# Re2o est un logiciel d'administration développé initiallement au rezometz. Il # se veut agnostique au réseau considéré, de manière à être installable en # quelques clics. # # Copyright © 2018 Maël Kervella # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """api.views The views for the API app. They should all return JSON data and not fallback on HTML pages such as the login and index pages for a better integration. """ import datetime from django.conf import settings from rest_framework.authtoken.views import ObtainAuthToken from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework import viewsets, status import cotisations.models as cotisations import machines.models as machines import preferences.models as preferences import topologie.models as topologie import users.models as users from . import serializers # COTISATIONS APP class FactureViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = cotisations.Facture.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.FactureSerializer class VenteViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = cotisations.Vente.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.VenteSerializer class ArticleViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = cotisations.Article.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.ArticleSerializer class BanqueViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = cotisations.Banque.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.BanqueSerializer class PaiementViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = cotisations.Paiement.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.PaiementSerializer class CotisationViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = cotisations.Cotisation.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.CotisationSerializer # MACHINES APP class MachineViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Machine.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.MachineSerializer class MachineTypeViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.MachineType.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.MachineTypeSerializer class IpTypeViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.IpType.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.IpTypeSerializer class VlanViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Vlan.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.VlanSerializer class NasViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Nas.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.NasSerializer class SOAViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.SOA.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.SOASerializer class ExtensionViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Extension.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.ExtensionSerializer class MxViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Mx.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.MxSerializer class NsViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Ns.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.NsSerializer class TxtViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Txt.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.TxtSerializer class SrvViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Srv.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.SrvSerializer class InterfaceViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Interface.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.InterfaceSerializer class Ipv6ListViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Ipv6List.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.Ipv6ListSerializer class DomainViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Domain.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.DomainSerializer class IpListViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.IpList.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.IpListSerializer class ServiceViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Service.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.ServiceSerializer class ServiceLinkViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.Service_link.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.ServiceLinkSerializer class OuverturePortListViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.OuverturePortList.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.OuverturePortListSerializer class OuverturePortViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = machines.OuverturePort.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.OuverturePortSerializer # PREFERENCES APP # class OptionalUserViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): # queryset = preferences.OptionalUser.objects.all() # serializer_class = serializers.OptionalUserSerializer # # # class OptionalMachineViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): # queryset = preferences.OptionalMachine.objects.all() # serializer_class = serializers.OptionalMachineSerializer # # # class OptionalTopologieViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): # queryset = preferences.OptionalTopologie.objects.all() # serializer_class = serializers.OptionalTopologieSerializer # # # class GeneralOptionViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): # queryset = preferences.GeneralOption.objects.all() # serializer_class = serializers.GeneralOptionSerializer # # # class ServiceOptionViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): # queryset = preferences.ServiceOption.objects.all() # serializer_class = serializers.ServiceOptionSerializer # # # class AssoOptionViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): # queryset = preferences.AssoOption.objects.all() # serializer_class = serializers.AssoOptionSerializer # # # class HomeOptionViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): # queryset = preferences.HomeOption.objects.all() # serializer_class = serializers.HomeOptionSerializer # # # class MailMessageOptionViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): # queryset = preferences.MailMessageOption.objects.all() # serializer_class = serializers.MailMessageOptionSerializer # TOPOLOGIE APP class StackViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = topologie.Stack.