# Re2o est un logiciel d'administration développé initiallement au rezometz. Il # se veut agnostique au réseau considéré, de manière à être installable en # quelques clics. # # Copyright © 2018 Mael Kervella # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ Serializers for the API app """ from rest_framework import serializers import cotisations.models as cotisations import machines.models as machines import preferences.models as preferences import topologie.models as topologie import users.models as users API_NAMESPACE = 'api' class NamespacedHRField(serializers.HyperlinkedRelatedField): """ A HyperlinkedRelatedField subclass to automatically prefix view names with a namespace """ def __init__(self, view_name=None, **kwargs): if view_name is not None: view_name = '%s:%s' % (API_NAMESPACE, view_name) super(NamespacedHRField, self).__init__(view_name=view_name, **kwargs) class NamespacedHIField(serializers.HyperlinkedIdentityField): """ A HyperlinkedIdentityField subclass to automatically prefix view names with a namespace """ def __init__(self, view_name=None, **kwargs): if view_name is not None: view_name = '%s:%s' % (API_NAMESPACE, view_name) super(NamespacedHIField, self).__init__(view_name=view_name, **kwargs) class NamespacedHMSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): """ A HyperlinkedModelSerializer subclass to use `NamespacedHRField` as field and automatically prefix view names with a namespace """ serializer_related_field = NamespacedHRField serializer_url_field = NamespacedHIField # COTISATIONS APP class FactureSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = cotisations.Facture fields = ('user', 'paiement', 'banque', 'cheque', 'date', 'valid', 'control', 'prix_total', 'name', 'api_url') class VenteSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = cotisations.Vente fields = ('facture', 'number', 'name', 'prix', 'duration', 'type_cotisation', 'prix_total', 'api_url') class ArticleSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = cotisations.Article fields = ('name', 'prix', 'duration', 'type_user', 'type_cotisation', 'api_url') class BanqueSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = cotisations.Banque fields = ('name', 'api_url') class PaiementSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = cotisations.Paiement fields = ('moyen', 'type_paiement', 'api_url') class CotisationSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = cotisations.Cotisation fields = ('vente', 'type_cotisation', 'date_start', 'date_end', 'api_url') # MACHINES APP class MachineSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Machine fields = ('user', 'name', 'active', 'api_url') class MachineTypeSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.MachineType fields = ('type', 'ip_type', 'api_url') class IpTypeSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.IpType fields = ('type', 'extension', 'need_infra', 'domaine_ip_start', 'domaine_ip_stop', 'prefix_v6', 'vlan', 'ouverture_ports', 'api_url') class VlanSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Vlan fields = ('vlan_id', 'name', 'comment', 'api_url') class NasSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Nas fields = ('name', 'nas_type', 'machine_type', 'port_access_mode', 'autocapture_mac', 'api_url') class SOASerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.SOA fields = ('name', 'mail', 'refresh', 'retry', 'expire', 'ttl', 'api_url') class ExtensionSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Extension fields = ('name', 'need_infra', 'origin', 'origin_v6', 'soa', 'api_url') class MxSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Mx fields = ('zone', 'priority', 'name', 'api_url') class NsSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Ns fields = ('zone', 'ns', 'api_url') class TxtSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Txt fields = ('zone', 'field1', 'field2', 'api_url') class SrvSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Srv fields = ('service', 'protocole', 'extension', 'ttl', 'priority', 'weight', 'port', 'target', 'api_url') class InterfaceSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): active = serializers.BooleanField(source='is_active') class Meta: model = machines.Interface fields = ('ipv4', 'mac_address', 'machine', 'type', 'details', 'port_lists', 'active', 'api_url') class Ipv6ListSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Ipv6List fields = ('ipv6', 'interface', 'slaac_ip', 'date_end', 'api_url') class DomainSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Domain fields = ('interface_parent', 'name', 'extension', 'cname', 'api_url') class IpListSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.IpList fields = ('ipv4', 'ip_type', 