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Translation : translate docstrings of cotisations

This commit is contained in:
Maël Kervella 2018-04-09 17:40:46 +00:00
parent 8da337c549
commit f2f4336e87
5 changed files with 541 additions and 366 deletions

View file

@ -20,19 +20,18 @@
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Forms de l'application cotisation de re2o. Dépendance avec les models,
importé par les views.
Forms for the 'cotisation' app of re2o. It highly depends on
:cotisations:models and is mainly used by :cotisations:views.
Permet de créer une nouvelle facture pour un user (NewFactureForm),
et de l'editer (soit l'user avec EditFactureForm,
soit le trésorier avec TrezEdit qui a plus de possibilités que self
notamment sur le controle trésorier SelectArticleForm est utilisée
lors de la creation d'une facture en
parrallèle de NewFacture pour le choix des articles désirés.
(la vue correspondante est unique)
The following forms are mainly used to create, edit or delete
anything related to 'cotisations' :
* Payments Methods
* Banks
* Invoices
* Articles
ArticleForm, BanqueForm, PaiementForm permettent aux admin d'ajouter,
éditer ou supprimer une banque/moyen de paiement ou un article
See the details for each of these operations in the documentation
of each of the method.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
@ -51,9 +50,10 @@ from re2o.field_permissions import FieldPermissionFormMixin
from re2o.mixins import FormRevMixin
class NewFactureForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm):
"""Creation d'une facture, moyen de paiement, banque et numero
de cheque"""
# TODO : translate doc string in English
Form used to create a new invoice by using a payment method, a bank and a
cheque number.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', self.Meta.model.__name__)
super(NewFactureForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs)
@ -91,8 +91,10 @@ class NewFactureForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm):
class CreditSoldeForm(NewFactureForm):
"""Permet de faire des opérations sur le solde si il est activé"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Form used to make some operations on the user's balance if the option is
class Meta(NewFactureForm.Meta):
model = Facture
fields = ['paiement', 'banque', 'cheque']
@ -108,8 +110,9 @@ class CreditSoldeForm(NewFactureForm):
class SelectUserArticleForm(FormRevMixin, Form):
"""Selection d'un article lors de la creation d'une facture"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Form used to select an article during the creation of an invoice for a member.
article = forms.ModelChoiceField(
queryset=Article.objects.filter(Q(type_user='All') | Q(type_user='Adherent')),
@ -123,8 +126,9 @@ class SelectUserArticleForm(FormRevMixin, Form):
class SelectClubArticleForm(Form):
"""Selection d'un article lors de la creation d'une facture"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Form used to select an article during the creation of an invoice for a club.
article = forms.ModelChoiceField(
queryset=Article.objects.filter(Q(type_user='All') | Q(type_user='Club')),
@ -138,8 +142,9 @@ class SelectClubArticleForm(Form):
# TODO : change Facture to Invoice
class NewFactureFormPdf(Form):
"""Creation d'un pdf facture par le trésorier"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Form used to create a custom PDF invoice.
article = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
@ -162,8 +167,10 @@ class NewFactureFormPdf(Form):
# TODO : change Facture to Invoice
class EditFactureForm(FieldPermissionFormMixin, NewFactureForm):
"""Edition d'une facture : moyen de paiement, banque, user parent"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Form used to edit an invoice and its fields : payment method, bank,
user associated, ...
class Meta(NewFactureForm.Meta):
# TODO : change Facture to Invoice
model = Facture
@ -179,8 +186,9 @@ class EditFactureForm(FieldPermissionFormMixin, NewFactureForm):
class ArticleForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm):
"""Creation d'un article. Champs : nom, cotisation, durée"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Form used to create an article.
class Meta:
model = Article
fields = '__all__'
@ -192,9 +200,10 @@ class ArticleForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm):
class DelArticleForm(FormRevMixin, Form):
"""Suppression d'un ou plusieurs articles en vente. Choix
parmis les modèles"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Form used to delete one or more of the currently available articles.
The user must choose the one to delete by checking the boxes.
articles = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
label=_l("Existing articles"),
@ -212,9 +221,11 @@ class DelArticleForm(FormRevMixin, Form):
# TODO : change Paiement to Payment
class PaiementForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm):
"""Creation d'un moyen de paiement, champ text moyen et type
permettant d'indiquer si il s'agit d'un chèque ou non pour le form"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Form used to create a new payment method.
The 'cheque' type is used to associate a specific behaviour requiring
a cheque number and a bank.
class Meta:
model = Paiement
# TODO : change moyen to method and type_paiement to payment_type
@ -233,9 +244,10 @@ class PaiementForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm):
# TODO : change paiement to payment
class DelPaiementForm(FormRevMixin, Form):
"""Suppression d'un ou plusieurs moyens de paiements, selection
parmis les models"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Form used to delete one or more payment methods.
The user must choose the one to delete by checking the boxes.
# TODO : change paiement to payment
paiements = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
@ -254,8 +266,9 @@ class DelPaiementForm(FormRevMixin, Form):
# TODO : change banque to bank
class BanqueForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm):
"""Creation d'une banque, field name"""
# TODO : translate docstring to Englishh
Form used to create a bank.
class Meta:
# TODO : change banque to bank
model = Banque
@ -269,8 +282,10 @@ class BanqueForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm):
# TODO : change banque to bank
class DelBanqueForm(FormRevMixin, Form):
"""Selection d'une ou plusieurs banques, pour suppression"""
# TODO : translate docstrign to English
Form used to delete one or more banks.