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.StackSerializer class AccessPointViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = topologie.AccessPoint.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.AccessPointSerializer class SwitchViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = topologie.Switch.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.SwitchSerializer class ModelSwitchViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = topologie.ModelSwitch.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.ModelSwitchSerializer class ConstructorSwitchViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = topologie.ConstructorSwitch.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.ConstructorSwitchSerializer class SwitchBayViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = topologie.SwitchBay.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.SwitchBaySerializer class BuildingViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = topologie.Building.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.BuildingSerializer class SwitchPortViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = topologie.Port.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.SwitchPortSerializer class RoomViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = topologie.Room.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.RoomSerializer # USER APP class UserViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = users.User.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.UserSerializer class ClubViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = users.Club.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.ClubSerializer class AdherentViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = users.Adherent.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.AdherentSerializer class ServiceUserViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = users.ServiceUser.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.ServiceUserSerializer class SchoolViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = users.School.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.SchoolSerializer class ListRightViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = users.ListRight.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.ListRightSerializer class ShellViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = users.ListShell.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.ShellSerializer class BanViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = users.Ban.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.BanSerializer class WhitelistViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = users.Whitelist.objects.all() serializer_class = serializers.WhitelistSerializer # Subclass the standard rest_framework.auth_token.views.ObtainAuthToken # in order to renew the lease of the token and add expiration time class ObtainExpiringAuthToken(ObtainAuthToken): def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): serializer = self.serializer_class(data=request.data) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) user = serializer.validated_data['user'] token, created = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user) token_duration = datetime.timedelta( seconds=settings.API_TOKEN_DURATION ) utc_now = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) if not created and token.created < utc_now - token_duration: token.delete() token = Token.objects.create(user=user) token.created = datetime.datetime.utcnow() token.save() return Response({ 'token': token.key, 'expiration_date': token.created + token_duration }) # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def services(_request): # """The list of the different services and servers couples # # Return: # GET: # A JSONSuccess response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each service-server couple) # containing: # * a field `server`: the server name # * a field `service`: the service name # * a field `need_regen`: does the service need a regeneration ? # """ # # service_link = (Service_link.objects.all() # .select_related('server__domain') # .select_related('service')) # seria = ServicesSerializer(service_link, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET', 'POST']) # def services_server_service_regen(request, server_name, service_name): # """The status of a particular service linked to a particular server. # Mark the service as regenerated if POST used. # # Returns: # GET: # A JSONSucess response with a field `data` containing: # * a field `need_regen`: does the service need a regeneration ? # # POST: # An empty JSONSuccess response. # """ # # query = Service_link.objects.filter( # service__in=Service.objects.filter(service_type=service_name), # server__in=Interface.objects.filter( # domain__in=Domain.objects.filter(name=server_name) # ) # ) # if not query: # return JSONError("This service is not active for this server") # # service = query.first() # if request.method == 'GET': # return JSONSuccess({'need_regen': service.need_regen()}) # else: # service.done_regen() # return JSONSuccess() # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def services_server(_request, server_name): # """The list of services attached to a specific server # # Returns: # GET: # A JSONSuccess response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each service) containing: # * a field `name`: the name of a service # """ # # query = Service_link.objects.filter( # server__in=Interface.objects.filter( # domain__in=Domain.objects.filter(name=server_name) # ) # ) # if not query: # return JSONError("This service is not active for this server") # # services_objects = query.all() # seria = ServiceLinkSerializer(services_objects, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def dns_mac_ip_dns(_request): # """The list of all active interfaces with all the associated infos # (MAC, IP, IpType, DNS name and associated zone extension) # # Returns: # GET: # A JSON Success response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each interface) containing: # * a field `ipv4` containing: # * a field `ipv4`: the ip for this interface # * a field `ip_type`: