# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*- # Re2o est un logiciel d'administration développé initiallement au rezometz. Il # se veut agnostique au réseau considéré, de manière à être installable en # quelques clics. # # Copyright © 2017 Gabriel Détraz # Copyright © 2017 Goulven Kermarec # Copyright © 2017 Augustin Lemesle # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ The database models for the 'cotisation' app of re2o. The goal is to keep the main actions here, i.e. the 'clean' and 'save' function are higly reposnsible for the changes, checking the coherence of the data and the good behaviour in general for not breaking the database. For further details on each of those models, see the documentation details for each. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from django.db import models from django.db.models import Q from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete from django.dispatch import receiver from django.forms import ValidationError from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator from django.db.models import Max from django.utils import timezone from machines.models import regen from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _l from re2o.field_permissions import FieldPermissionModelMixin from re2o.mixins import AclMixin, RevMixin # TODO : change facture to invoice class Facture(RevMixin, AclMixin, FieldPermissionModelMixin, models.Model): """ The model for an invoice. It reprensents the fact that a user paid for something (it can be multiple article paid at once). An invoice is linked to : * one or more purchases (one for each article sold that time) * a user (the one who bought those articles) * a payment method (the one used by the user) * (if applicable) a bank * (if applicable) a cheque number. Every invoice is dated throught the 'date' value. An invoice has a 'controlled' value (default : False) which means that someone with high enough rights has controlled that invoice and taken it into account. It also has a 'valid' value (default : True) which means that someone with high enough rights has decided that this invoice was not valid (thus it's like the user never paid for his articles). It may be necessary in case of non-payment. """ user = models.ForeignKey('users.User', on_delete=models.PROTECT) # TODO : change paiement to payment paiement = models.ForeignKey('Paiement', on_delete=models.PROTECT) # TODO : change banque to bank banque = models.ForeignKey( 'Banque', on_delete=models.PROTECT, blank=True, null=True ) # TODO : maybe change to cheque nummber because not evident cheque = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, verbose_name=_l("Cheque number") ) date = models.DateTimeField( auto_now_add=True, verbose_name=_l("Date") ) # TODO : change name to validity for clarity valid = models.BooleanField( default=True, verbose_name=_l("Validated") ) # TODO : changed name to controlled for clarity control = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name=_l("Controlled") ) class Meta: abstract = False permissions = ( # TODO : change facture to invoice ('change_facture_control', _l("Can change the \"controlled\" state")), # TODO : seems more likely to be call create_facture_pdf or create_invoice_pdf ('change_facture_pdf', _l("Can create a custom PDF invoice")), ('view_facture', _l("Can see an invoice's details")), ('change_all_facture', _l("Can edit all the previous invoices")), ) verbose_name = _l("Invoice") verbose_name_plural = _l("Invoices") def linked_objects(self): """Return linked objects : machine and domain. Usefull in history display""" return self.vente_set.all() # TODO : change prix to price def prix(self): """ Returns: the raw price without the quantities. Deprecated, use :total_price instead. """ price = Vente.objects.filter( facture=self ).aggregate(models.Sum('prix'))['prix__sum'] return price # TODO : change prix to price def prix_total(self): """ Returns: the total price for an invoice. Sum all the articles' prices and take the quantities into account. """ # TODO : change Vente to somethingelse return Vente.objects.filter( facture=self ).aggregate( total=models.Sum( models.F('prix')*models.F('number'), output_field=models.FloatField() ) )['total'] def name(self): """ Returns : a string with the name of all the articles in the invoice. Used for reprensenting the invoice with a string. """ name = ' - '.join(Vente.objects.filter( facture=self ).values_list('name', flat=True)) return name def can_edit(self, user_request, *args, **kwargs): if not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.change_facture'): return False, _("You don't have the right to edit an invoice.") elif not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.change_all_facture') and not self.user.can_edit(user_request, *args, **kwargs)[0]: return False, _("You don't have the right to edit this user's invoices.") elif not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.change_all_facture') and\ (self.control or not self.valid): return