The use must choose the one to delete by checking the boxes.
# TODO : change banque to bank
banques = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
@ -289,9 +304,9 @@ class DelBanqueForm(FormRevMixin, Form):
# TODO : change facture to Invoice
class NewFactureSoldeForm(NewFactureForm):
"""Creation d'une facture, moyen de paiement, banque et numero
de cheque"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Form used to create an invoice
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', self.Meta.model.__name__)
self.fields['cheque'].required = False
@ -335,6 +350,9 @@ class NewFactureSoldeForm(NewFactureForm):
# TODO : Better name and docstring
class RechargeForm(FormRevMixin, Form):
Form used to refill a user's balance
value = forms.FloatField(

View file

@ -21,28 +21,14 @@
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Definition des models bdd pour les factures et cotisation.
Pièce maitresse : l'ensemble du code intelligent se trouve ici,
dans les clean et save des models ainsi que de leur methodes supplémentaires.
The database models for the 'cotisation' app of re2o.
The goal is to keep the main actions here, i.e. the 'clean' and 'save'
function are higly reposnsible for the changes, checking the coherence of the
data and the good behaviour in general for not breaking the database.
Facture : reliée à un user, elle a un moyen de paiement, une banque (option),
une ou plusieurs ventes
Article : liste des articles en vente, leur prix, etc
Vente : ensemble des ventes effectuées, reliées à une facture (foreignkey)
Banque : liste des banques existantes
Cotisation : objets de cotisation, contenant un début et une fin. Reliées
aux ventes, en onetoone entre une vente et une cotisation.
Crées automatiquement au save des ventes.
Post_save et Post_delete : sychronisation des services et régénération
des services d'accès réseau (ex dhcp) lors de la vente d'une cotisation
par exemple
For further details on each of those models, see the documentation details for
# TODO : translate docstring to English
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
@ -65,11 +51,24 @@ from re2o.mixins import AclMixin, RevMixin
# TODO : change facture to invoice
class Facture(RevMixin, AclMixin, FieldPermissionModelMixin, models.Model):
""" Définition du modèle des factures. Une facture regroupe une ou
plusieurs ventes, rattachée à un user, et reliée à un moyen de paiement
et si il y a lieu un numero pour les chèques. Possède les valeurs
valides et controle (trésorerie)"""
# TODO : translate docstrign to English
The model for an invoice. It reprensents the fact that a user paid for
something (it can be multiple article paid at once).
An invoice is linked to :
* one or more purchases (one for each article sold that time)
* a user (the one who bought those articles)
* a payment method (the one used by the user)
* (if applicable) a bank
* (if applicable) a cheque number.
Every invoice is dated throught the 'date' value.
An invoice has a 'controlled' value (default : False) which means that
someone with high enough rights has controlled that invoice and taken it
into account. It also has a 'valid' value (default : True) which means
that someone with high enough rights has decided that this invoice was not
valid (thus it's like the user never paid for his articles). It may be
necessary in case of non-payment.
user = models.ForeignKey('users.User', on_delete=models.PROTECT)
# TODO : change paiement to payment
@ -122,20 +121,21 @@ class Facture(RevMixin, AclMixin, FieldPermissionModelMixin, models.Model):
# TODO : change prix to price
def prix(self):
"""Renvoie le prix brut sans les quantités. Méthode
# TODO : translate docstring to English
# TODO : change prix to price
prix = Vente.objects.filter(
Returns: the raw price without the quantities.
Deprecated, use :total_price instead.
price = Vente.objects.filter(
return prix
return price
# TODO : change prix to price
def prix_total(self):
"""Prix total : somme des produits prix_unitaire et quantité des
ventes de l'objet"""
# TODO : translate docstrign to English
Returns: the total price for an invoice. Sum all the articles' prices
and take the quantities into account.
# TODO : change Vente to somethingelse
return Vente.objects.filter(
@ -147,8 +147,10 @@ class Facture(RevMixin, AclMixin, FieldPermissionModelMixin, models.Model):
def name(self):
"""String, somme des name des ventes de self"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Returns : a string with the name of all the articles in the invoice.
Used for reprensenting the invoice with a string.
name = ' - '.join(Vente.objects.filter(
).values_list('name', flat=True))
@ -204,8 +206,9 @@ class Facture(RevMixin, AclMixin, FieldPermissionModelMixin, models.Model):
@receiver(post_save, sender=Facture)
def facture_post_save(sender, **kwargs):
"""Post save d'une facture, synchronise l'user ldap"""
# TODO : translate docstrign into English
Synchronise the LDAP user after an invoice has been saved.
facture = kwargs['instance']
user = facture.user
user.ldap_sync(base=False, access_refresh=True, mac_refresh=False)
@ -213,18 +216,26 @@ def facture_post_save(sender, **kwargs):
@receiver(post_delete, sender=Facture)
def facture_post_delete(sender, **kwargs):
"""Après la suppression d'une facture, on synchronise l'user ldap"""
# TODO : translate docstring into English
Synchronise the LDAP user after an invoice has been deleted.
user = kwargs['instance'].user
user.ldap_sync(base=False, access_refresh=True, mac_refresh=False)
# TODO : change Vente to Purchase
class Vente(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
"""Objet vente, contient une quantité, une facture parente, un nom,
un prix. Peut-être relié à un objet cotisation, via le boolean
# TODO : translate docstring into English
The model defining a purchase. It consist of one type of article being
sold. In particular there may be multiple purchases in a single invoice.
