Granted, this style is definitely not common, but for the short utility-functions of this program it's just the right choice. This provides great flexibility, such that in the long run, it will be possible to also share code between the OS-implementations. This also keeps the state-keeping at a minimum and makes it clearer which functions are implemented on which OS without having to jiggle around with too many files in the process.
133 lines
2.7 KiB
133 lines
2.7 KiB
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../util.h"
#if defined(__linux__)
const char *
long free;
return (pscanf("/proc/meminfo", "MemFree: %ld kB\n", &free) == 1) ?
bprintf("%f", (float)free / 1024 / 1024) : NULL;
const char *
long total, free, buffers, cached;
return (pscanf("/proc/meminfo",
"MemTotal: %ld kB\n"
"MemFree: %ld kB\n"
"MemAvailable: %ld kB\nBuffers: %ld kB\n"
"Cached: %ld kB\n",
&total, &free, &buffers, &buffers, &cached) == 5) ?
bprintf("%d", 100 * ((total - free) - (buffers + cached)) /
total) :
const char *
long total;
return (pscanf("/proc/meminfo", "MemTotal: %ld kB\n", &total) == 1) ?
bprintf("%f", (float)total / 1024 / 1024) : NULL;
const char *
long total, free, buffers, cached;
return (pscanf("/proc/meminfo",
"MemTotal: %ld kB\n"
"MemFree: %ld kB\n"
"MemAvailable: %ld kB\nBuffers: %ld kB\n"
"Cached: %ld kB\n",
&total, &free, &buffers, &buffers, &cached) == 5) ?
bprintf("%f", (float)(total - free - buffers - cached) /
1024 / 1024) :
#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
inline int
load_uvmexp(struct uvmexp *uvmexp)
int uvmexp_mib[] = {CTL_VM, VM_UVMEXP};
size_t size;
size = sizeof(*uvmexp);
return sysctl(uvmexp_mib, 2, uvmexp, &size, NULL, 0) >= 0 ? 1 : 0;
const char *
struct uvmexp uvmexp;
float free;
int free_pages;
if (load_uvmexp(&uvmexp)) {
free_pages = uvmexp.npages - uvmexp.active;
free = (double) (free_pages * uvmexp.pagesize) / 1024 /
1024 / 1024;
return bprintf("%f", free);
return NULL;
const char *
struct uvmexp uvmexp;
int percent;
if (load_uvmexp(&uvmexp)) {
percent = uvmexp.active * 100 / uvmexp.npages;
return bprintf("%d", percent);
return NULL;
const char *
struct uvmexp uvmexp;
float total;
if (load_uvmexp(&uvmexp)) {
total = (double) (uvmexp.npages * uvmexp.pagesize) /
1024 / 1024 / 1024;
return bprintf("%f", total);
return NULL;
const char *
struct uvmexp uvmexp;
float used;
if (load_uvmexp(&uvmexp)) {
used = (double) (uvmexp.active * uvmexp.pagesize) /
1024 / 1024 / 1024;
return bprintf("%f", used);
return NULL;