{% extends "users/sidebar.html" %} {% comment %} Re2o est un logiciel d'administration développé initiallement au rezometz. Il se veut agnostique au réseau considéré, de manière à être installable en quelques clics. Copyright © 2017 Gabriel Détraz Copyright © 2017 Goulven Kermarec Copyright © 2017 Augustin Lemesle This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. {% endcomment %} {% load bootstrap3 %} {% load acl %} {% load logs_extra %} {% block title %}Profil{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Welcome {{ users.name }} {{ users.surname }}

{% if users.is_ban%}
Your account has been banned
End of the ban: {{ user.end_ban | date:"SHORT_DATE_FORMAT" }}
{% elif not users.is_adherent %}
Not connected
{% can_create Facture %} Pay for a connexion {% acl_else %} Ask for someone with the correct rights to pay for a connexion {% acl_end %}
{% else %}
End of connexion: {{ user.end_adhesion | date:"SHORT_DATE_FORMAT"}}
{% endif %}
{% if solde_activated %}
€ {{ user.solde }}
{% endif %}
{% if nb_machines %}
Machines {{ nb_machines }}
{% else %}
No machines
{% endif %}

Informations détaillées

Editer Changer le mot de passe {% can_change User state %} Changer le statut {% acl_end %} {% can_change User groups %} Gérer les groupes {% acl_end %} {% history_button users text=True %}
{% if users.is_class_club %} {% if users.club.mailing %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if users.end_adhesion != None %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if users.end_whitelist != None %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if users.end_ban != None %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if users.state == 0 %} {% elif users.state == 1 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if users.has_access == True %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if users.groups.all %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if users.shell %} {% endif %}
Mailing{{ users.pseudo }}(-admin)Mailing désactivéePrénom {{ users.name }}Nom {{ users.surname }}
Pseudo {{ users.pseudo }} E-mail {{ users.email }}
Chambre {{ users.room }} Téléphone {{ users.telephone }}
École {{ users.school }} Commentaire {{ users.comment }}
Date d'inscription {{ users.registered }} Dernière connexion {{ users.last_login }}
Fin d'adhésion{{ users.end_adhesion }}Non adhérentAccès gracieux{{ users.end_whitelist }}Aucun
Bannissement{{ users.end_ban }}Non banniStatutActifDésactivéArchivé
Accès internetActif (jusqu'au {{ users.end_access }})DésactivéGroupes{{ users.groups.all|join:", "}}Aucun
Solde {{ users.solde }} € {% if user_solde %} Recharger {% endif %} Shell {{ users.shell }}
{% if users.is_class_club %}

Gérer le club

Administrateurs du club

{% for admin in users.club.administrators.all %} {% endfor %}
Nom Prenom Pseudo
{{ admin.surname }} {{ admin.name }} {{ admin.pseudo }}


{% for admin in users.club.members.all %} {% endfor %}
Nom Prenom Pseudo
{{ admin.surname }} {{ admin.name }} {{ admin.pseudo }}
{% endif %}

Machines {{nb_machines}}

{% if machines_list %} {% include "machines/aff_machines.html" with machines_list=machines_list %} {% else %}

Aucune machine

{% endif %}


{% can_create Facture %} Ajouter une cotisation {% if user_solde %} Modifier le solde {% endif%} {% acl_end %}
{% if facture_list %} {% include "cotisations/aff_cotisations.html" with facture_list=facture_list %} {% else %}

Aucune facture

{% endif %}


{% can_create Ban %} Ajouter un bannissement {% acl_end %}
{% if ban_list %} {% include "users/aff_bans.html" with ban_list=ban_list %} {% else %}

Aucun bannissement

{% endif %}

Accès à titre gracieux

{% can_create Whitelist %} Accorder un accès à titre gracieux {% acl_end %}
{% if white_list %} {% include "users/aff_whitelists.html" with white_list=white_list %} {% else %}

Aucun accès gracieux

{% endif %}

Paramètres mail

{% can_edit users %} Modifier les options mail {% acl_end %} {% if mail_accounts %}
Adresse mail externe Compte mail {{ asso_name }} Adresse mail de contact
{{ users.external_mail }} {{ users.internal_address|yesno:"Activé,Désactivé" }} {{ users.get_mail }}
{% if users.internal_address %} {% can_create MailAlias users.id %} Ajouter un alias mail {% acl_end %} {% if alias_list %} {% include "users/aff_mailalias.html" with alias_list=alias_list %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %}
Adresse mail
{{ users.external_mail }}
{% endif %}

{% endblock %}