It's reprensentated by:
* an amount (the number of items sold)
* an invoice (whose the purchase is part of)
* an article
* (if applicable) a cotisation (which holds some informations about
the effect of the purchase on the time agreed for this user)
# TODO : change this to English
@ -281,15 +292,16 @@ class Vente(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
# TODO : change prix_total to total_price
def prix_total(self):
"""Renvoie le prix_total de self (nombre*prix)"""
# TODO : translate docstring to english
Returns: the total of price for this amount of items.
return self.prix*self.number
def update_cotisation(self):
"""Mets à jour l'objet related cotisation de la vente, si
il existe : update la date de fin à partir de la durée de
la vente"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Update the related object 'cotisation' if there is one. Based on the
duration of the purchase.
if hasattr(self, 'cotisation'):
cotisation = self.cotisation
cotisation.date_end = cotisation.date_start + relativedelta(
@ -297,10 +309,11 @@ class Vente(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
def create_cotis(self, date_start=False):
"""Update et crée l'objet cotisation associé à une facture, prend
en argument l'user, la facture pour la quantitéi, et l'article pour
la durée"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Update and create a 'cotisation' related object if there is a
cotisation_type defined (which means the article sold represents
a cotisation)
if not hasattr(self, 'cotisation') and self.type_cotisation:
cotisation = Cotisation(vente=self)
cotisation.type_cotisation = self.type_cotisation
@ -328,8 +341,12 @@ class Vente(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# TODO : ecrire une docstring
# On verifie que si iscotisation, duration est présent
Save a purchase object and check if all the fields are coherents
It also update the associated cotisation in the changes have some
effect on the user's cotisation
# Checking that if a cotisation is specified, there is also a duration
if self.type_cotisation and not self.duration:
raise ValidationError(
_("A cotisation should always have a duration.")
@ -372,38 +389,44 @@ class Vente(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
# TODO : change vente to purchase
@receiver(post_save, sender=Vente)
def vente_post_save(sender, **kwargs):
"""Post save d'une vente, déclencge la création de l'objet cotisation
si il y a lieu(si iscotisation) """
# TODO : translate docstring to English
# TODO : change vente to purchase
vente = kwargs['instance']
Creates a 'cotisation' related object if needed and synchronise the
LDAP user when a purchase has been saved.
purchase = kwargs['instance']
if hasattr(vente, 'cotisation'):
vente.cotisation.vente = vente
if vente.type_cotisation:
user = vente.facture.user
purchase.cotisation.vente = purchase
if purchase.type_cotisation:
user = purchase.facture.user
user.ldap_sync(base=False, access_refresh=True, mac_refresh=False)
# TODO : change vente to purchase
@receiver(post_delete, sender=Vente)
def vente_post_delete(sender, **kwargs):
"""Après suppression d'une vente, on synchronise l'user ldap (ex
suppression d'une cotisation"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
# TODO : change vente to purchase
vente = kwargs['instance']
if vente.type_cotisation:
user = vente.facture.user
Synchronise the LDAP user after a purchase has been deleted.
purchase = kwargs['instance']
if purchase.type_cotisation:
user = purchase.facture.user
user.ldap_sync(base=False, access_refresh=True, mac_refresh=False)
class Article(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
"""Liste des articles en vente : prix, nom, et attribut iscotisation
et duree si c'est une cotisation"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
The definition of an article model. It represents an type of object that can be sold to the user.
It's represented by:
* a name
* a price
* a cotisation type (indicating if this article reprensents a cotisation or not)
* a duration (if it is a cotisation)
* a type of user (indicating what kind of user can buy this article)
# TODO : Either use TYPE or TYPES in both choices but not both
@ -473,8 +496,13 @@ class Article(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
class Banque(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
"""Liste des banques"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
The model defining a bank. It represents a user's bank. It's mainly used
for statistics by regrouping the user under their bank's name and avoid
the use of a simple name which leads (by experience) to duplicates that
only differs by a capital letter, a space, a misspelling, ... That's why
it's easier to use simple object for the banks.
name = models.CharField(
@ -494,8 +522,14 @@ class Banque(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
# TODO : change Paiement to Payment
class Paiement(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
"""Moyens de paiement"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
The model defining a payment method. It is how the user is paying for the
invoice. It's easier to know this information when doing the accouts.
It is represented by:
* a name
* a type (used for the type 'cheque' which implies the use of a bank
and an account number in related models)
(0, _l("Standard")),
@ -524,11 +558,16 @@ class Paiement(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
return self.moyen
def clean(self):
Override of the herited clean function to get a correct name
self.moyen = self.moyen.title()
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Un seul type de paiement peut-etre cheque..."""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Override of the herited save function to be sure only one payment
method of type 'cheque' exists.
if Paiement.objects.filter(type_paiement=1).count() > 1:
raise ValidationError(
_("You cannot have multiple payment method of type cheque")
@ -537,8 +576,16 @@ class Paiement(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
class Cotisation(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
"""Objet cotisation, debut et fin, relié en onetoone à une vente"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
The model defining a cotisation. It holds information about the time a user
is allowed when he has paid something.
It characterised by :
* a date_start (the date when the cotisaiton begins/began
* a date_end (the date when the cotisation ends/ended
* a type of cotisation (which indicates the implication of such
* a purchase (the related objects this cotisation is linked to)
('Connexion', _l("Connexion")),
@ -602,8 +649,10 @@ class Cotisation(RevMixin, AclMixin, models.Model):
@receiver(post_save, sender=Cotisation)
def cotisation_post_save(sender, **kwargs):
"""Après modification d'une cotisation, regeneration des services"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Mark some services as needing a regeneration after the edition of a
cotisation. Indeed the membership status may have changed.