False, _("You don't have the right to edit an invoice already controlled or invalidated.") else: return True, None def can_delete(self, user_request, *args, **kwargs): if not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.delete_facture'): return False, _("You don't have the right to delete an invoice.") if not self.user.can_edit(user_request, *args, **kwargs)[0]: return False, _("You don't have the right to delete this user's invoices.") if self.control or not self.valid: return False, _("You don't have the right to delete an invoice already controlled or invalidated.") else: return True, None def can_view(self, user_request, *args, **kwargs): if not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.view_facture') and\ self.user != user_request: return False, _("You don't have the right to see someone else's invoices history.") elif not self.valid: return False, _("The invoice has been invalidated.") else: return True, None @staticmethod def can_change_control(user_request, *args, **kwargs): return user_request.has_perm('cotisations.change_facture_control'), _("You don't have the right to edit the \"controlled\" state.") @staticmethod def can_change_pdf(user_request, *args, **kwargs): return user_request.has_perm('cotisations.change_facture_pdf'), _("You don't have the right to edit an invoice.") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Facture, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.field_permissions = { 'control' : self.can_change_control, } def __str__(self): return str(self.user) + ' ' + str(self.date) @receiver(post_save, sender=Facture) def facture_post_save(sender, **kwargs): """ Synchronise the LDAP user after an invoice has been saved. """ facture = kwargs['instance'] user = facture.user user.ldap_sync(base=False, access_refresh=True, mac_refresh=False) @receiver(post_delete, sender=Facture) def facture_post_delete(sender, **kwargs): """ Synchronise the LDAP user after an invoice has been deleted. """ user = kwargs['instance'].user user.ldap_sync(base=False, access_refresh=True, mac_refresh=False) # TODO : change Vente to Purchase class Vente(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model): """ The model defining a purchase. It consist of one type of article being sold. In particular there may be multiple purchases in a single invoice. It's reprensentated by: * an amount (the number of items sold) * an invoice (whose the purchase is part of) * an article * (if applicable) a cotisation (which holds some informations about the effect of the purchase on the time agreed for this user) """ # TODO : change this to English COTISATION_TYPE = ( ('Connexion', _l("Connexion")), ('Adhesion', _l("Membership")), ('All', _l("Both of them")), ) # TODO : change facture to invoice facture = models.ForeignKey( 'Facture', on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_l("Invoice") ) # TODO : change number to amount for clarity number = models.IntegerField( validators=[MinValueValidator(1)], verbose_name=_l("Amount") ) # TODO : change this field for a ForeinKey to Article name = models.CharField( max_length=255, verbose_name=_l("Article") ) # TODO : change prix to price # TODO : this field is not needed if you use Article ForeignKey prix = models.DecimalField( max_digits=5, decimal_places=2, verbose_name=_l("Price")) # TODO : this field is not needed if you use Article ForeignKey duration = models.PositiveIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_l("Duration (in whole month)") ) # TODO : this field is not needed if you use Article ForeignKey type_cotisation = models.CharField( choices=COTISATION_TYPE, blank=True, null=True, max_length=255, verbose_name=_l("Type of cotisation") ) class Meta: permissions = ( ('view_vente', _l("Can see a purchase's details")), ('change_all_vente', _l("Can edit all the previous purchases")), ) verbose_name = _l("Purchase") verbose_name_plural = _l("Purchases") # TODO : change prix_total to total_price def prix_total(self): """ Returns: the total of price for this amount of items. """ return self.prix*self.number def update_cotisation(self): """ Update the related object 'cotisation' if there is one. Based on the duration of the purchase. """ if hasattr(self, 'cotisation'): cotisation = self.cotisation cotisation.date_end = cotisation.date_start + relativedelta( months=self.duration*self.number) return def create_cotis(self, date_start=False): """ Update and create a 'cotisation' related object if there is a cotisation_type defined (which means the article sold represents a cotisation) """ if not hasattr(self, 'cotisation') and self.type_cotisation: cotisation = Cotisation(vente=self) cotisation.type_cotisation = self.type_cotisation if date_start: end_cotisation = Cotisation.objects.filter( vente__in=Vente.objects.filter( facture__in=Facture.objects.filter( user=self.facture.user ).exclude(valid=False)) ).filter(Q(type_cotisation='All') | Q(type_cotisation=self.type_cotisation) ).filter( date_start__lt=date_start ).aggregate(Max('date_end'))['date_end__max'] elif