2020-12-30 17:52:00 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generated by Django 1.11.29 on 2020-12-30 15:27
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django . db import migrations , models
import django . db . models . deletion
import re2o . mixins
class Migration ( migrations . Migration ) :
dependencies = [
( ' machines ' , ' 0002_foreign_keys ' ) ,
( ' preferences ' , ' 0001_model_creation ' ) ,
( ' topologie ' , ' 0001_model_creation ' ) ,
2021-02-13 15:52:41 +01:00
2020-12-30 17:52:00 +01:00
operations = [
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' building ' ,
name = ' dormitory ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( default = None , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . PROTECT , to = ' topologie.Dormitory ' ) ,
preserve_default = False ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' modelswitch ' ,
name = ' constructor ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( default = None , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . PROTECT , to = ' topologie.ConstructorSwitch ' ) ,
preserve_default = False ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' moduleonswitch ' ,
name = ' module ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( default = None , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , to = ' topologie.ModuleSwitch ' ) ,
preserve_default = False ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' moduleonswitch ' ,
name = ' switch ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( default = None , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , to = ' topologie.Switch ' ) ,
preserve_default = False ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' port ' ,
name = ' custom_profile ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( blank = True , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . PROTECT , to = ' topologie.PortProfile ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' port ' ,
name = ' machine_interface ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( blank = True , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . SET_NULL , to = ' machines.Interface ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' port ' ,
name = ' related ' ,
field = models . OneToOneField ( blank = True , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , related_name = ' related_port ' , to = ' topologie.Port ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' port ' ,
name = ' switch ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( default = None , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , related_name = ' ports ' , to = ' topologie.Switch ' ) ,
preserve_default = False ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' portprofile ' ,
name = ' on_dormitory ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( blank = True , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . SET_NULL , related_name = ' dormitory_ofprofil ' , to = ' topologie.Dormitory ' , verbose_name = ' profile on dormitory ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' portprofile ' ,
name = ' vlan_tagged ' ,
field = models . ManyToManyField ( blank = True , related_name = ' vlan_tagged ' , to = ' machines.Vlan ' , verbose_name = ' VLAN(s) tagged ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' portprofile ' ,
name = ' vlan_untagged ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( blank = True , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . SET_NULL , related_name = ' vlan_untagged ' , to = ' machines.Vlan ' , verbose_name = ' VLAN untagged ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' switch ' ,
name = ' management_creds ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( blank = True , help_text = ' Management credentials for the switch. ' , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . PROTECT , to = ' preferences.SwitchManagementCred ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' switch ' ,
name = ' model ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( blank = True , help_text = ' Switch model. ' , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . SET_NULL , to = ' topologie.ModelSwitch ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' switch ' ,
name = ' radius_key ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( blank = True , help_text = ' RADIUS key of the switch. ' , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . PROTECT , to = ' preferences.RadiusKey ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' switch ' ,
name = ' stack ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( blank = True , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . SET_NULL , to = ' topologie.Stack ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' switch ' ,
name = ' switchbay ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( blank = True , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . SET_NULL , to = ' topologie.SwitchBay ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' switchbay ' ,
name = ' building ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( default = None , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . PROTECT , to = ' topologie.Building ' ) ,
preserve_default = False ,
) ,
migrations . AlterUniqueTogether (
name = ' moduleonswitch ' ,
unique_together = set ( [ ( ' slot ' , ' switch ' ) ] ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' port ' ,
name = ' room ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( blank = True , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . PROTECT , to = ' topologie.Room ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AlterUniqueTogether (
name = ' port ' ,
unique_together = set ( [ ( ' switch ' , ' port ' ) ] ) ,
) ,
migrations . AlterUniqueTogether (
name = ' portprofile ' ,
unique_together = set ( [ ( ' on_dormitory ' , ' profil_default ' ) ] ) ,
) ,
migrations . AlterUniqueTogether (
name = ' switch ' ,
unique_together = set ( [ ( ' stack ' , ' stack_member_id ' ) ] ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' room ' ,
name = ' building ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . PROTECT , to = ' topologie.Building ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AlterUniqueTogether (
name = ' room ' ,
unique_together = set ( [ ( ' name ' , ' building ' ) ] ) ,
) ,