@ -613,8 +662,10 @@ def cotisation_post_save(sender, **kwargs):
# TODO : should be name cotisation_post_delete
@receiver(post_delete, sender=Cotisation)
def vente_post_delete(sender, **kwargs):
"""Après suppression d'une vente, régénération des services"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
Mark some services as needing a regeneration after the deletion of a
cotisation. Indeed the membership status may have changed.
cotisation = kwargs['instance']

View file

@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ from .payment_utils.comnpay import Payment as ComnpayPayment
def accept_payment(request, factureid):
The view called when an online payment has been accepted.
facture = get_object_or_404(Facture, id=factureid)
@ -33,6 +36,9 @@ def accept_payment(request, factureid):
def refuse_payment(request):
The view called when an online payment has been refused.
_("The payment has been refused.")
@ -41,6 +47,11 @@ def refuse_payment(request):
def ipn(request):
The view called by Comnpay server to validate the transaction.
Verify that we can firmly save the user's action and notify
Comnpay with 400 response if not or with a 200 response if yes
p = ComnpayPayment()
order = ('idTpe', 'idTransaction', 'montant', 'result', 'sec', )
@ -55,8 +66,7 @@ def ipn(request):
idTpe = request.POST['idTpe']
idTransaction = request.POST['idTransaction']
# On vérifie que le paiement nous est destiné
# TODO : translate comment to English
# Checking that the payment is actually for us.
if not idTpe == AssoOption.get_cached_value('payment_id'):
return HttpResponseBadRequest("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request")
@ -67,23 +77,28 @@ def ipn(request):
facture = get_object_or_404(Facture, id=factureid)
# TODO : translate comments to English
# On vérifie que le paiement est valide
# Checking that the payment is valid
if not result:
# Le paiement a échoué : on effectue les actions nécessaires (On indique qu'elle a échoué)
# Payment failed: Cancelling the invoice operation
# On notifie au serveur ComNPay qu'on a reçu les données pour traitement
# And send the response to Comnpay indicating we have well
# received the failure information.
return HttpResponse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK")
facture.valid = True
# A nouveau, on notifie au serveur qu'on a bien traité les données
# Everything worked we send a reponse to Comnpay indicating that
# it's ok for them to proceed
return HttpResponse("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
def comnpay(facture, request):
Build a request to start the negociation with Comnpay by using
a facture id, the price and the secret transaction data stored in
the preferences.
host = request.get_host()
p = ComnpayPayment(
@ -110,6 +125,7 @@ def comnpay(facture, request):
return r
# The payment systems supported by re2o
'COMNPAY' : comnpay,
'NONE' : None

View file

@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Module in charge of rendering some LaTex templates.
Used to generated PDF invoice.
from django.template.loader import get_template
from django.template import Context
@ -37,6 +41,10 @@ CACHE_TIMEOUT = getattr(settings, 'TEX_CACHE_TIMEOUT', 86400) # 1 day
def render_invoice(request, ctx={}):
Render an invoice using some available information such as the current
date, the user, the articles, the prices, ...
filename = '_'.join([
@ -50,6 +58,11 @@ def render_invoice(request, ctx={}):
return r
def render_tex(request, template, ctx={}):
Creates a PDF from a LaTex templates using pdflatex.
Writes it in a temporary directory and send back an HTTP response for
accessing this file.
context = Context(ctx)
template = get_template(template)
rendered_tpl = template.render(context).encode('utf-8')

View file

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ from .forms import (
from . import payment
from . import payment as online_payment
from .tex import render_invoice
@ -82,50 +82,51 @@ from .tex import render_invoice
def new_facture(request, user, userid):
"""Creation d'une facture pour un user. Renvoie la liste des articles
et crée des factures dans un formset. Utilise un peu de js coté template
pour ajouter des articles.
Parse les article et boucle dans le formset puis save les ventes,
enfin sauve la facture parente.
TODO : simplifier cette fonction, déplacer l'intelligence coté models
Facture et Vente."""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
# TODO : change facture to invoice
facture = Facture(user=user)
# TODO : change comment to English
# Le template a besoin de connaitre les articles pour le js
View called to create a new invoice.
Currently, Send the list of available articles for the user along with
a formset of a new invoice (based on the `:forms:NewFactureForm()` form.
A bit of JS is used in the template to add articles in a fancier way.
If everything is correct, save each one of the articles, save the
purchase object associated and finally the newly created invoice.
