#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD ======= # cat docker/settings_local.template.py | envsubst > re2o/settings_local.py cp docker/settings_local.template.py re2o/settings_local.py >>>>>>> 33bacb65 (Add decouple) ======= # cat docker/settings_local.template.py | envsubst > re2o/settings_local.py cp docker/settings_local.template.py re2o/settings_local.py ======= >>>>>>> ab75f416 (Change the way the dev docker works) >>>>>>> 907fc353 (Change the way the dev docker works) cp -n cotisations/templates/cotisations/invoice.html templates/default_invoice.html cp -n cotisations/templates/cotisations/voucher.html templates/default_voucher.html AUTOMIGRATE=${AUTOMIGRATE:-yes} if [ "$AUTOMIGRATE" != "skip" ]; then <<<<<<< HEAD poetry run python manage.py migrate --noinput ======= poetry run python3 manage.py migrate --noinput >>>>>>> a62566ef (premier essai) fi <<<<<<< HEAD poetry run python manage.py collectstatic poetry run python manage.py compilemessages ======= poetry run python3 manage.py collectstatic poetry run python3 manage.py compilemessages >>>>>>> a58d4dca (update pip requirements) cat <