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synced 2025-03-23 15:59:21 +00:00
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This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 35 additions and 33 deletions
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ from .models import (
from .forms import (
@ -947,14 +947,14 @@ def del_constructor_switch(request, constructor_switch, **_kwargs):
def make_machine_graph():
Crée le fichier dot et l'image du graph des Switchs
Create the graph of switchs, machines and access points.
dico = {
'subs': [],
'links' : [],
'alone': [],
'colors': {
'head': "#7f0505",
'head': "#7f0505",#Color parameters for the graph
'back': "#b5adad",
'texte': "#563d01",
'border_bornes': "#02078e",
@ -964,8 +964,7 @@ def make_machine_graph():
missing = list(Switch.objects.all())
detected = []
#Parcours tous les batiments
#Visit all buildings
for building in Building.objects.all():
@ -976,7 +975,7 @@ def make_machine_graph():
'machines': []
#Parcours tous les switchs de ce batiment
#Visit all switchs in this building
for switch in Switch.objects.filter(switchbay__building=building):
'name': switch.main_interface().domain.name,
@ -986,7 +985,7 @@ def make_machine_graph():
'batiment': building,
'ports': []
#Parcours tous les ports liés de ce switch, on ajoute les switchs relié à celui-ci
#visit all ports of this switch and add the switchs linked to it
for port in switch.ports.filter(related__isnull=False):
'numero': port.port,
@ -1008,41 +1007,43 @@ def make_machine_graph():
'port': Port.objects.filter(machine_interface__machine=server)[0].port
#Tant que la liste des oubliés n'est pas vide i.e on les a pas tous passer
#While the list of forgotten ones is not empty
while missing:
print("depart initial sur:{}".format(missing[0]))
if missing[0].ports.count():#le switch à des ports
links, new_detected = recursive_switchs(missing[0].ports.first(), None, [missing[0]])
if missing[0].ports.count():#The switch is not empty
links, new_detected = recursive_switchs(missing[0], None, [missing[0]])
for link in links:
#On recrée la liste des oubliés et des detectés
#Update the lists of missings and already detected switchs
missing=[i for i in missing if i not in new_detected]
detected += new_detected
else:#Si le switch n'a pas de port, on explore pas et on passe au suivant
else:#If the switch have no ports, don't explore it and hop to the next one
del missing[0]
#Tous ceux qui ne sont ni connectés ni dans un batiment
#Switchs that are not connected or not in a building
for switch in Switch.objects.filter(switchbay__isnull=True).exclude(ports__related__isnull=False):
'id': switch.id,
'name': switch.main_interface().domain.name
#Exportation du dot et génération de l'image
dot_data=generate_image(dico)#generate the dot file
fichier = open(MEDIA_ROOT + "/images/switchs.dot","w", encoding='utf-8')
unflatten = Popen(
unflatten = Popen(#unflatten the graph to make it look better
["unflatten","-l", "3", MEDIA_ROOT + "/images/switchs.dot"],
image = Popen(
image = Popen(#pipe the result of the first command into the second
["dot", "-Tpng", "-o", MEDIA_ROOT + "/images/switchs.png"],
def generate_image(data,template='topologie/graph_switch.dot'):
def generate_dot(data,template='topologie/graph_switch.dot'):
"""create the dot file
data: dictionary passed to the template
template: path to the dot template"""
t = loader.get_template(template)
if not isinstance(t, Template) and not (hasattr(t, 'template') and isinstance(t.template, Template)):
raise Exception("Le template par défaut de Django n'est pas utilisé."
@ -1052,23 +1053,24 @@ def generate_image(data,template='topologie/graph_switch.dot'):
dot = t.render(c)
def recursive_switchs(port_start, switch_before, detected):
Parcour récursivement le switchs auquel appartient port_start pour trouver les ports suivants liés
links_return=[]#Liste de dictionaires qui stockes les nouveaux liens trouvés
for port in port_start.switch.ports.filter(related__isnull=False):#Liste des ports dont le related est non null
if port.related.switch!=switch_before and port.related.switch != port.switch:#Pas le switch dont on descend, pas le switch actuel
links = {#dictionaire contenant le lien
def recursive_switchs(switch_start, switch_before, detected):
"""Visit the switch and travel to the switchs linked to it.
switch_start: the switch to begin the visit on
switch_before: the switch that you come from. None if switch_start is the first one
detected: list of all switchs already visited. None if switch_start is the first one"""
links_return=[]#list of dictionaries of the links to be detected
for port in switch_start.ports.filter(related__isnull=False):#Ports that are related to another switch
if port.related.switch != switch_before and port.related.switch != port.switch:#Not the switch that we come from, not the current switch
links = {#Dictionary of a link
if port.related.switch not in detected:#si le switch au bout de ce lien n'a pas été déjà exploré
links_down, detected = recursive_switchs(port.related, port_start.switch, detected)#On l'explore et on récupère le résultat
for link in links_down:#On ajoute les résultats du niveau inférieur à ceux du niveau actuel
if port.related.switch not in detected:#The switch at the end of this link has not been visited
links_down, detected = recursive_switchs(port.related.switch, switch_start, detected)#explore it and get the results
for link in links_down:#Add the non empty links to the current list
if link:
links_return.append(links)#Ajout des liens trouvés (niveau inférieur et actuel) à la liste à renvoyer
detected.append(port_start.switch)#Le switch est considéré comme parcouru
links_return.append(links)#Add current and below levels links
detected.append(switch_start)#This switch is considered detected
return (links_return, detected)
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