the name of the IpType of this interface # * a field `ipv6` containing `null` if ipv6 is deactivated else: # * a field `ipv6`: the ip for this interface # * a field `ip_type`: the name of the IpType of this interface # * a field `mac_address`: the MAC of this interface # * a field `domain`: the DNS name for this interface # * a field `extension`: the extension for the DNS zone of this # interface # """ # # interfaces = all_active_assigned_interfaces(full=True) # seria = FullInterfaceSerializer(interfaces, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def dns_alias(_request): # """The list of all the alias used and the DNS info associated # # Returns: # GET: # A JSON Success response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each alias) containing: # * a field `name`: the alias used # * a field `cname`: the target of the alias (real name of the # interface) # * a field `cname_entry`: the entry to write in the DNS to have # the alias # * a field `extension`: the extension for the DNS zone of this # interface # """ # # alias = (Domain.objects # .filter(interface_parent=None) # .filter( # cname__in=Domain.objects.filter( # interface_parent__in=Interface.objects.exclude(ipv4=None) # ) # ) # .select_related('extension') # .select_related('cname__extension')) # seria = DomainSerializer(alias, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def accesspoint_ip_dns(_request): # """The list of all active interfaces with all the associated infos # (MAC, IP, IpType, DNS name and associated zone extension) # # Only display access points. Use to gen unifi controler names # # Returns: # GET: # A JSON Success response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each interface) containing: # * a field `ipv4` containing: # * a field `ipv4`: the ip for this interface # * a field `ip_type`: the name of the IpType of this interface # * a field `ipv6` containing `null` if ipv6 is deactivated else: # * a field `ipv6`: the ip for this interface # * a field `ip_type`: the name of the IpType of this interface # * a field `mac_address`: the MAC of this interface # * a field `domain`: the DNS name for this interface # * a field `extension`: the extension for the DNS zone of this # interface # """ # # interfaces = (all_active_assigned_interfaces(full=True) # .filter(machine__accesspoint__isnull=False)) # seria = FullInterfaceSerializer(interfaces, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def dns_corresp(_request): # """The list of the IpTypes possible with the infos about each # # Returns: # GET: # A JSON Success response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each IpType) containing: # * a field `type`: the name of the type # * a field `extension`: the DNS extension associated # * a field `domain_ip_start`: the first ip to use for this type # * a field `domain_ip_stop`: the last ip to use for this type # * a field `prefix_v6`: `null` if IPv6 is deactivated else the # prefix to use # * a field `ouverture_ports_tcp_in`: the policy for TCP IN ports # * a field `ouverture_ports_tcp_out`: the policy for TCP OUT ports # * a field `ouverture_ports_udp_in`: the policy for UDP IN ports # * a field `ouverture_ports_udp_out`: the policy for UDP OUT ports # """ # # ip_type = IpType.objects.all().select_related('extension') # seria = TypeSerializer(ip_type, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def dns_mx(_request): # """The list of MX record to add to the DNS # # Returns: # GET: # A JSON Success response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each MX record) containing: # * a field `zone`: the extension for the concerned zone # * a field `priority`: the priority to use # * a field `name`: the name of the target # * a field `mx_entry`: the full entry to add in the DNS for this # MX record # """ # # mx = (Mx.objects.all() # .select_related('zone') # .select_related('name__extension')) # seria = MxSerializer(mx, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def dns_ns(_request): # """The list of NS record to add to the DNS # # Returns: # GET: # A JSON Success response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each NS record) containing: # * a field `zone`: the extension for the concerned zone # * a field `ns`: the DNS name for the NS server targeted # * a field `ns_entry`: the full entry to add in the DNS for this # NS record # """ # # ns = (Ns.objects # .exclude( # ns__in=Domain.objects.filter( # interface_parent__in=Interface.objects.filter(ipv4=None) # ) # ) # .select_related('zone') # .select_related('ns__extension')) # seria = NsSerializer(ns, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def dns_txt(_request): # """The list of TXT record to add to the DNS # # Returns: # GET: # A JSON Success response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each TXT record) containing: # * a field `zone`: the extension for the concerned zone # * a field `field1`: the first field in the record (target) # * a field `field2`: the second field in the record (value) # * a field `txt_entry`: the full entry to add in the DNS for this # TXT record # """ # # txt = Txt.objects.all().select_related('zone') # seria = TxtSerializer(txt, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def dns_srv(_request): # """The list of SRV record to add to the DNS # # Returns: # GET: # A JSON Success response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each SRV record) containing: # * a field `extension`: the extension for the concerned zone # * a field `service`: the name of the service concerned # * a field `protocole`: the name of the protocol to use # * a field `ttl`: the Time To Live to use # * a field `priority`: the priority for this service # * a field `weight`: the weight for same priority entries # * a field `port`: the port targeted # * a field `target`: the interface targeted by this service # * a field `srv_entry`: the full entry to add in the DNS for this # SRV record # """ # # srv = (Srv.objects.all() # .select_related('extension') # .select_related('target__extension')) # seria = SrvSerializer(srv, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def dns_zones(_request): # """The list of the zones managed # # Returns: # GET: # A JSON Success response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each