-- vi: et ai ts=2 -- -- Warning: postgresql >= 8.2 is required for the 'DROP .. IF EXISTS' -- Warning: this script DESTROYS EVERYTHING ! -- -- NOTE : - we could / should use types cidr / inet / macaddr for IP ? (see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/datatype-net-types.html) -- - ON UPDATE is not supported ? -- - type 'integer' is used (we have to check for overflows ..) -- - type 'datetime' has been replaced by 'timestamp' -- -- conntrack -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ulog2_ct ( ct_id bigint PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL, oob_family smallint default NULL, orig_ip_saddr_str inet default NULL, orig_ip_daddr_str inet default NULL, orig_ip_protocol smallint default NULL, orig_l4_sport integer default NULL, orig_l4_dport integer default NULL, orig_raw_pktlen bigint default 0, orig_raw_pktcount bigint default 0, reply_ip_saddr_str inet default NULL, reply_ip_daddr_str inet default NULL, reply_ip_protocol smallint default NULL, reply_l4_sport integer default NULL, reply_l4_dport integer default NULL, reply_raw_pktlen bigint default 0, reply_raw_pktcount bigint default 0, icmp_code smallint default NULL, icmp_type smallint default NULL, ct_mark bigint default 0, flow_start_sec bigint default 0, flow_start_usec bigint default 0, flow_end_sec bigint default 0, flow_end_usec bigint default 0, ct_event smallint default 0 ); -- -- Additional INDEX -- -- CREATE INDEX ulog2_ct_oob_family ON ulog2_ct(oob_family); -- CREATE INDEX ulog2_ct_orig_ip_saddr ON ulog2_ct(orig_ip_saddr_str); -- CREATE INDEX ulog2_ct_orig_ip_daddr ON ulog2_ct(orig_ip_daddr_str); -- CREATE INDEX ulog2_ct_reply_ip_saddr ON ulog2_ct(reply_ip_saddr_str); -- CREATE INDEX ulog2_ct_reply_ip_daddr ON ulog2_ct(reply_ip_daddr_str); -- CREATE INDEX ulog2_ct_orig_l4_sport ON ulog2_ct(orig_l4_sport); -- CREATE INDEX ulog2_ct_orig_l4_dport ON ulog2_ct(orig_l4_dport); -- CREATE INDEX ulog2_ct_reply_l4_sport ON ulog2_ct(reply_l4_sport); -- CREATE INDEX ulog2_ct_reply_l4_dport ON ulog2_ct(reply_l4_dport); -- CREATE INDEX ulog2_ct_event ON ulog2_ct(ct_event); -- -- Procedures -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION INSERT_CT( IN _ct_id bigint, IN _oob_family integer, IN _orig_ip_saddr inet, IN _orig_ip_daddr inet, IN _orig_ip_protocol integer, IN _orig_l4_sport integer, IN _orig_l4_dport integer, IN _orig_raw_pktlen bigint, IN _orig_raw_pktcount bigint, IN _reply_ip_saddr inet, IN _reply_ip_daddr inet, IN _reply_ip_protocol integer, IN _reply_l4_sport integer, IN _reply_l4_dport integer, IN _reply_raw_pktlen bigint, IN _reply_raw_pktcount bigint, IN _icmp_code integer, IN _icmp_type integer, IN _ct_mark bigint, IN _flow_start_sec bigint, IN _flow_start_usec bigint, IN _flow_end_sec bigint, IN _flow_end_usec bigint, IN _ct_event integer ) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE _id bigint; BEGIN INSERT INTO ulog2_ct (ct_id, oob_family, orig_ip_saddr_str, orig_ip_daddr_str, orig_ip_protocol, orig_l4_sport, orig_l4_dport, orig_raw_pktlen, orig_raw_pktcount, reply_ip_saddr_str, reply_ip_daddr_str, reply_ip_protocol, reply_l4_sport, reply_l4_dport, reply_raw_pktlen, reply_raw_pktcount, icmp_code, icmp_type, ct_mark, flow_start_sec, flow_start_usec, flow_end_sec, flow_end_usec, ct_event) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24); _id = $1; RETURN _id; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY INVOKER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION INSERT_OR_REPLACE_CT( IN _ct_id bigint, IN _oob_family integer, IN _orig_ip_saddr inet, IN _orig_ip_daddr inet, IN _orig_ip_protocol integer, IN _orig_l4_sport integer, IN _orig_l4_dport integer, IN _orig_raw_pktlen bigint, IN _orig_raw_pktcount bigint, IN _reply_ip_saddr inet, IN _reply_ip_daddr inet, IN _reply_ip_protocol integer, IN _reply_l4_sport integer, IN _reply_l4_dport integer, IN _reply_raw_pktlen bigint, IN _reply_raw_pktcount bigint, IN _icmp_code integer, IN _icmp_type integer, IN _ct_mark bigint, IN _flow_start_sec bigint, IN _flow_start_usec bigint, IN _flow_end_sec bigint, IN _flow_end_usec bigint, IN _ct_event integer ) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE _id bigint; BEGIN IF (_ct_event = 4) THEN if (_orig_ip_protocol = 1) THEN UPDATE ulog2_ct SET (orig_raw_pktlen, orig_raw_pktcount, reply_raw_pktlen, reply_raw_pktcount, ct_mark, flow_end_sec, flow_end_usec, ct_event) = ($8,$9,$15,$16,$19,$22,$23,$24) WHERE ct_id=$1 AND oob_family=$2 AND orig_ip_saddr_str = $3 AND orig_ip_daddr_str = $4 AND orig_ip_protocol = $5 AND reply_ip_saddr_str = $10 AND reply_ip_daddr_str = $11 AND reply_ip_protocol = $12 AND icmp_code = $17 AND icmp_type = $18 AND ct_event < 4; ELSE UPDATE ulog2_ct SET (orig_raw_pktlen, orig_raw_pktcount, reply_raw_pktlen, reply_raw_pktcount, ct_mark, flow_end_sec, flow_end_usec, ct_event) = ($8,$9,$15,$16,$19,$22,$23,$24) WHERE ct_id=$1 AND oob_family=$2 AND orig_ip_saddr_str = $3 AND orig_ip_daddr_str = $4 AND orig_ip_protocol = $5 AND orig_l4_sport = $6 AND orig_l4_dport = $7 AND reply_ip_saddr_str = $10 AND reply_ip_daddr_str = $11 AND reply_ip_protocol = $12 AND reply_l4_sport = $13 AND reply_l4_dport = $14 AND ct_event < 4; END IF; ELSE _id := INSERT_CT($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24); END IF; RETURN _id; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY INVOKER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION DELETE_CT_FLOW( IN _ct_packet_id bigint ) RETURNS void AS $$ -- remember : table with most constraints first DELETE FROM ulog2_ct WHERE ulog2_ct.ct_id = $1; $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY INVOKER; -- Created by Pierre Chifflier -- Adapted by Thomas Chevalier