set -g fish_color_git_normal blue set -g fish_color_git_ahead green set -g fish_color_git_behind red set -g fish_color_git_diverged magenta set -g fish_color_git_staged green set -g fish_color_git_unstaged yellow set -g fish_color_git_untracked red set -g fish_color_git_unmerged red set -g fish_prompt_git_status_ahead '▲' set -g fish_prompt_git_status_behind '▼' set -g fish_prompt_git_status_diverged '⯁' set -g fish_prompt_git_status_staged '●' set -g fish_prompt_git_status_unstaged '●' set -g fish_prompt_git_status_untracked '●' set -g fish_prompt_git_status_unmerged 'M' set -g fish_prompt_git_status_stashed 'S' set -g fish_prompt_git_status_order ahead behind diverged staged unstaged untracked unmerged stashed # Useful chars # '✓' # '⚡' # '✚' # '●' # '▾' # '✖' # '➜' # '⇒' # '➤' function __plaid_git_prompt --description 'Write out the git prompt' # If git isn't installed, there's nothing we can do # Return 1 so the calling prompt can deal with it if not command -sq git return 1 end set -l branch (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) if test -z $branch return end set -l index (git status --porcelain -b 2>/dev/null) set -l rst (set_color normal) if test -z "$index" printf '%s[%s]%s' (set_color $fish_color_git_normal) $branch $rst return end set -l gs printf '%s[%s ' (set_color $fish_color_git_normal) $branch for i in $index if echo $i | grep '^[AMRCD]' >/dev/null set -a gs staged end if echo $i | grep '^ [AMRCD]' >/dev/null set -a gs unstaged end if echo $i | grep '^??' >/dev/null set -a gs untracked end if echo $i | grep '^[ADU*][ADU*]' >/dev/null set -a gs unmerged end if echo $i | grep '^## .*ahead' >/dev/null set -a gs ahead end if echo $i | grep '^## .*behind' >/dev/null set -a gs behind end if echo $i | grep '^## .*diverged' >/dev/null set -a gs diverged end if git rev-parse --verify refs/stash >/dev/null 2>&1 set -a gs stashed end end for i in $fish_prompt_git_status_order if contains $i in $gs set -l color_name fish_color_git_$i set -l status_name fish_prompt_git_status_$i printf '%s%s' (set_color $$color_name) $$status_name end end printf '%s]%s' (set_color $fish_color_git_normal) $rst end