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2021-06-29 22:37:59 +02:00
Overflow by HTML5 UP
html5up.net | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license)
(function($) {
var $window = $(window),
$body = $('body'),
settings = {
// Parallax background effect?
parallax: true,
// Parallax factor (lower = more intense, higher = less intense).
parallaxFactor: 10
// Breakpoints.
wide: [ '1081px', '1680px' ],
normal: [ '841px', '1080px' ],
narrow: [ '737px', '840px' ],
mobile: [ null, '736px' ]
// Mobile?
if (browser.mobile)
// Play initial animations on page load.
$window.on('load', function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
// Scrolly.
speed: 1000,
anchor: 'middle'
speed: 1000,
offset: function() { return (breakpoints.active('<=mobile') ? 70 : 190); }
// Parallax background.
// Disable parallax on IE/Edge (smooth scrolling is jerky), and on mobile platforms (= better performance).
if (browser.name == 'ie'
|| browser.name == 'edge'
|| browser.mobile)
settings.parallax = false;
if (settings.parallax) {
var $dummy = $(), $bg;
.on('scroll.overflow_parallax', function() {
// Adjust background position.
$bg.css('background-position', 'center ' + (-1 * (parseInt($window.scrollTop()) / settings.parallaxFactor)) + 'px');
.on('resize.overflow_parallax', function() {
// If we're in a situation where we need to temporarily disable parallax, do so.
if (breakpoints.active('<=narrow')) {
$body.css('background-position', '');
$bg = $dummy;
// Otherwise, continue as normal.
$bg = $body;
// Trigger scroll handler.
// Poptrox.
useBodyOverflow: false,
usePopupEasyClose: false,
overlayColor: '#0a1919',
overlayOpacity: 0.75,
usePopupDefaultStyling: false,
usePopupCaption: true,
popupLoaderText: '',
windowMargin: 10,
usePopupNav: true