TODO : The whole verification process should be moved to the model. This
function should only act as a dumb interface between the model and the
invoice = Facture(user=user)
# The template needs the list of articles (for the JS part)
article_list = Article.objects.filter(
Q(type_user='All') | Q(type_user=request.user.class_name)
# On envoie la form fature et un formset d'articles
# TODO : change facture to invoice
facture_form = NewFactureForm(request.POST or None, instance=facture)
# Building the invocie form and the article formset
invoice_form = NewFactureForm(request.POST or None, instance=invoice)
if request.user.is_class_club:
article_formset = formset_factory(SelectClubArticleForm)(request.POST or None)
article_formset = formset_factory(SelectUserArticleForm)(request.POST or None)
if facture_form.is_valid() and article_formset.is_valid():
new_facture_instance = facture_form.save(commit=False)
if invoice_form.is_valid() and article_formset.is_valid():
new_invoice_instance = invoice_form.save(commit=False)
articles = article_formset
# Si au moins un article est rempli
# Check if at leat one article has been selected
if any(art.cleaned_data for art in articles):
# TODO : change solde to balance
user_solde = OptionalUser.get_cached_value('user_solde')
solde_negatif = OptionalUser.get_cached_value('solde_negatif')
# Si on paye par solde, que l'option est activée,
# on vérifie que le négatif n'est pas atteint
if user_solde:
user_balance = OptionalUser.get_cached_value('user_solde')
negative_balance = OptionalUser.get_cached_value('solde_negatif')
# If the paiement using balance has been activated,
# checking that the total price won't get the user under
# the authorized minimum (negative_balance)
if user_balance:
# TODO : change Paiement to Payment
if new_facture_instance.paiement == Paiement.objects.get_or_create(
if new_invoice_instance.paiement == Paiement.objects.get_or_create(
prix_total = 0
total_price = 0
for art_item in articles:
if art_item.cleaned_data:
# change prix to price
prix_total += art_item.cleaned_data['article']\
total_price += art_item.cleaned_data['article']\
if float(user.solde) - float(prix_total) < solde_negatif:
if float(user.solde) - float(total_price) < negative_balance:
_("Your balance is too low for this operation.")
@ -134,20 +135,26 @@ def new_facture(request, user, userid):
kwargs={'userid': userid}
# Saving the invoice
# Building a purchase for each article sold
for art_item in articles:
if art_item.cleaned_data:
article = art_item.cleaned_data['article']
quantity = art_item.cleaned_data['quantity']
new_vente = Vente.objects.create(
new_purchase = Vente.objects.create(
# In case a cotisation was bought, inform the user, the
# cotisation time has been extended too
if any(art_item.cleaned_data['article'].type_cotisation
for art_item in articles if art_item.cleaned_data):
@ -158,6 +165,7 @@ def new_facture(request, user, userid):
end_date: user.end_adhesion()
# Else, only tell the invoice was created
@ -173,7 +181,7 @@ def new_facture(request, user, userid):
return form(
'factureform': facture_form,
'factureform': invoice_form,
'venteform': article_formset,
'articlelist': article_list
@ -185,29 +193,30 @@ def new_facture(request, user, userid):
@can_change(Facture, 'pdf')
def new_facture_pdf(request):
"""Permet de générer un pdf d'une facture. Réservée
au trésorier, permet d'emettre des factures sans objet
Vente ou Facture correspondant en bdd"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
facture_form = NewFactureFormPdf(request.POST or None)
if facture_form.is_valid():
View used to generate a custom PDF invoice. It's mainly used to
get invoices that are not taken into account, for the administrative
point of view.
invoice_form = NewFactureFormPdf(request.POST or None)
if invoice_form.is_valid():
tbl = []
article = facture_form.cleaned_data['article']
quantite = facture_form.cleaned_data['number']
quantity = facture_form.cleaned_data['number']
paid = facture_form.cleaned_data['paid']
destinataire = facture_form.cleaned_data['dest']
chambre = facture_form.cleaned_data['chambre']
fid = facture_form.cleaned_data['fid']
recipient = facture_form.cleaned_data['dest']
room = facture_form.cleaned_data['chambre']
invoice_id = facture_form.cleaned_data['fid']
for art in article:
tbl.append([art, quantite, art.prix * quantite])
prix_total = sum(a[2] for a in tbl)
user = {'name': destinataire, 'room': chambre}
tbl.append([art, quantity, art.prix * quantity])
total_price = sum(a[2] for a in tbl)
user = {'name': recipient, 'room': room}
return render_invoice(request, {
'DATE': timezone.now(),
'dest': user,
'fid': fid,
'fid': invoice_id,
'article': tbl,
'total': prix_total,
'total': total_price,
'paid': paid,
'asso_name': AssoOption.get_cached_value('name'),
'line1': AssoOption.get_cached_value('adresse1'),
@ -218,8 +227,8 @@ def new_facture_pdf(request):
'tpl_path': os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, LOGO_PATH)
return form({
'factureform': facture_form,
'action_name' : 'Editer'
'factureform': invoice_form,
'action_name': _("Edit")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
@ -227,22 +236,23 @@ def new_facture_pdf(request):
def facture_pdf(request, facture, factureid):
"""Affiche en pdf une facture. Cree une ligne par Vente de la facture,
et génére une facture avec le total, le moyen de paiement, l'adresse
de l'adhérent, etc. Réservée à self pour un user sans droits,
les droits cableurs permettent d'afficher toute facture"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
View used to generate a PDF file from an existing invoice in database
Creates a line for each Purchase (thus article sold) and generate the
invoice with the total price, the payment method, the address and the
legal information for the user.
# TODO : change vente to purchase
ventes_objects = Vente.objects.all().filter(facture=facture)
ventes = []
for vente in ventes_objects:
ventes.append([vente, vente.number, vente.prix_total])
purchases_objects = Vente.objects.all().filter(facture=facture)
purchases = []
for purchase in purchases_objects:
purchases.append([purchase, purchase.number, purchase.prix_total])
return render_invoice(request, {
'paid': True,
'fid': facture.id,
'DATE': facture.date,
'dest': facture.user,
'article': ventes,
'article': purchases,
'total': facture.prix_total(),
'asso_name': AssoOption.get_cached_value('name'),
'line1': AssoOption.get_cached_value('adresse1'),
@ -258,31 +268,33 @@ def facture_pdf(request, facture, factureid):
def edit_facture(request, facture, factureid):
"""Permet l'édition d'une facture. On peut y éditer les ventes
déjà effectuer, ou rendre une facture invalide (non payées, chèque
en bois etc). Mets à jour les durée de cotisation attenantes"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
facture_form = EditFactureForm(request.POST or None, instance=facture, user=request.user)
ventes_objects = Vente.objects.filter(facture=facture)
vente_form_set = modelformset_factory(
View used to edit an existing invoice.
