{% load i18n %} {% trans "500 error: Re2o internal server error" %}

{% trans "500 error: Re2o internal server error" %}

{% blocktrans trimmed %}Congratulations! You have discovered a bug on Re2o and you've reached a page we try to hide, you can be proud of youself. We try to track those bugs down but apparently we have missed one. We sincerely thank you for the help: it is not that easy to catch them all.{% endblocktrans %}

{% blocktrans trimmed %}An email has been automatically sent to the site administrators. Please avoid spamming them by trigerring the same issue multiple times.{% endblocktrans %}{% blocktrans trimmed %} The mail should contains all the details necessary to understand what went wrong but if your help were needed, you will probably be contacted by them.{% endblocktrans %}

{% blocktrans trimmed %}This issue will be fixed as soon as possible but please take into consideration the administrators may not be always available. If your request is really urgent, inform your local organisation, they will help you temporarily fix the issue.{% endblocktrans %}

Error 500 Funny Image

{% trans "If you have no idea what you've done:" %} {% trans "Go back to a safe page" %}