'need_infra', 'api_url') class ServiceSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Service fields = ('service_type', 'min_time_regen', 'regular_time_regen', 'servers', 'api_url') class ServiceLinkSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.Service_link fields = ('service', 'server', 'last_regen', 'asked_regen', 'need_regen', 'api_url') class OuverturePortListSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.OuverturePortList fields = ('name', 'tcp_ports_in', 'udp_ports_in', 'tcp_ports_out', 'udp_ports_out', 'api_url') class OuverturePortSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = machines.OuverturePort fields = ('begin', 'end', 'port_list', 'protocole', 'io', 'api_url') # PREFERENCES APP # class OptionalUserSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): # tel_mandatory = serializers.BooleanField(source='is_tel_mandatory') # # class Meta: # model = preferences.OptionalUser # fields = ('tel_mandatory', 'user_solde', 'solde_negatif', 'max_solde', # 'min_online_payement', 'gpg_fingerprint', # 'all_can_create_club', 'self_adhesion', 'shell_default', # 'api_url') # # # class OptionalMachineSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): # class Meta: # model = preferences.OptionalMachine # fields = ('password_machine', 'max_lambdauser_interfaces', # 'max_lambdauser_aliases', 'ipv6_mode', 'create_machine', # 'ipv6', 'api_url') # # # class OptionalTopologieSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): # class Meta: # model = preferences.OptionalTopologie # fields = ('radius_general_policy', 'vlan_decision_ok', # 'vlan_decision_no', 'api_url') # # # class GeneralOptionSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): # class Meta: # model = preferences.GeneralOption # fields = ('general_message', 'search_display_page', # 'pagination_number', 'pagination_large_number', # 'req_expire_hrs', 'site_name', 'email_from', 'GTU_sum_up', # 'GTU', 'api_url') # # # class ServiceOptionSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): # class Meta: # model = preferences.ServiceOption # fields = ('name', 'url', 'description', 'image', 'api_url') # # # class AssoOptionSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): # class Meta: # model = preferences.AssoOption # fields = ('name', 'siret', 'adresse1', 'adresse2', 'contact', # 'telephone', 'pseudo', 'utilisateur_asso', 'payement', # 'payement_id', 'payement_pass', 'description', 'api_url') # # # class HomeOptionSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): # class Meta: # model = preferences.HomeOption # fields = ('facebook_url', 'twitter_url', 'twitter_account_name', # 'api_url') # # # class MailMessageOptionSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): # class Meta: # model = preferences.MailMessageOption # fields = ('welcome_mail_fr', 'welcome_mail_en', 'api_url') # TOPOLOGIE APP class StackSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = topologie.Stack fields = ('name', 'stack_id', 'details', 'member_id_min', 'member_id_max', 'api_url') class AccessPointSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = topologie.AccessPoint fields = ('user', 'name', 'active', 'location', 'api_url') class SwitchSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): port_amount = serializers.IntegerField(source='number') class Meta: model = topologie.Switch fields = ('port_amount', 'stack', 'stack_member_id', 'model', 'switchbay', 'api_url') class ModelSwitchSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = topologie.ModelSwitch fields = ('reference', 'constructor', 'api_url') class ConstructorSwitchSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = topologie.ConstructorSwitch fields = ('name', 'api_url') class SwitchBaySerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = topologie.SwitchBay fields = ('name', 'building', 'info', 'api_url') class BuildingSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = topologie.Building fields = ('name', 'api_url') class SwitchPortSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = topologie.Port fields = ('switch', 'port', 'room', 'machine_interface', 'related', 'radius', 'vlan_force', 'details', 'api_url') class RoomSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = topologie.Room fields = ('name', 'details', 'api_url') # USERS APP class UserSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): access = serializers.BooleanField(source='has_access') uid = serializers.IntegerField(source='uid_number') class Meta: model = users.User fields = ('name', 'pseudo', 'email', 'school', 'shell', 'comment', 'state', 'registered', 'telephone', 'solde', #'room', 'access', 'end_access', 'uid', 'class_name', 'api_url') class ClubSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): name = serializers.CharField(source='surname') access = serializers.BooleanField(source='has_access') uid = serializers.IntegerField(source='uid_number') class Meta: model = users.Club fields = ('name', 'pseudo', 'email', 'school', 'shell', 'comment', 'state', 'registered', 'telephone', 'solde', #'room', 'access', 'end_access', 'administrators', 'members', 'mailing', 'uid', 'api_url') class AdherentSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): access = serializers.BooleanField(source='has_access') uid = serializers.IntegerField(source='uid_number') class Meta: model = users.Adherent fields = ('name', 'surname', 'pseudo', 'email', 'school', 'shell', 'comment', 'state', 'registered', 'telephone', #'room', 'solde', 'access', 'end_access', 'uid', 'api_url') class ServiceUserSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = users.ServiceUser fields = ('pseudo', 'access_group', 'comment', 'api_url') class SchoolSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = users.School fields = ('name', 'api_url') class ListRightSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = users.ListRight fields = ('unix_name', 'gid', 'critical', 'details', 'api_url') class ShellSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): class Meta: model = users.ListShell fields = ('shell', 'api_url') class BanSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): active = serializers.BooleanField(source='is_active') class Meta: model = users.Ban fields = ('user', 'raison', 'date_start', 'date_end', 'state', 'active', 'api_url') class WhitelistSerializer(NamespacedHMSerializer): active = serializers.BooleanField(source='is_active') class Meta: model = users.Whitelist fields = ('user', 'raison', 'date_start', 'date_end', 'active', 'api_url') # class ServiceLinkSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """ Serializer for the ServiceLink objects """ # # name = serializers.CharField(source='service.service_type') # # class Meta: # model = Service_link # fields = ('name',) # # # class MailingSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """ Serializer to build Mailing objects """ # # name = serializers.CharField(source='pseudo') # # class Meta: # model = Club # fields = ('name',) # # # class MailingMemberSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """ Serializer fot the Adherent objects (who belong to a # Mailing) """ # # class Meta: # model = Adherent # fields = ('email',) # # # class IpTypeField(serializers.RelatedField): # """ Serializer for an IpType object field """ # # def to_representation(self, value): # return value.type # # def to_internal_value(self, data): # pass # # # class IpListSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """ Serializer for an Ipv4List obejct using the IpType serialization """ # # ip_type = IpTypeField(read_only=True) # # class Meta: # model = IpList # fields = ('ipv4', 'ip_type') # # # class Ipv6ListSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """ Serializer for an Ipv6List object """ # # class Meta: # model = Ipv6List # fields = ('ipv6', 'slaac_ip') # # # class InterfaceSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """ Serializer for an Interface object. Use SerializerMethodField # to get ForeignKey values """ # # ipv4 = IpListSerializer(read_only=True) # # TODO : use serializer.RelatedField to avoid duplicate code # mac_address = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_macaddress') # domain = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_dns') # extension = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_interface_extension') # # class Meta: # model = Interface # fields = ('ipv4', 'mac_address', 'domain', 'extension') # # @staticmethod # def get_dns(obj): # """ The name of the associated DNS object """ # return obj.domain.name # # @staticmethod # def get_interface_extension(obj): # """ The name of the associated Interface object """ # return obj.domain.extension.name # # @staticmethod # def get_macaddress(obj): # """ The string representation of the associated MAC address """ # return str(obj.mac_address) # # # class FullInterfaceSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """ Serializer for an Interface obejct. Use SerializerMethodField # to get ForeignKey values """ # # ipv4 = IpListSerializer(read_only=True) # ipv6 = Ipv6ListSerializer(read_only=True, many=True) # # TODO : use serializer.RelatedField to avoid duplicate code # mac_address = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_macaddress') # domain = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_dns') # extension = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_interface_extension') # # class Meta: # model = Interface # fields = ('ipv4', 