Articles can be added or remove to the invoice and quantity
can be set as desired. This is also the view used to invalidate
an invoice.
invoice_form = EditFactureForm(request.POST or None, instance=facture, user=request.user)
purchases_objects = Vente.objects.filter(facture=facture)
purchase_form_set = modelformset_factory(
fields=('name', 'number'),
vente_form = vente_form_set(request.POST or None, queryset=ventes_objects)
if facture_form.is_valid() and vente_form.is_valid():
if facture_form.changed_data:
purchase_form = purchase_form_set(request.POST or None, queryset=purchases_objects)
if invoice_form.is_valid() and purchase_form.is_valid():
if invoice_form.changed_data:
_("The invoice has been successfully edited.")
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index'))
return form({
'factureform': facture_form,
'venteform': vente_form
'factureform': invoice_form,
'venteform': purchase_form
}, 'cotisations/edit_facture.html', request)
@ -290,10 +302,11 @@ def edit_facture(request, facture, factureid):
def del_facture(request, facture, factureid):
"""Suppression d'une facture. Supprime en cascade les ventes
et cotisations filles"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
View used to delete an existing invocie.
if request.method == "POST":
_("The invoice has been successfully deleted.")
@ -301,7 +314,7 @@ def del_facture(request, facture, factureid):
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index'))
return form({
'objet': facture,
'objet_name': 'facture'
'objet_name': _("Invoice")
}, 'cotisations/delete.html', request)
@ -310,40 +323,46 @@ def del_facture(request, facture, factureid):
def credit_solde(request, user, userid):
""" Credit ou débit de solde """
# TODO : translate docstring to English
View used to edit the balance of a user.
Can be use either to increase or decrease a user's balance.
# TODO : change facture to invoice
facture = CreditSoldeForm(request.POST or None)
if facture.is_valid():
facture_instance = facture.save(commit=False)
facture_instance.user = user
new_vente = Vente.objects.create(
invoice = CreditSoldeForm(request.POST or None)
if invoice.is_valid():
invoice_instance = invoice.save(commit=False)
invoice_instance.user = user
new_purchase = Vente.objects.create(
_("Balance successfully updated.")
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index'))
return form({'factureform': facture, 'action_name' : 'Créditer'}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
return form({
'factureform': facture,
'action_name': _("Edit")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
def add_article(request):
"""Ajoute un article. Champs : désignation,
prix, est-ce une cotisation et si oui sa durée
Réservé au trésorier
Nota bene : les ventes déjà effectuées ne sont pas reliées
aux articles en vente. La désignation, le prix... sont
copiés à la création de la facture. Un changement de prix n'a
PAS de conséquence sur les ventes déjà faites"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
View used to add an article.
.. note:: If a purchase has already been sold, the price are calculated
once and for all. That means even if the price of an article is edited
later, it won't change the invoice. That is really important to keep
this behaviour in order not to modify all the past and already
accepted invoices.
article = ArticleForm(request.POST or None)
if article.is_valid():
@ -352,15 +371,18 @@ def add_article(request):
_("The article has been successfully created.")
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-article'))
return form({'factureform': article, 'action_name' : 'Ajouter'}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
return form({
'factureform': article,
'action_name': _("Add")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
def edit_article(request, article_instance, articleid):
"""Edition d'un article (designation, prix, etc)
Réservé au trésorier"""
# TODO : translate dosctring to English
View used to edit an article.
article = ArticleForm(request.POST or None, instance=article_instance)
if article.is_valid():
if article.changed_data:
@ -370,14 +392,18 @@ def edit_article(request, article_instance, articleid):
_("The article has been successfully edited.")
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-article'))
return form({'factureform': article, 'action_name' : 'Editer'}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
return form({
'factureform': article,
'action_name': _('Edit')
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
def del_article(request, instances):
"""Suppression d'un article en vente"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
View used to delete one of the articles.
article = DelArticleForm(request.POST or None, instances=instances)
if article.is_valid():
article_del = article.cleaned_data['articles']
@ -387,63 +413,73 @@ def del_article(request, instances):
_("The article(s) have been successfully deleted.")
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-article'))
return form({'factureform': article, 'action_name' : 'Supprimer'}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
return form({
'factureform': article,
'action_name': _("Delete")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : change paiement to payment
def add_paiement(request):
"""Ajoute un moyen de paiement. Relié aux factures
via foreign key"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
# TODO : change paiement to Payment
paiement = PaiementForm(request.POST or None)
if paiement.is_valid():
View used to add a payment method.
payment = PaiementForm(request.POST or None)
if payment.is_valid():
_("The payment method has been successfully created.")
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-paiement'))
return form({'factureform': paiement, 'action_name' : 'Ajouter'}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
return form({
'factureform': payment,
'action_name': _("Add")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : chnage paiement to Payment
def edit_paiement(request, paiement_instance, paiementid):
"""Edition d'un moyen de paiement"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
paiement = PaiementForm(request.POST or None, instance=paiement_instance)
if paiement.is_valid():
if paiement.changed_data:
View used to edit a payment method.
payment = PaiementForm(request.POST or None, instance=paiement_instance)
if payment.is_valid():
if payment.changed_data:
_("The payement method has been successfully edited.")
