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mirror of https://gitlab2.federez.net/re2o/re2o synced 2025-03-27 09:49:22 +00:00

Utilise les nouveaus param bft et change la structure de données

Les nouveaux paramètres passés permettent de reload entièrement la
source de données du typeahead quand le champ field est changé, ce qui
permet au moteur de recherche de ne traiter que les données voulues et
non de devoir filtrer ce qu'il faut afficher ou non parmis l'ensemble
des ip possibles (tout type confondus).
This commit is contained in:
Maël Kervella 2017-10-07 17:00:55 +00:00
parent 474860f974
commit 12fce48ed5
2 changed files with 81 additions and 44 deletions

View file

@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ class EditInterfaceForm(ModelForm):
self.fields['type'].empty_label = "Séléctionner un type de machine"
if "ipv4" in self.fields:
self.fields['ipv4'].empty_label = "Assignation automatique de l'ipv4"
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset = IpList.objects.filter(interface__isnull=True).annotate(type=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset = IpList.objects.filter(interface__isnull=True).annotate(mtype_id=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
# Add it's own address
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset |= IpList.objects.filter(id=self.fields['ipv4'].get_bound_field(self, 'ipv4').value()).annotate(type=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset |= IpList.objects.filter(id=self.fields['ipv4'].get_bound_field(self, 'ipv4').value()).annotate(mtype_id=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
if "machine" in self.fields:
self.fields['machine'].queryset = Machine.objects.all().select_related('user')
@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ class AddInterfaceForm(EditInterfaceForm):
self.fields['ipv4'].empty_label = "Assignation automatique de l'ipv4"
if not infra:
self.fields['type'].queryset = MachineType.objects.filter(ip_type__in=IpType.objects.filter(need_infra=False))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset = IpList.objects.filter(interface__isnull=True).filter(ip_type__in=IpType.objects.filter(need_infra=False)).annotate(type=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset = IpList.objects.filter(interface__isnull=True).filter(ip_type__in=IpType.objects.filter(need_infra=False)).annotate(mtype_id=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset = IpList.objects.filter(interface__isnull=True).annotate(type=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset = IpList.objects.filter(interface__isnull=True).annotate(mtype_id=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
class NewInterfaceForm(EditInterfaceForm):
class Meta(EditInterfaceForm.Meta):
@ -97,11 +97,12 @@ class BaseEditInterfaceForm(EditInterfaceForm):
self.fields['ipv4'].empty_label = "Assignation automatique de l'ipv4"
if not infra:
self.fields['type'].queryset = MachineType.objects.filter(ip_type__in=IpType.objects.filter(need_infra=False))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset = IpList.objects.filter(interface__isnull=True).filter(ip_type__in=IpType.objects.filter(need_infra=False)).annotate(type=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset = IpList.objects.filter(interface__isnull=True).filter(ip_type__in=IpType.objects.filter(need_infra=False)).annotate(mtype_id=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
# Add it's own address
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset |= IpList.objects.filter(id=self.fields['ipv4'].get_bound_field(self, 'ipv4').value()).annotate(type=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset |= IpList.objects.filter(id=self.fields['ipv4'].get_bound_field(self, 'ipv4').value()).annotate(mtype_id=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset = IpList.objects.filter(interface__isnull=True).annotate(type=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset = IpList.objects.filter(interface__isnull=True).annotate(mtype_id=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
self.fields['ipv4'].queryset |= IpList.objects.filter(id=self.fields['ipv4'].get_bound_field(self, 'ipv4').value()).annotate(mtype_id=F('ip_type__machinetype__id'))
class AliasForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:

View file

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ from .models import IpType, Machine, Interface, IpList, MachineType, Extension,
from users.models import User
from users.models import all_has_access
from preferences.models import GeneralOption, OptionalMachine
from .templatetags.bootstrap_form_typeahead import hidden_id, input_id
def all_active_interfaces():
"""Renvoie l'ensemble des machines autorisées à sortir sur internet """
@ -77,42 +78,80 @@ def form(ctx, template, request):
return render(request, template, c)
def generate_ipv4_choices( field ) :
return '[{key: "", value: "' + str(field.empty_label) + '", type: -1},' + \
', '.join([ \
'{key: ' + str(ip.id) + ',' \
' value: "' + str(ip.ipv4) + '",' \
' type: ' + str(ip.type) + '}' \
for ip in field.queryset \
]) + \
def f_type_id( is_type_tt ):
""" The id that will be used in HTML to store the value of the field
type. Depends on the fact that type is generate using typeahead or not
return hidden_id('type') if is_type_tt else input_id('type')
def generate_ipv4_match_func() :
def generate_ipv4_choices( form ) :
""" Generate the parameter choices for the bootstrap_form_typeahead tag
f_ipv4 = form.fields['ipv4']
used_mtype_id = []
choices = '{ "": [{key: "", value: "Choisissez d\'abord un type de machine"},'
mtype_id = -1
for ip in f_ipv4.queryset.order_by('mtype_id', 'id') :
if mtype_id != ip.mtype_id :
mtype_id = ip.mtype_id
choices += '], "'+str(mtype_id)+'": ['
choices += '{key: "", value: "' + str(f_ipv4.empty_label) + '"},'
choices += '{key: ' + str(ip.id) + ', value: "' + str(ip.ipv4) + '"},'
for t in form.fields['type'].queryset.exclude(id__in=used_mtype_id) :
choices += '], "'+str(t.id)+'": ['
choices += '{key: "", value: "' + str(f_ipv4.empty_label) + '"},'
choices += ']}'
return choices
def generate_ipv4_engine( is_type_tt ) :
""" Generate the parameter engine for the bootstrap_form_typeahead tag
return 'new Bloodhound({ ' \
'datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace("value"), ' \
'queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, ' \
'local: choices_ipv4[$("#'+f_type_id(is_type_tt)+'").val()], ' \
'identify: function(obj) { return obj.key; } ' \
def generate_ipv4_match_func( is_type_tt ) :
""" Generate the parameter match_func for the bootstrap_form_typeahead tag
return 'function(q, sync) {' \
'var select = function (array, nb, filter) {' \
'var i=0; var res=[];' \
'while (nb >= 0 && i < array.length) {' \
'if (filter(array[i])) {' \
'res.push(array[i]);' \
'nb -= 1;' \
'}' \
'i += 1;' \
'}' \
'return res;' \
'};' \
'var filter = function (elt) {' \
'return elt.type == -1 || elt.type == $("#id_type").val();' \
'};' \
'var cb = function (a) { sync(a.filter(filter)); };' \
'if (q === "") {' \
'sync( engine.get( select(choices_ipv4, 10, filter).map(' \
'function (elt) { return elt.key; }' \
') ) );' \
'var nb = 10;' \
'var first = [] ;' \
'for(' \
'var i=0 ;' \
'i<nb && i<choices_ipv4[' \
'$("#'+f_type_id(is_type_tt)+'").val()' \
'].length ;' \
'i++' \
') { first.push(' \
'choices_ipv4[$("#'+f_type_id(is_type_tt)+'").val()][i].key' \
'); }' \
'sync(engine_ipv4.get(first));' \
'} else {' \
'engine_ipv4.search(q, sync);' \
'}' \
def generate_ipv4_bft_param( form, is_type_tt ):
""" Generate all the parameters to use with the bootstrap_form_typeahead
tag """
i_choices = { 'ipv4': generate_ipv4_choices( form ) }
i_engine = { 'ipv4': generate_ipv4_engine( is_type_tt ) }
i_match_func = { 'ipv4': generate_ipv4_match_func( is_type_tt ) }
i_update_on = { 'ipv4': [f_type_id( is_type_tt )] }
i_bft_param = {
'choices': i_choices,
'engine': i_engine,
'match_func': i_match_func,
'update_on': i_update_on
return i_bft_param
def new_machine(request, userid):
@ -157,9 +196,8 @@ def new_machine(request, userid):
messages.success(request, "La machine a été créée")
return redirect("/users/profil/" + str(user.id))
i_choices = { 'ipv4': generate_ipv4_choices( interface.fields['ipv4'] ) }
i_match_func = { 'ipv4': generate_ipv4_match_func() }
return form({'machineform': machine, 'interfaceform': interface, 'domainform': domain, 'i_bft_param': {'choices': i_choices, 'match_func': i_match_func}}, 'machines/machine.html', request)
i_bft_param = generate_ipv4_bft_param( interface, False )
return form({'machineform': machine, 'interfaceform': interface, 'domainform': domain, 'i_bft_param': i_bft_param}, 'machines/machine.html', request)
def edit_interface(request, interfaceid):
@ -196,9 +234,8 @@ def edit_interface(request, interfaceid):
reversion.set_comment("Champs modifié(s) : %s" % ', '.join(field for field in domain_form.changed_data))
messages.success(request, "La machine a été modifiée")
return redirect("/users/profil/" + str(interface.machine.user.id))
i_choices = { 'ipv4': generate_ipv4_choices( interface_form.fields['ipv4'] ) }
i_match_func = { 'ipv4': generate_ipv4_match_func() }
return form({'machineform': machine_form, 'interfaceform': interface_form, 'domainform': domain_form, 'i_bft_param': {'choices': i_choices, 'match_func': i_match_func}}, 'machines/machine.html', request)
i_bft_param = generate_ipv4_bft_param( interface_form, False )
return form({'machineform': machine_form, 'interfaceform': interface_form, 'domainform': domain_form, 'i_bft_param': i_bft_param}, 'machines/machine.html', request)
def del_machine(request, machineid):
@ -254,9 +291,8 @@ def new_interface(request, machineid):
messages.success(request, "L'interface a été ajoutée")
return redirect("/users/profil/" + str(machine.user.id))
i_choices = { 'ipv4': generate_ipv4_choices( interface_form.fields['ipv4'] ) }
i_match_func = { 'ipv4': generate_ipv4_match_func() }
return form({'interfaceform': interface_form, 'domainform': domain_form, 'i_bft_param': { 'choices': i_choices, 'match_func': i_match_func }}, 'machines/machine.html', request)
i_bft_param = generate_ipv4_bft_param( interface_form, False )
return form({'interfaceform': interface_form, 'domainform': domain_form, 'i_bft_param': i_bft_param}, 'machines/machine.html', request)
def del_interface(request, interfaceid):