# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*- # Re2o est un logiciel d'administration développé initiallement au rezometz. Il # se veut agnostique au réseau considéré, de manière à être installable en # quelques clics. # # Copyright © 2017 Gabriel Détraz # Copyright © 2017 Goulven Kermarec # Copyright © 2017 Augustin Lemesle # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # David Sinquin, Gabriel Détraz, Goulven Kermarec """ Regroupe les fonctions transversales utiles Fonction : - récupérer tous les utilisateurs actifs - récupérer toutes les machines - récupérer tous les bans etc """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.utils import timezone from django.db.models import Q from cotisations.models import Cotisation, Facture, Paiement, Vente from machines.models import Domain, Interface, Machine from users.models import Adherent, User, Ban, Whitelist from preferences.models import Service DT_NOW = timezone.now() def all_adherent(search_time=DT_NOW): """ Fonction renvoyant tous les users adherents. Optimisee pour n'est qu'une seule requete sql Inspecte les factures de l'user et ses cotisation, regarde si elles sont posterieur à now (end_time)""" return User.objects.filter( facture__in=Facture.objects.filter( vente__in=Vente.objects.filter( Q(type_cotisation='All') | Q(type_cotisation='Adhesion'), cotisation__in=Cotisation.objects.filter( vente__in=Vente.objects.filter( facture__in=Facture.objects.all().exclude(valid=False) ) ).filter(date_end__gt=search_time) ) ) ).distinct() def all_baned(search_time=DT_NOW): """ Fonction renvoyant tous les users bannis """ return User.objects.filter( ban__in=Ban.objects.filter( date_end__gt=search_time ) ).distinct() def all_whitelisted(search_time=DT_NOW): """ Fonction renvoyant tous les users whitelistes """ return User.objects.filter( whitelist__in=Whitelist.objects.filter( date_end__gt=search_time ) ).distinct() def all_has_access(search_time=DT_NOW): """ Renvoie tous les users beneficiant d'une connexion : user adherent ou whiteliste et non banni """ return User.objects.filter( Q(state=User.STATE_ACTIVE) & ~Q(ban__in=Ban.objects.filter(date_end__gt=search_time)) & (Q(whitelist__in=Whitelist.objects.filter(date_end__gt=search_time)) | Q(facture__in=Facture.objects.filter( vente__in=Vente.objects.filter( cotisation__in=Cotisation.objects.filter( Q(type_cotisation='All') | Q(type_cotisation='Connexion'), vente__in=Vente.objects.filter( facture__in=Facture.objects.all() .exclude(valid=False) ) ).filter(date_end__gt=search_time) ) ))) ).distinct() def filter_active_interfaces(interface_set): """Filtre les machines autorisées à sortir sur internet dans une requête""" return interface_set.filter( machine__in=Machine.objects.filter( user__in=all_has_access() ).filter(active=True) ).select_related('domain').select_related('machine')\ .select_related('type').select_related('ipv4')\ .select_related('domain__extension').select_related('ipv4__ip_type')\ .distinct() def all_active_interfaces(): """Renvoie l'ensemble des machines autorisées à sortir sur internet """ return filter_active_interfaces(Interface.objects) def all_active_assigned_interfaces(): """ Renvoie l'ensemble des machines qui ont une ipv4 assignées et disposant de l'accès internet""" return all_active_interfaces().filter(ipv4__isnull=False) def all_active_interfaces_count(): """ Version light seulement pour compter""" return Interface.objects.filter( machine__in=Machine.objects.filter( user__in=all_has_access() ).filter(active=True) ) def all_active_assigned_interfaces_count(): """ Version light seulement pour compter""" return all_active_interfaces_count().filter(ipv4__isnull=False) class SortTable: """ Class gathering uselful stuff to sort the colums of a table, according to the column and order requested. It's used with a dict of possible values and associated model_fields """ # All the possible possible values # The naming convention is based on the URL or the views function # The syntax to describe the sort to apply is a dict where the keys are # the url value and the values are a list of model field name to use to # order the request. They are applied in the order they are given. # A 'default' might be provided to specify what to do if the requested col # doesn't match any keys. USERS_INDEX = { 'user_name': ['name'], 'user_surname': ['surname'], 'user_pseudo': ['pseudo'], 'user_room': ['room'], 'default': ['state', 'pseudo'] } USERS_INDEX_BAN = { 'ban_user': ['user__pseudo'], 'ban_start': ['date_start'], 'ban_end': ['date_end'], 'default': ['-date_end'] } USERS_INDEX_WHITE = { 'white_user': ['user__pseudo'], 'white_start': ['date_start'], 'white_end': ['date_end'], 'default': ['-date_end'] } MACHINES_INDEX = { 'machine_name': ['name'], 'default': ['pk'] } COTISATIONS_INDEX = { 'cotis_user': ['user__pseudo'], 'cotis_paiement': ['paiement__moyen'], 'cotis_date': ['date'], 'cotis_id': ['id'], 'default': ['-date'] } COTISATIONS_CONTROL = { 'control_name': ['user__adherent__name'], 'control_surname': ['user__surname'], 'control_paiement': ['paiement'], 'control_date': ['date'], 'control_valid': ['valid'], 'control_control': ['control'], 'control_id': ['id'], 'control_user-id': ['user__id'], 'default': ['-date'] } TOPOLOGIE_INDEX = { 'switch_dns': ['switch_interface__domain__name'], 'switch_ip': ['switch_interface__ipv4__ipv4'], 'switch_loc': ['location'], 'switch_ports': ['number'], 'switch_stack': ['stack__name'], 'default': ['location', 'stack', 'stack_member_id'] } TOPOLOGIE_INDEX_PORT = { 'port_port': ['port'], 'port_room': ['room__name'], 'port_interface': ['machine_interface__domain__name'], 'port_related': ['related__switch__name'], 'port_radius': ['radius'], 'port_vlan': ['vlan_force__name'], 'default': ['port'] } TOPOLOGIE_INDEX_ROOM = { 'room_name': ['name'], 'default': ['name'] } TOPOLOGIE_INDEX_STACK = { 'stack_name': ['name'], 'stack_id': ['stack_id'], 'default': ['stack_id'], } TOPOLOGIE_INDEX_MODEL_SWITCH = { 'model_switch_name': ['reference'], 'model_switch__contructor' : ['constructor__name'], 'default': ['reference'], } TOPOLOGIE_INDEX_CONSTRUCTOR_SWITCH = { 'room_name': ['name'], 'default': ['name'], } LOGS_INDEX = { 'sum_date': ['revision__date_created'], 'default': ['-revision__date_created'], } LOGS_STATS_LOGS = { 'logs_author': ['user__name'], 'logs_date': ['date_created'], 'default': ['-date_created'] } @staticmethod def sort(request, col, order, values): """ Check if the given values are possible and add .order_by() and a .reverse() as specified according to those values """ fields = values.get(col, None) if not fields: fields = values.get('default', []) request = request.order_by(*fields) if values.get(col, None) and order == 'desc': return request.reverse() else: return request def remove_user_room(room): """ Déménage de force l'ancien locataire de la chambre """ try: user = Adherent.objects.get(room=room) except Adherent.DoesNotExist: return user.room = None user.save()