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-paiement'))
return form({'factureform': paiement, 'action_name' : 'Editer'}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
return form({
'factureform': payment,
'action_name': _("Edit")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : change paiement to payment
def del_paiement(request, instances):
"""Suppression d'un moyen de paiement"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
paiement = DelPaiementForm(request.POST or None, instances=instances)
if paiement.is_valid():
paiement_dels = paiement.cleaned_data['paiements']
for paiement_del in paiement_dels:
View used to delete a set of payment methods.
payment = DelPaiementForm(request.POST or None, instances=instances)
if payment.is_valid():
payment_dels = payment.cleaned_data['paiements']
for payment_del in payment_dels:
_("The payment method %(method_name)s has been \
successfully deleted.") % {
method_name: paiement_del
method_name: payment_del
except ProtectedError:
@ -451,65 +487,77 @@ def del_paiement(request, instances):
_("The payment method %(method_name)s can't be deleted \
because there are invoices using it.") % {
method_name: paiement_del
method_name: payment_del
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-paiement'))
return form({'factureform': paiement, 'action_name' : 'Supprimer'}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
return form({
'factureform': payment,
'action_name': _("Delete")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : change banque to bank
def add_banque(request):
"""Ajoute une banque à la liste des banques"""
# TODO : tranlate docstring to English
banque = BanqueForm(request.POST or None)
if banque.is_valid():
View used to add a bank.
bank = BanqueForm(request.POST or None)
if bank.is_valid():
_("The bank has been successfully created.")
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-banque'))
return form({'factureform': banque, 'action_name' : 'Ajouter'}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
return form({
'factureform': bank,
'action_name': _("Add")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : change banque to bank
def edit_banque(request, banque_instance, banqueid):
"""Edite le nom d'une banque"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
banque = BanqueForm(request.POST or None, instance=banque_instance)
if banque.is_valid():
if banque.changed_data:
View used to edit a bank.
bank = BanqueForm(request.POST or None, instance=banque_instance)
if bank.is_valid():
if bank.changed_data:
_("The bank has been successfully edited")
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-banque'))
return form({'factureform': banque, 'action_name' : 'Editer'}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
return form({
'factureform': bank,
'action_name': _("Edit")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : chnage banque to bank
def del_banque(request, instances):
"""Supprime une banque"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
banque = DelBanqueForm(request.POST or None, instances=instances)
if banque.is_valid():
banque_dels = banque.cleaned_data['banques']
for banque_del in banque_dels:
View used to delete a set of banks.
bank = DelBanqueForm(request.POST or None, instances=instances)
if bank.is_valid():
bank_dels = bank.cleaned_data['banques']
for bank_del in bank_dels:
_("The bank %(bank_name)s has been successfully \
deleted.") % {
bank_name: banque_del
bank_name: bank_del
except ProtectedError:
@ -517,11 +565,14 @@ def del_banque(request, instances):
_("The bank %(bank_name)s can't be deleted \
because there are invoices using it.") % {
bank_name: banque_del
bank_name: bank_del
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-banque'))
return form({'factureform': banque, 'action_name' : 'Supprimer'}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
return form({
'factureform': bank,
'action_name': _("Delete")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : change facture to invoice
@ -529,39 +580,44 @@ def del_banque(request, instances):
@can_change(Facture, 'control')
def control(request):
"""Pour le trésorier, vue pour controler en masse les
factures.Case à cocher, pratique"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
View used to control the invoices all at once.
pagination_number = GeneralOption.get_cached_value('pagination_number')
facture_list = Facture.objects.select_related('user').select_related('paiement')
facture_list = SortTable.sort(
invoice_list = Facture.objects.select_related('user').select_related('paiement')
invoice_list = SortTable.sort(
controlform_set = modelformset_factory(
control_invoices_formset = modelformset_factory(
fields=('control', 'valid'),
facture_list = re2o_paginator(request, facture_list, pagination_number)
controlform = controlform_set(request.POST or None, queryset=facture_list.object_list)
if controlform.is_valid():
invoice_list = re2o_paginator(request, invoice_list, pagination_number)
control_invoices_form = control_invoices_formset(
request.POST or None,
if control_invoices_form.is_valid():
return redirect(reverse('cotisations:control'))
return render(request, 'cotisations/control.html', {
'facture_list': facture_list,
'controlform': controlform
'facture_list': invoice_list,
'controlform': control_invoices_form
def index_article(request):
"""Affiche l'ensemble des articles en vente"""
# TODO : translate docstrign to English
View used to display the list of all available articles.
# TODO : Offer other means of sorting
article_list = Article.objects.order_by('name')
return render(request, 'cotisations/index_article.html', {
'article_list': article_list
@ -572,11 +628,12 @@ def index_article(request):
def index_paiement(request):
"""Affiche l'ensemble des moyens de paiement en vente"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
paiement_list = Paiement.objects.order_by('moyen')
View used to display the list of all available payment methods.
payment_list = Paiement.objects.order_by('moyen')
return render(request, 'cotisations/index_paiement.html', {
'paiement_list': paiement_list
'paiement_list': payment_list
@ -584,51 +641,57 @@ def index_paiement(request):
def index_banque(request):
"""Affiche l'ensemble des banques"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
banque_list = Banque.objects.order_by('name')
View used to display the list of all available banks.
