diff --git a/re2o/base.py b/re2o/base.py
index 6b12a4a6..d9e3efa5 100644
--- a/re2o/base.py
+++ b/re2o/base.py
@@ -242,13 +242,13 @@ class SortTable:
return request
-def re2o_paginator(request, query_set, pagination_number):
+def re2o_paginator(request, query_set, pagination_number, page_arg="page"):
"""Paginator script for list display in re2o.
:query_set: Query_set to paginate
:pagination_number: Number of entries to display"""
paginator = Paginator(query_set, pagination_number)
- page = request.GET.get("page")
+ page = request.GET.get(page_arg)
results = paginator.page(page)
except PageNotAnInteger:
diff --git a/re2o/templatetags/pagination_extra.py b/re2o/templatetags/pagination_extra.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41491731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/re2o/templatetags/pagination_extra.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Re2o est un logiciel d'administration développé initiallement au rezometz. Il
+# se veut agnostique au réseau considéré, de manière à être installable en
+# quelques clics.
+# Copyright © 2019 Jean-Romain Garnier
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+from django import template
+from .url_insert_param import url_insert_param
+register = template.Library()
+def pagination_insert_page_and_id(url, page=1, id=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Return the URL with some specific parameters inserted into the query
+ part. If a URL has already some parameters, those requested will be
+ modified if already exisiting or will be added and the other parameters
+ will stay unmodified. If parameters with the same name are already in the
+ URL and a value is specified for this parameter, it will replace all
+ existing parameters.
+ **Tag name**::
+ pagination_insert_page_and_id
+ **Parameters**:
+ url
+ The URL to use as a base. The parameters will be added to this URL.
+ page (optional)
+ The page number (greater or equal to 1) to add as a parameter.
+ If not specified, it will default to 1.
+ id (optional)
+ The ID to jump to in the page.
+ If not specified, it will not be added.
+ **Other accepted parameters***
+ page_args (optional)
+ The name of the parameter used to specify the page number.
+ It must be specifically set as a keyword.
+ If not specified, defaults to 1.
+ Example: {% pagination_insert_page_and_id https://example.com 2 page_args="page_id" %}
+ returns https://example.com?page_id=2
+ **Usage**::
+ {% pagination_insert_page_and_id [URL] [page number] [go to id] %}
+ **Example**::
+ {% pagination_insert_page_and_id https://example.com/bar 2 settings %}
+ return "https://example.com/bar?page=2#settings"
+ {% pagination_insert_page_and_id https://example.com/bar?foo=0 2 %}
+ return "https://example.com/bar?foo=0&page=2"
+ {% pagination_insert_page_and_id https://example.com/bar?foo=0 2 page_arg="page_id" %}
+ return "https://example.com/bar?foo=0&page_id=2"
+ """
+ page_arg = "page"
+ if "page_arg" in kwargs and kwargs["page_arg"] is not None and len(kwargs["page_arg"]) > 0:
+ page_arg = kwargs["page_arg"]
+ args = { "url": url, page_arg: page}
+ new_url = url_insert_param(**args)
+ if id != None:
+ new_url += "#" + str(id)
+ return new_url
diff --git a/search/templates/search/index.html b/search/templates/search/index.html
index e7f05a88..2b05dbb4 100644
--- a/search/templates/search/index.html
+++ b/search/templates/search/index.html
@@ -30,40 +30,66 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
{% block content %}
{% if users %}
{% trans "Results among users:" %}
- {% include 'users/aff_users.html' with users_list=users %}
+ {% include 'pagination.html' with list=users page_arg='users_page' go_to_id='users_results' %}
+ {% include 'users/aff_users.html' with users_list=users.object_list %}
{% endif%}
{% if clubs %}
{% trans "Results among clubs:" %}
- {% include 'users/aff_clubs.html' with clubs_list=clubs %}
+ {% include 'pagination.html' with list=clubs page_arg='clubs_page' go_to_id='clubs_results' %}
+ {% include 'users/aff_clubs.html' with clubs_list=clubs.object_list %}
{% endif%}
{% if machines %}
{% trans "Results among machines:" %}