self.type_cotisation=="Adhesion": end_cotisation = self.facture.user.end_adhesion() else: end_cotisation = self.facture.user.end_connexion() date_start = date_start or timezone.now() end_cotisation = end_cotisation or date_start date_max = max(end_cotisation, date_start) cotisation.date_start = date_max cotisation.date_end = cotisation.date_start + relativedelta( months=self.duration*self.number ) return def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Save a purchase object and check if all the fields are coherents It also update the associated cotisation in the changes have some effect on the user's cotisation """ # Checking that if a cotisation is specified, there is also a duration if self.type_cotisation and not self.duration: raise ValidationError( _("A cotisation should always have a duration.") ) self.update_cotisation() super(Vente, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def can_edit(self, user_request, *args, **kwargs): if not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.change_vente'): return False, _("You don't have the right to edit the purchases.") elif not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.change_all_facture') and not self.facture.user.can_edit(user_request, *args, **kwargs)[0]: return False, _("You don't have the right to edit this user's purchases.") elif not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.change_all_vente') and\ (self.facture.control or not self.facture.valid): return False, _("You don't have the right to edit a purchase already controlled or invalidated.") else: return True, None def can_delete(self, user_request, *args, **kwargs): if not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.delete_vente'): return False, _("You don't have the right to delete a purchase.") if not self.facture.user.can_edit(user_request, *args, **kwargs)[0]: return False, _("You don't have the right to delete this user's purchases.") if self.facture.control or not self.facture.valid: return False, _("You don't have the right to delete a purchase already controlled or invalidated.") else: return True, None def can_view(self, user_request, *args, **kwargs): if not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.view_vente') and\ self.facture.user != user_request: return False, _("You don't have the right to see someone else's purchase history.") else: return True, None def __str__(self): return str(self.name) + ' ' + str(self.facture) # TODO : change vente to purchase @receiver(post_save, sender=Vente) def vente_post_save(sender, **kwargs): """ Creates a 'cotisation' related object if needed and synchronise the LDAP user when a purchase has been saved. """ purchase = kwargs['instance'] if hasattr(vente, 'cotisation'): purchase.cotisation.vente = purchase purchase.cotisation.save() if purchase.type_cotisation: purchase.create_cotis() purchase.cotisation.save() user = purchase.facture.user user.ldap_sync(base=False, access_refresh=True, mac_refresh=False) # TODO : change vente to purchase @receiver(post_delete, sender=Vente) def vente_post_delete(sender, **kwargs): """ Synchronise the LDAP user after a purchase has been deleted. """ purchase = kwargs['instance'] if purchase.type_cotisation: user = purchase.facture.user user.ldap_sync(base=False, access_refresh=True, mac_refresh=False) class Article(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model): """ The definition of an article model. It represents an type of object that can be sold to the user. It's represented by: * a name * a price * a cotisation type (indicating if this article reprensents a cotisation or not) * a duration (if it is a cotisation) * a type of user (indicating what kind of user can buy this article) """ # TODO : Either use TYPE or TYPES in both choices but not both USER_TYPES = ( ('Adherent', _l("Member")), ('Club', _l("Club")), ('All', _l("Both of them")), ) COTISATION_TYPE = ( ('Connexion', _l("Connexion")), ('Adhesion', _l("Membership")), ('All', _l("Both of them")), ) name = models.CharField( max_length=255, verbose_name=_l("Designation") ) # TODO : change prix to price prix = models.DecimalField( max_digits=5, decimal_places=2, verbose_name=_l("Unitary price") ) duration = models.PositiveIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(0)], verbose_name=_l("Duration (in whole month)") ) type_user = models.CharField( choices=USER_TYPES, default='All', max_length=255, verbose_name=_l("Type of users concerned") ) type_cotisation = models.CharField( choices=COTISATION_TYPE, default=None, blank=True, null=True, max_length=255, verbose_name=_l("Type of cotisation") ) unique_together = ('name', 'type_user') class Meta: permissions = ( ('view_article', _l("Can see an article's details")), ) verbose_name = "Article" verbose_name_plural = "Articles" def clean(self): if self.name.lower() == 'solde': raise ValidationError( _("Solde is a reserved article name") ) if self.type_cotisation and not self.duration: raise ValidationError( _("Duration must be specified