bank_list = Banque.objects.order_by('name')
return render(request, 'cotisations/index_banque.html', {
'banque_list': banque_list
'banque_list': bank_list
def index(request):
"""Affiche l'ensemble des factures, pour les cableurs et +"""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
View used to display the list of all exisitng invoices.
pagination_number = GeneralOption.get_cached_value('pagination_number')
facture_list = Facture.objects.select_related('user')\
invoice_list = Facture.objects.select_related('user')\
facture_list = SortTable.sort(
invoice_list = SortTable.sort(
facture_list = re2o_paginator(request, facture_list, pagination_number)
invoice_list = re2o_paginator(request, invoice_list, pagination_number)
return render(request, 'cotisations/index.html', {
'facture_list': facture_list
'facture_list': invoice_list
# TODO : merge this function with new_facture() which is nearly the same
# TODO : change facture to invoice
def new_facture_solde(request, userid):
"""Creation d'une facture pour un user. Renvoie la liste des articles
et crée des factures dans un formset. Utilise un peu de js coté template
pour ajouter des articles.
Parse les article et boucle dans le formset puis save les ventes,
enfin sauve la facture parente.
TODO : simplifier cette fonction, déplacer l'intelligence coté models
Facture et Vente."""
# TODO : translate docstring to English
View called to create a new invoice when using the balance to pay.
Currently, send the list of available articles for the user along with
a formset of a new invoice (based on the `:forms:NewFactureForm()` form.
A bit of JS is used in the template to add articles in a fancier way.
If everything is correct, save each one of the articles, save the
purchase object associated and finally the newly created invoice.
TODO : The whole verification process should be moved to the model. This
function should only act as a dumb interface between the model and the
user = request.user
facture = Facture(user=user)
paiement, _created = Paiement.objects.get_or_create(moyen='Solde')
facture.paiement = paiement
# TODO : translate comments to English
# Le template a besoin de connaitre les articles pour le js
invoice = Facture(user=user)
payment, _created = Paiement.objects.get_or_create(moyen='Solde')
facture.paiement = payment
# The template needs the list of articles (for the JS part)
article_list = Article.objects.filter(
Q(type_user='All') | Q(type_user=request.user.class_name)
@ -636,21 +699,23 @@ def new_facture_solde(request, userid):
article_formset = formset_factory(SelectClubArticleForm)(request.POST or None)
article_formset = formset_factory(SelectUserArticleForm)(request.POST or None)
if article_formset.is_valid():
articles = article_formset
# Si au moins un article est rempli
# Check if at leat one article has been selected
if any(art.cleaned_data for art in articles):
user_solde = OptionalUser.get_cached_value('user_solde')
solde_negatif = OptionalUser.get_cached_value('solde_negatif')
# Si on paye par solde, que l'option est activée,
# on vérifie que le négatif n'est pas atteint
if user_solde:
prix_total = 0
user_balance = OptionalUser.get_cached_value('user_solde')
negative_balance = OptionalUser.get_cached_value('solde_negatif')
# If the paiement using balance has been activated,
# checking that the total price won't get the user under
# the authorized minimum (negative_balance)
if user_balance:
total_price = 0
for art_item in articles:
if art_item.cleaned_data:
prix_total += art_item.cleaned_data['article']\
total_price += art_item.cleaned_data['article']\
if float(user.solde) - float(prix_total) < solde_negatif:
if float(user.solde) - float(total_price) < negative_balance:
_("The balance is too low for this operation.")
@ -659,20 +724,26 @@ def new_facture_solde(request, userid):
kwargs={'userid': userid}
# Saving the invoice
# Building a purchase for each article sold
for art_item in articles:
if art_item.cleaned_data:
article = art_item.cleaned_data['article']
quantity = art_item.cleaned_data['quantity']
new_vente = Vente.objects.create(
new_purchase = Vente.objects.create(
# In case a cotisation was bought, inform the user, the
# cotisation time has been extended too
if any(art_item.cleaned_data['article'].type_cotisation
for art_item in articles if art_item.cleaned_data):
@ -683,6 +754,7 @@ def new_facture_solde(request, userid):
end_date: user.end_adhesion()
# Else, only tell the invoice was created
@ -707,9 +779,12 @@ def new_facture_solde(request, userid):
}, 'cotisations/new_facture_solde.html', request)
# TODO : change recharge to reload
# TODO : change recharge to refill
def recharge(request):
View used to refill the balance by using online payment.
if AssoOption.get_cached_value('payment') == 'NONE':
@ -719,20 +794,22 @@ def recharge(request):
kwargs={'userid': request.user.id}
f = RechargeForm(request.POST or None, user=request.user)
if f.is_valid():
facture = Facture(user=request.user)
paiement, _created = Paiement.objects.get_or_create(moyen='Rechargement en ligne')
facture.paiement = paiement
refill_form = RechargeForm(request.POST or None, user=request.user)
if refill_form.is_valid():
invoice = Facture(user=request.user)
payment, _created = Paiement.objects.get_or_create(moyen='Rechargement en ligne')
facture.paiement = payment
facture.valid = False
v = Vente.objects.create(
purchase = Vente.objects.create(
content = payment.PAYMENT_SYSTEM[AssoOption.get_cached_value('payment')](facture, request)
content = online_payment.PAYMENT_SYSTEM[AssoOption.get_cached_value('payment')](invoice, request)
return render(request, 'cotisations/payment.html', content)
return form({'rechargeform':f}, 'cotisations/recharge.html', request)
return form({
'rechargeform': refill_form
}, 'cotisations/recharge.html', request)