zone) containing: # * a field `name`: the extension for the zone # * a field `origin`: the server IPv4 for the orgin of the zone # * a field `origin_v6`: `null` if ipv6 is deactivated else the # server IPv6 for the origin of the zone # * a field `soa` containing: # * a field `mail` containing the mail to contact in case of # problem with the zone # * a field `param` containing the full soa paramters to use # in the DNS for this zone # * a field `zone_entry`: the full entry to add in the DNS for the # origin of the zone # """ # # zones = Extension.objects.all().select_related('origin') # seria = ExtensionSerializer(zones, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def firewall_ouverture_ports(_request): # """The list of the ports authorized to be openned by the firewall # # Returns: # GET: # A JSONSuccess response with a `data` field containing: # * a field `ipv4` containing: # * a field `tcp_in` containing: # * a list of port number where ipv4 tcp in should be ok # * a field `tcp_out` containing: # * a list of port number where ipv4 tcp ou should be ok # * a field `udp_in` containing: # * a list of port number where ipv4 udp in should be ok # * a field `udp_out` containing: # * a list of port number where ipv4 udp out should be ok # * a field `ipv6` containing: # * a field `tcp_in` containing: # * a list of port number where ipv6 tcp in should be ok # * a field `tcp_out` containing: # * a list of port number where ipv6 tcp ou should be ok # * a field `udp_in` containing: # * a list of port number where ipv6 udp in should be ok # * a field `udp_out` containing: # * a list of port number where ipv6 udp out should be ok # """ # # r = {'ipv4': {}, 'ipv6': {}} # for o in (OuverturePortList.objects.all() # .prefetch_related('ouvertureport_set') # .prefetch_related('interface_set', 'interface_set__ipv4')): # pl = { # "tcp_in": set(map( # str, # o.ouvertureport_set.filter( # protocole=OuverturePort.TCP, # io=OuverturePort.IN # ) # )), # "tcp_out": set(map( # str, # o.ouvertureport_set.filter( # protocole=OuverturePort.TCP, # io=OuverturePort.OUT # ) # )), # "udp_in": set(map( # str, # o.ouvertureport_set.filter( # protocole=OuverturePort.UDP, # io=OuverturePort.IN # ) # )), # "udp_out": set(map( # str, # o.ouvertureport_set.filter( # protocole=OuverturePort.UDP, # io=OuverturePort.OUT # ) # )), # } # for i in filter_active_interfaces(o.interface_set): # if i.may_have_port_open(): # d = r['ipv4'].get(i.ipv4.ipv4, {}) # d["tcp_in"] = (d.get("tcp_in", set()) # .union(pl["tcp_in"])) # d["tcp_out"] = (d.get("tcp_out", set()) # .union(pl["tcp_out"])) # d["udp_in"] = (d.get("udp_in", set()) # .union(pl["udp_in"])) # d["udp_out"] = (d.get("udp_out", set()) # .union(pl["udp_out"])) # r['ipv4'][i.ipv4.ipv4] = d # if i.ipv6(): # for ipv6 in i.ipv6(): # d = r['ipv6'].get(ipv6.ipv6, {}) # d["tcp_in"] = (d.get("tcp_in", set()) # .union(pl["tcp_in"])) # d["tcp_out"] = (d.get("tcp_out", set()) # .union(pl["tcp_out"])) # d["udp_in"] = (d.get("udp_in", set()) # .union(pl["udp_in"])) # d["udp_out"] = (d.get("udp_out", set()) # .union(pl["udp_out"])) # r['ipv6'][ipv6.ipv6] = d # return JSONSuccess(r) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def dhcp_mac_ip(_request): # """The list of all active interfaces with all the associated infos # (MAC, IP, IpType, DNS name and associated zone extension) # # Returns: # GET: # A JSON Success response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each interface) containing: # * a field `ipv4` containing: # * a field `ipv4`: the ip for this interface # * a field `ip_type`: the name of the IpType of this interface # * a field `mac_address`: the MAC of this interface # * a field `domain`: the DNS name for this interface # * a field `extension`: the extension for the DNS zone of this # interface # """ # # interfaces = all_active_assigned_interfaces() # seria = InterfaceSerializer(interfaces, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def mailing_standard(_request): # """All the available standard mailings. # # Returns: # GET: # A JSONSucess response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each mailing) containing: # * a field `name`: the name of a mailing # """ # # return JSONSuccess([ # {'name': 'adherents'} # ]) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def mailing_standard_ml_members(_request, ml_name): # """All the members of a specific standard mailing # # Returns: # GET: # A JSONSucess response with a field `data` containing: # * a list if dictionnaries (one for each member) containing: # * a field `email`: the email of the member # * a field `name`: the name of the member # * a field `surname`: the surname of the member # * a field `pseudo`: the pseudo of the member # """ # # # All with active connextion # if ml_name == 'adherents': # members = all_has_access().values('email').distinct() # # Unknown mailing # else: # return JSONError("This mailing does not exist") # seria = MailingMemberSerializer(members, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def mailing_club(_request): # """All the available club mailings. # # Returns: # GET: # A JSONSucess response with a field `data` containing: # * a list of dictionnaries (one for each mailing) containing: # * a field `name` indicating the name of a mailing # """ # # clubs = Club.objects.filter(mailing=True).values('pseudo') # seria = MailingSerializer(clubs, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data) # # # @csrf_exempt # @login_required # @permission_required('machines.serveur') # @accept_method(['GET']) # def mailing_club_ml_members(_request, ml_name): # """All the members of a specific club mailing # # Returns: # GET: # A JSONSucess response with a field `data` containing: # * a list if dictionnaries (one for each member) containing: # * a field `email`: the email of the member # * a field `name`: the name of the member # * a field `surname`: the surname of the member # * a field `pseudo`: the pseudo of the member # """ # # try: # club = Club.objects.get(mailing=True, pseudo=ml_name) # except Club.DoesNotExist: # return JSONError("This mailing does not exist") # members = club.administrators.all().values('email').distinct() # seria = MailingMemberSerializer(members, many=True) # return JSONSuccess(seria.data)