- {% include 'machines/aff_machines.html' with machines_list=machines %}
+ {% include 'pagination.html' with list=machines page_arg='machines_page' go_to_id='machines_results' %}
+ {% include 'machines/aff_machines.html' with machines_list=machines.object_list %}
{% endif %}
{% if factures %}
{% trans "Results among invoices:" %}
- {% include 'cotisations/aff_cotisations.html' with facture_list=factures %}
+ {% include 'pagination.html' with list=factures page_arg='factures_page' go_to_id='invoices_results' %}
+ {% include 'cotisations/aff_cotisations.html' with facture_list=factures.object_list %}
{% endif %}
{% if whitelists %}
{% trans "Results among whitelists:" %}
- {% include 'users/aff_whitelists.html' with white_list=whitelists %}
+ {% include 'pagination.html' with list=whitelists page_arg='whitelists_page' go_to_id='whitelists_results' %}
+ {% include 'users/aff_whitelists.html' with white_list=whitelists.object_list %}
{% endif %}
{% if bans %}
{% trans "Results among bans:" %}
- {% include 'users/aff_bans.html' with ban_list=bans %}
+ {% include 'pagination.html' with list=bans page_arg='bans_page' go_to_id='bans_results' %}
+ {% include 'users/aff_bans.html' with ban_list=bans.object_list %}
{% endif %}
{% if rooms %}
{% trans "Results among rooms:" %}
- {% include 'topologie/aff_chambres.html' with room_list=rooms %}
+ {% include 'pagination.html' with list=rooms page_arg='rooms_page' go_to_id='rooms_results' %}
+ {% include 'topologie/aff_chambres.html' with room_list=rooms.object_list %}
{% endif %}
{% if ports %}
{% trans "Results among ports:" %}
- {% include 'topologie/aff_port.html' with port_list=ports search=True %}
+ {% include 'pagination.html' with list=ports page_arg='ports_page' go_to_id='ports_results' %}
+ {% include 'topologie/aff_port.html' with port_list=ports.object_list search=True %}
{% endif %}
{% if switches %}
{% trans "Results among switches:" %}
- {% include 'topologie/aff_switch.html' with switch_list=switches %}
+ {% include 'pagination.html' with list=switches page_arg='switches_page' go_to_id='switches_results' %}
+ {% include 'topologie/aff_switch.html' with switch_list=switches.object_list %}
{% endif %}
{% if not users and not machines and not factures and not whitelists and not bans and not rooms and not ports and not switches %}
{% trans "No result" %}
@@ -74,4 +100,3 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/search/views.py b/search/views.py
index bcfdaeee..2a6810a8 100644
--- a/search/views.py
+++ b/search/views.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ from search.forms import (
-from re2o.base import SortTable
+from re2o.base import SortTable, re2o_paginator
from re2o.acl import can_view_all
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def is_int(variable):
return True
-def finish_results(results, col, order):
+def finish_results(request, results, col, order):
"""Sort the results by applying filters and then limit them to the
number of max results. Finally add the info of the nmax number of results
to the dict"""
@@ -93,7 +93,9 @@ def finish_results(results, col, order):
max_result = GeneralOption.get_cached_value("search_display_page")
for name, val in results.items():
- results[name] = val.distinct()[:max_result]
+ page_arg = name + "_page"
+ results[name] = re2o_paginator(request, val.distinct(), max_result, page_arg=page_arg)
results.update({"max_result": max_result})
return results
@@ -316,7 +318,7 @@ def get_results(query, request, params):
"switches": Switch.objects.filter(filters["switches"]),
- results = finish_results(results, request.GET.get("col"), request.GET.get("order"))
+ results = finish_results(request, results, request.GET.get("col"), request.GET.get("order"))
results.update({"search_term": query})
return results
diff --git a/templates/pagination.html b/templates/pagination.html
index a0cc905a..402f61be 100644
--- a/templates/pagination.html
+++ b/templates/pagination.html
@@ -23,19 +23,20 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
{% endcomment %}
{% load url_insert_param %}
+{% load pagination_extra %}
{% load i18n %}
{% if list.paginator.num_pages > 1 %}
{% endif %}