# Re2o est un logiciel d'administration développé initiallement au rezometz. Il # se veut agnostique au réseau considéré, de manière à être installable en # quelques clics. # # Copyright © 2017 Maël Kervella # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. from django import template from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.forms import TextInput from bootstrap3.templatetags.bootstrap3 import bootstrap_form from bootstrap3.utils import render_tag from bootstrap3.forms import render_field register = template.Library() @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_form_typeahead(django_form, typeahead_fields, *args, **kwargs): """ Render a form where some specific fields are rendered using Typeahead. Using Typeahead really improves the performance, the speed and UX when dealing with very large datasets (select with 50k+ elts for instance). For convenience, it accepts the same parameters as a standard bootstrap can accept. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_form_typeahead **Parameters**: form The form that is to be rendered typeahead_fields A list of field names (comma separated) that should be rendered with typeahead instead of the default bootstrap renderer. See boostrap_form_ for other arguments **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_form_typeahead form ['field1[,field2[,...]]] %} **Example**: {% bootstrap_form_typeahead form 'ipv4' %} """ t_fields = typeahead_fields.split(',') exclude = kwargs.get('exclude', None) exclude = exclude.split(',') if exclude else [] hidden = [h.name for h in django_form.hidden_fields()] form = '' for f_name, f_value in django_form.fields.items() : if not f_name in exclude : if f_name in t_fields and not f_name in hidden : f_bound = f_value.get_bound_field( django_form, f_name ) f_value.widget = TextInput( attrs={ 'name': 'typeahead_'+f_name, 'placeholder': f_value.empty_label } ) form += render_field( f_value.get_bound_field( django_form, f_name ), *args, **kwargs ) form += render_tag( 'div', attrs = {'class': 'form-group'}, content = hidden_tag( f_bound, f_name ) + typeahead_full_script( f_name, f_value ) ) else: form += render_field( f_value.get_bound_field(django_form, f_name), *args, **kwargs ) return mark_safe( form ) def input_id( f_name ) : return 'id_'+f_name def hidden_id( f_name ): return 'typeahead_hidden_'+f_name def hidden_tag( f_bound, f_name ): return render_tag( 'input', attrs={ 'id': hidden_id(f_name), 'name': f_name, 'type': 'hidden', 'value': f_bound.value() } ) def typeahead_full_script( f_name, f_value ) : js_content = \ '$("#'+input_id(f_name)+'").ready( function() {\n' + \ reset_input( f_name, f_value ) + '\n' + \ typeahead_choices( f_value ) + '\n' + \ typeahead_engine () + '\n' + \ '$("#'+input_id(f_name) + '").typeahead(\n' + \ typeahead_datasets( f_name ) + \ ').bind(\n' + \ '"typeahead:select", ' + \ typeahead_updater( f_name ) + '\n' + \ ').bind(\n' + \ '"typeahead:change", ' + \ typeahead_change( f_name ) + '\n' + \ ')\n' + \ '});\n' return render_tag( 'script', content=mark_safe( js_content ) ) def reset_input( f_name, f_value ) : return '$("#'+input_id(f_name)+'").val("");' def typeahead_choices( f_value ) : return 'var choices = [' + \ ', '.join([ \ '{key: ' + (str(choice[0]) if choice[0] != '' else '""') + \ ', value: "' + str(choice[1]) + '"}' \ for choice in f_value.choices \ ]) + \ '];' def typeahead_engine () : return 'var engine = new Bloodhound({ ' \ 'datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace("value"), ' \ 'queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, ' \ 'local: choices, ' \ 'identify: function(obj) { return obj.value; } ' \ '});' def typeahead_datasets( f_name ) : return '{ ' \ 'hint: true, ' \ 'highlight: true, ' \ 'minLength: 0 ' \ '}, ' \ '{ ' \ 'templates: { ' \ 'suggestion: Handlebars.compile("
") ' \ '}, ' \ 'display: "value", ' \ 'name: "'+f_name+'", ' \ 'source: function(q, sync) {' \ 'if (q === "") {' \ 'var nb = 10;' \ 'var first = [] ;' \ 'for ( var i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++ ) {' \ 'first.push(choices[i].value);' \ '}' \ 'sync(engine.get(first));' \ '} else {' \ 'engine.search(q, sync)' \ '}' \ '}' \ '}' def typeahead_updater( f_name ): return 'function(evt, item) { ' \ '$("#'+hidden_id(f_name)+'").val( item.key ); ' \ 'return item; ' \ '}' def typeahead_change( f_name ): return 'function(evt) { ' \ 'if (evt.currentTarget.value === "") {' \ '$("#'+hidden_id(f_name)+'").val(""); ' \ '}' \ '}'