed via has_permission
queryset = self._queryset(view)
user = request.user
perms = self.get_required_object_permissions(request.method, obj)
if not all(perm(request.user)[0] for perm in perms):
# If the user does not have permissions we need to determine if
# they have read permissions to see 403, or not, and simply see
# a 404 response.
if request.method in SAFE_METHODS:
# Read permissions already checked and failed, no need
# to make another lookup.
raise Http404
read_perms = self.get_required_object_permissions('GET', obj)
if not read_perms(request.user)[0]:
raise Http404
# Has read permissions.
return False
return True