from import BaseCommand from users.models import User, School, Adherent from django.db.models import F, Value from django.db.models.functions import Concat class Command(BaseCommand): help="Anonymize the data in the database in order to use them on critical servers (dev, personnal...). Every information will be overwritten using non-personnal informations. This script must follow any modification of the database." def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): total = User.objects.count() self.stdout.write("Starting anonymizing the {} users data.".format(total)) u = User.objects.all() a = Adherent.objects.all() self.stdout.write('Supression de l\'école...') # Create a fake School to put everyone in it. ecole = School(name="Ecole des Ninja") u.update(school=ecole) self.stdout.write('done ...')) self.stdout.write('Supression des chambres...') a.update(room=None) self.stdout.write('done ...')) self.stdout.write('Supression des mails...') u.update(email='', local_email_redirect = False, local_email_enabled=False) self.stdout.write('done ...')) self.stdout.write('Supression des noms, prenoms, pseudo, telephone, commentaire...') a.update(name=Concat(Value('name of '), 'id')) self.stdout.write('done name')) a.update(surname=Concat(Value('surname of '), 'id')) self.stdout.write('done surname')) a.update(pseudo=F('id')) self.stdout.write('done pseudo')) a.update(telephone=Concat(Value('phone of '), 'id')) self.stdout.write('done phone')) a.update(comment=Concat(Value('commentaire of '), 'id')) self.stdout.write('done ...')) self.stdout.write("Data anonymized!")