from django import forms from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _l from . import PAYMENT_METHODS from cotisations.utils import find_payment_method def payment_method_factory(payment, *args, **kwargs): payment_method = kwargs.pop('instance', find_payment_method(payment)) if payment_method is not None: return forms.modelform_factory(type(payment_method), fields='__all__')( *args, instance=payment_method, **kwargs ) return PaymentMethodForm(payment_method, *args, **kwargs) class PaymentMethodForm(forms.Form): """A special form which allows you to add a payment method to a `Payment` objects if it hasn't one yet, or to edit the existing payment method. To do so it replaces itself with a `modelform_factory`. """ payment_method = forms.ChoiceField( label=_l("Special payment method"), required=False ) def __init__(self, payment_method, *args, **kwargs): super(PaymentMethodForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if payment_method is None: prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', None) self.fields['payment_method'].choices = [(i,p.NAME) for (i,p) in enumerate(PAYMENT_METHODS)] self.fields['payment_method'].choices.insert(0, ('', _l('no'))) self.fields['payment_method'].widget.attrs = { 'id': 'paymentMethodSelect' } self.templates = [ forms.modelform_factory(p.PaymentMethod, fields='__all__')(prefix=prefix) for p in PAYMENT_METHODS ] else: self.fields = {} def save(self, *args, payment=None, **kwargs): commit = kwargs.pop('commit', True) choice = self.cleaned_data['payment_method'] if choice=='': return choice = int(choice) model = PAYMENT_METHODS[choice].PaymentMethod form = forms.modelform_factory(model, fields='__all__')(, prefix=self.prefix) payment_method = payment_method.payment = payment if commit: return payment_method