{% extends 'machines/sidebar.html' %} {% load bootstrap3 %} {% load acl %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}{% trans "Machines" %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans "List of ports configurations" %}

{% can_create OuverturePortList %} {% trans " Add a configuration" %} {% acl_end %} {% for pl in port_list %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "Name" %} {% trans "TCP (input)" %} {% trans "TCP (output)" %} {% trans "UDP (input)" %} {% trans "UDP (output)" %} {% trans "Machines" %}
{{ pl.name }} {% for p in pl.tcp_ports_in %}{{ p.show_port }}, {% endfor %} {% for p in pl.tcp_ports_out %}{{ p.show_port }}, {% endfor %} {% for p in pl.udp_ports_in %}{{ p.show_port }}, {% endfor %} {% for p in pl.udp_ports_out %}{{ p.show_port }}, {% endfor %} {% if pl.interface_set.all %} {% endif %} {% can_edit pl %} {% include 'buttons/edit.html' with href='machines:edit-portlist' id=pl.id %} {% acl_end %} {% can_delete pl %} {% include 'buttons/suppr.html' with href='machines:del-portlist' id=pl.id %} {% acl_end %}
{% endblock %}