'ipv6', 'mac_address', 'domain', 'extension') # # @staticmethod # def get_dns(obj): # """ The name of the associated DNS object """ # return obj.domain.name # # @staticmethod # def get_interface_extension(obj): # """ The name of the associated Extension object """ # return obj.domain.extension.name # # @staticmethod # def get_macaddress(obj): # """ The string representation of the associated MAC address """ # return str(obj.mac_address) # # # class ExtensionNameField(serializers.RelatedField): # """ Serializer for Extension object field """ # # def to_representation(self, value): # return value.name # # def to_internal_value(self, data): # pass # # # class TypeSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """ Serializer for an IpType object. Use SerializerMethodField to # get ForeignKey values """ # # extension = ExtensionNameField(read_only=True) # ouverture_ports_tcp_in = serializers\ # .SerializerMethodField('get_port_policy_input_tcp') # ouverture_ports_tcp_out = serializers\ # .SerializerMethodField('get_port_policy_output_tcp') # ouverture_ports_udp_in = serializers\ # .SerializerMethodField('get_port_policy_input_udp') # ouverture_ports_udp_out = serializers\ # .SerializerMethodField('get_port_policy_output_udp') # # class Meta: # model = IpType # fields = ('type', 'extension', 'domaine_ip_start', 'domaine_ip_stop', # 'prefix_v6', # 'ouverture_ports_tcp_in', 'ouverture_ports_tcp_out', # 'ouverture_ports_udp_in', 'ouverture_ports_udp_out',) # # @staticmethod # def get_port_policy(obj, protocole, io): # """ Generic utility function to get the policy for a given # port, protocole and IN or OUT """ # if obj.ouverture_ports is None: # return [] # return map( # str, # obj.ouverture_ports.ouvertureport_set.filter( # protocole=protocole # ).filter(io=io) # ) # # def get_port_policy_input_tcp(self, obj): # """Renvoie la liste des ports ouverts en entrée tcp""" # return self.get_port_policy(obj, OuverturePort.TCP, OuverturePort.IN) # # def get_port_policy_output_tcp(self, obj): # """Renvoie la liste des ports ouverts en sortie tcp""" # return self.get_port_policy(obj, OuverturePort.TCP, OuverturePort.OUT) # # def get_port_policy_input_udp(self, obj): # """Renvoie la liste des ports ouverts en entrée udp""" # return self.get_port_policy(obj, OuverturePort.UDP, OuverturePort.IN) # # def get_port_policy_output_udp(self, obj): # """Renvoie la liste des ports ouverts en sortie udp""" # return self.get_port_policy(obj, OuverturePort.UDP, OuverturePort.OUT) # # # class ExtensionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """Serialisation d'une extension : origin_ip et la zone sont # des foreign_key donc evalués en get_...""" # origin = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_origin_ip') # zone_entry = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_zone_name') # soa = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_soa_data') # # class Meta: # model = Extension # fields = ('name', 'origin', 'origin_v6', 'zone_entry', 'soa') # # @staticmethod # def get_origin_ip(obj): # """ The IP of the associated origin for the zone """ # return obj.origin.ipv4 # # @staticmethod # def get_zone_name(obj): # """ The name of the associated zone """ # return str(obj.dns_entry) # # @staticmethod # def get_soa_data(obj): # """ The representation of the associated SOA """ # return {'mail': obj.soa.dns_soa_mail, 'param': obj.soa.dns_soa_param} # # # class MxSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """Serialisation d'un MX, evaluation du nom, de la zone # et du serveur cible, etant des foreign_key""" # name = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_entry_name') # zone = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_zone_name') # mx_entry = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_mx_name') # # class Meta: # model = Mx # fields = ('zone', 'priority', 'name', 'mx_entry') # # @staticmethod # def get_entry_name(obj): # """ The name of the DNS MX entry """ # return str(obj.name) # # @staticmethod # def get_zone_name(obj): # """ The name of the associated zone of the MX record """ # return obj.zone.name # # @staticmethod # def get_mx_name(obj): # """ The string representation of the entry to add to the DNS """ # return str(obj.dns_entry) # # # class TxtSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """Serialisation d'un txt : zone cible et l'entrée txt # sont evaluées à part""" # zone = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_zone_name') # txt_entry = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_txt_name') # # class Meta: # model = Txt # fields = ('zone', 'txt_entry', 'field1', 'field2') # # @staticmethod # def get_zone_name(obj): # """ The name of the associated zone """ # return