for a cotisation") ) def __str__(self): return self.name class Banque(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model): """ The model defining a bank. It represents a user's bank. It's mainly used for statistics by regrouping the user under their bank's name and avoid the use of a simple name which leads (by experience) to duplicates that only differs by a capital letter, a space, a misspelling, ... That's why it's easier to use simple object for the banks. """ name = models.CharField( max_length=255, verbose_name=_l("Name") ) class Meta: permissions = ( ('view_banque', _l("Can see a bank's details")), ) verbose_name=_l("Bank") verbose_name_plural=_l("Banks") def __str__(self): return self.name # TODO : change Paiement to Payment class Paiement(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model): """ The model defining a payment method. It is how the user is paying for the invoice. It's easier to know this information when doing the accouts. It is represented by: * a name * a type (used for the type 'cheque' which implies the use of a bank and an account number in related models) """ PAYMENT_TYPES = ( (0, _l("Standard")), (1, _l("Cheque")), ) # TODO : change moyen to method moyen = models.CharField( max_length=255, verbose_name=_l("Method") ) type_paiement = models.IntegerField( choices=PAYMENT_TYPES, default=0, verbose_name=_l("Payment type") ) class Meta: permissions = ( ('view_paiement', _l("Can see a payement's details")), ) verbose_name = _l("Payment method") verbose_name_plural = _l("Payment methods") def __str__(self): return self.moyen def clean(self): """ Override of the herited clean function to get a correct name """ self.moyen = self.moyen.title() def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Override of the herited save function to be sure only one payment method of type 'cheque' exists. """ if Paiement.objects.filter(type_paiement=1).count() > 1: raise ValidationError( _("You cannot have multiple payment method of type cheque") ) super(Paiement, self).save(*args, **kwargs) class Cotisation(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model): """ The model defining a cotisation. It holds information about the time a user is allowed when he has paid something. It characterised by : * a date_start (the date when the cotisaiton begins/began * a date_end (the date when the cotisation ends/ended * a type of cotisation (which indicates the implication of such cotisation) * a purchase (the related objects this cotisation is linked to) """ COTISATION_TYPE = ( ('Connexion', _l("Connexion")), ('Adhesion', _l("Membership")), ('All', _l("Both of them")), ) # TODO : change vente to purchase vente = models.OneToOneField( 'Vente', on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, verbose_name=_l("Purchase") ) type_cotisation = models.CharField( choices=COTISATION_TYPE, max_length=255, default='All', verbose_name=_l("Type of cotisation") ) date_start = models.DateTimeField( verbose_name=_l("Starting date") ) date_end = models.DateTimeField( verbose_name=_l("Ending date") ) class Meta: permissions = ( ('view_cotisation', _l("Can see a cotisation's details")), ('change_all_cotisation', _l("Can edit the previous cotisations")), ) def can_edit(self, user_request, *args, **kwargs): if not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.change_cotisation'): return False, _("You don't have the right to edit a cotisation.") elif not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.change_all_cotisation') and\ (self.vente.facture.control or not self.vente.facture.valid): return False, _("You don't have the right to edit a cotisation already controlled or invalidated.") else: return True, None def can_delete(self, user_request, *args, **kwargs): if not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.delete_cotisation'): return False, _("You don't have the right to delete a cotisation.") if self.vente.facture.control or not self.vente.facture.valid: return False, _("You don't have the right to delete a cotisation already controlled or invalidated.") else: return True, None def can_view(self, user_request, *args, **kwargs): if not user_request.has_perm('cotisations.view_cotisation') and\ self.vente.facture.user != user_request: return False, _("You don't have the right to see someone else's cotisation history.") else: return True, None def __str__(self): return str(self.vente) @receiver(post_save, sender=Cotisation) def cotisation_post_save(sender, **kwargs): """ Mark some services as needing a regeneration after the edition of a cotisation. Indeed the membership status may have changed. """ regen('dns') regen('dhcp') regen('mac_ip_list') regen('mailing') # TODO : should be name cotisation_post_delete @receiver(post_delete, sender=Cotisation) def vente_post_delete(sender, **kwargs): """ Mark some services as needing a regeneration after the deletion of a cotisation. Indeed the membership status may have changed. """ cotisation = kwargs['instance'] regen('mac_ip_list') regen('mailing')