# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*- """printer.models Models of the printer application Author : Maxime Bombar <bombar@crans.org>. Date : 29/06/2018 """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models from django.forms import ValidationError from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.template.defaultfilters import filesizeformat from re2o.mixins import RevMixin import users.models from .validators import ( FileValidator, ) from .settings import ( MAX_PRINTFILE_SIZE, ALLOWED_TYPES, ) """ - ```user_printing_path``` is a function that returns the path of the uploaded file, used with the FileField. - ```Job``` is the main model of a printer job. His parent is the ```user``` model. """ def user_printing_path(instance, filename): # File will be uploaded to MEDIA_ROOT/printings/user_<id>/<filename> return 'printings/user_{0}/{1}'.format(instance.user.id, filename) class JobWithOptions(RevMixin, models.Model): """ This is the main model of printer application : - ```user``` is a ForeignKey to the User Application - ```file``` is the file to print - ```starttime``` is the time when the job was launched - ```endtime``` is the time when the job was stopped. A job is stopped when it is either finished or cancelled. - ```status``` can be running, finished or cancelled. - ```club``` is blank in general. If the job was launched as a club then it is the id of the club. - ```price``` is the total price of this printing. Printing Options : - ```format``` is the paper format. Example: A4. - ```color``` is the colorization option. Either Color or Greyscale. - ```disposition``` is the paper disposition. - ```count``` is the number of copies to be printed. - ```stapling``` is the stapling options. - ```perforations``` is the perforation options. Parent class : User """ STATUS_AVAILABLE = ( ('Printable', 'Printable'), ('Running', 'Running'), ('Cancelled', 'Cancelled'), ('Finished', 'Finished') ) user = models.ForeignKey('users.User', on_delete=models.PROTECT) file = models.FileField(upload_to=user_printing_path, validators=[FileValidator(allowed_types=ALLOWED_TYPES, max_size=MAX_PRINTFILE_SIZE)]) starttime = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) endtime = models.DateTimeField(null=True) status = models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=STATUS_AVAILABLE) printAs = models.ForeignKey('users.User', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='print_as_user', null=True) price = models.IntegerField(default=0) FORMAT_AVAILABLE = ( ('A4', 'A4'), ('A3', 'A4'), ) COLOR_CHOICES = ( ('Greyscale', 'Greyscale'), ('Color', 'Color') ) DISPOSITIONS_AVAILABLE = ( ('TwoSided', 'Two sided'), ('OneSided', 'One sided'), ('Booklet', 'Booklet') ) STAPLING_OPTIONS = ( ('None', 'None'), ('TopLeft', 'One top left'), ('TopRight', 'One top right'), ('LeftSided', 'Two left sided'), ('RightSided', 'Two right sided') ) PERFORATION_OPTIONS = ( ('None', 'None'), ('TwoLeftSidedHoles', 'Two left sided holes'), ('TwoRightSidedHoles', 'Two right sided holes'), ('TwoTopHoles', 'Two top holes'), ('TwoBottomHoles', 'Two bottom holes'), ('FourLeftSidedHoles', 'Four left sided holes'), ('FourRightSidedHoles', 'Four right sided holes') ) format = models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=FORMAT_AVAILABLE, default='A4') color = models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=COLOR_CHOICES, default='Greyscale') disposition = models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=DISPOSITIONS_AVAILABLE, default='TwoSided') count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=1) stapling = models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=STAPLING_OPTIONS, default='None') perforation = models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=PERFORATION_OPTIONS, default='None')