str(obj.zone.name) # # @staticmethod # def get_txt_name(obj): # """ The string representation of the entry to add to the DNS """ # return str(obj.dns_entry) # # # class SrvSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """Serialisation d'un srv : zone cible et l'entrée txt""" # extension = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_extension_name') # srv_entry = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_srv_name') # # class Meta: # model = Srv # fields = ( # 'service', # 'protocole', # 'extension', # 'ttl', # 'priority', # 'weight', # 'port', # 'target', # 'srv_entry' # ) # # @staticmethod # def get_extension_name(obj): # """ The name of the associated extension """ # return str(obj.extension.name) # # @staticmethod # def get_srv_name(obj): # """ The string representation of the entry to add to the DNS """ # return str(obj.dns_entry) # # # class NsSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """Serialisation d'un NS : la zone, l'entrée ns complète et le serveur # ns sont évalués à part""" # zone = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_zone_name') # ns = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_domain_name') # ns_entry = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_text_name') # # class Meta: # model = Ns # fields = ('zone', 'ns', 'ns_entry') # # @staticmethod # def get_zone_name(obj): # """ The name of the associated zone """ # return obj.zone.name # # @staticmethod # def get_domain_name(obj): # """ The name of the associated NS target """ # return str(obj.ns) # # @staticmethod # def get_text_name(obj): # """ The string representation of the entry to add to the DNS """ # return str(obj.dns_entry) # # # class DomainSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """Serialisation d'un domain, extension, cname sont des foreign_key, # et l'entrée complète, sont évalués à part""" # extension = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_zone_name') # cname = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_alias_name') # cname_entry = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_cname_name') # # class Meta: # model = Domain # fields = ('name', 'extension', 'cname', 'cname_entry') # # @staticmethod # def get_zone_name(obj): # """ The name of the associated zone """ # return obj.extension.name # # @staticmethod # def get_alias_name(obj): # """ The name of the associated alias """ # return str(obj.cname) # # @staticmethod # def get_cname_name(obj): # """ The name of the associated CNAME target """ # return str(obj.dns_entry) # # # class ServicesSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # """Evaluation d'un Service, et serialisation""" # server = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_server_name') # service = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_service_name') # need_regen = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_regen_status') # # class Meta: # model = Service_link # fields = ('server', 'service', 'need_regen') # # @staticmethod # def get_server_name(obj): # """ The name of the associated server """ # return str(obj.server.domain.name) # # @staticmethod # def get_service_name(obj): # """ The name of the service name """ # return str(obj.service) # # @staticmethod # def get_regen_status(obj): # """ The string representation of the regen status """ # return obj.need_regen() # # # class OuverturePortsSerializer(serializers.Serializer): # """Serialisation de l'ouverture des ports""" # ipv4 = serializers.SerializerMethodField() # ipv6 = serializers.SerializerMethodField() # # def create(self, validated_data): # """ Creates a new object based on the un-serialized data. # Used to implement an abstract inherited method """ # pass # # def update(self, instance, validated_data): # """ Updates an object based on the un-serialized data. # Used to implement an abstract inherited method """ # pass # # @staticmethod # def get_ipv4(): # """ The representation of the policy for the IPv4 addresses """ # return { # i.ipv4.ipv4: { # "tcp_in": [j.tcp_ports_in() for j in i.port_lists.all()], # "tcp_out": [j.tcp_ports_out()for j in i.port_lists.all()], # "udp_in": [j.udp_ports_in() for j in i.port_lists.all()], # "udp_out": [j.udp_ports_out() for j in i.port_lists.all()], # } # for i in Interface.objects.all() if i.ipv4 # } # # @staticmethod # def get_ipv6(): # """ The representation of the policy for the IPv6 addresses """ # return { # i.ipv6: { # "tcp_in": [j.tcp_ports_in() for j in i.port_lists.all()], # "tcp_out": [j.tcp_ports_out()for j in i.port_lists.all()], # "udp_in": [j.udp_ports_in() for j in i.port_lists.all()], # "udp_out": [j.udp_ports_out() for j in i.port_lists.all()], # } # for i in Interface.objects.all() if i.ipv6 # }