#include "ros/ros.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; class Drone_control { public: ros::NodeHandle n; ros::Publisher pub_cmd; ros::Subscriber sub_box; float THRES_TURN = 0.1; bool emergency = false; Drone_control() : n("~") { pub_cmd = n.advertise("/bebop/cmd_vel", 1); sub_box = n.subscribe("/papillon/bbox", 1, &Drone_control::on_msg, this); ROS_INFO("Built !"); } // This processes an image and publishes the result. void on_msg(const papillon::BoundingBox::ConstPtr& bbox) { geometry_msgs::Twist twist = geometry_msgs::Twist(); cv::Point2f r_center = cv::Point2f(bbox->x + bbox->width/2, bbox->y + bbox->height/2); ROS_INFO("r_center.x = %f", r_center.x); if (!emergency) { // Image is 1.0 in width and height if (r_center.x < 0.5 - THRES_TURN) twist.angular.z = 0.2; else if (r_center.x > 0.5 + THRES_TURN) twist.angular.z = -0.2; } pub_cmd.publish(twist); } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "control"); Drone_control con=Drone_control(); ros::spin(); return 0; }