# -*- coding: utf8 -* from flask import Flask, request, g, redirect, url_for, \ abort, render_template, flash from functools import wraps from contextlib import closing import sqlite3 import MySQLdb as mdb from time import time, localtime, strftime import locale import random # configuration DEBUG = True SECRET_KEY = "\xf3'\xd2\xf7\xa4[.h\x8e\x11|\xda\x00\x9fyS\xfe\xb3(!\x91'6\x16" USERNAME = 'admin' PASSWORD = 'pipo' ASSHOLES = [] SQLITE_FILENAME = '/var/roulette/players.db' SQLITE_SCHEMA = 'schema.sql' BAN_DURATION = 30. * 60. IMMUNITY_FILE = '/var/roulette/immunity' ASSHOLES_FILE = '/var/roulette/assholes' STATE_FILE = '/var/roulette/state' STATE = 'down' app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(__name__) app.secret_key = SECRET_KEY random.seed(time()) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'fr_FR.utf8') # Utilisation de la base SQLite def connect_sqlite(): return sqlite3.connect(SQLITE_FILENAME) def connect_sql(): return MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", # your host, usually localhost user="root", # your username passwd="F5XUaZmkWaWp3GDnT73WuEGZqAN5hMF3", # your password db="roulette") # name of the data base def init_db(): # Initialisation de la base SQLite pass def duration_format(seconds): hours = seconds // 3600 seconds -= 3600*hours minutes = seconds // 60 seconds -= 60*minutes s_str = seconds <= 1 and 'seconde' or 'secondes' m_str = minutes <= 1 and 'minute' or 'minutes' h_str = hours <= 1 and 'heure' or 'heures' if hours == 0: if minutes == 0: return '%01d %s' % (seconds, s_str) return '%01d %s et %01d %s' % (minutes, m_str, seconds, s_str) return '%01d %s, %01d %s et %01d %s' % (hours, h_str, minutes, m_str, seconds, s_str) def get_ip(): return request.remote_addr def get_player(player_id): con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""select id,firstname,name,ban_end from players where id=(?)""", [player_id]) row = cur.fetchone() con.close() return {'id': row[0], 'firstname': row[1], 'name': row[2], 'ban_end': row[3]} def get_player_from_ip(ip): con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""select players.id,players.firstname,players.name, machines.id,machines.ip,players.ban_end from players inner join machines on players.id=machines.player_id where machines.ip=(?)""", [ip]) row = cur.fetchone() con.close() print("last good line") user = None if row is not None: user = {'id': row[0], 'firstname': row[1], 'name': row[2], \ 'machine_id': row[3], 'ip': row[4], 'ban_end': row[5]} return user def get_player_from_full_name(firstname, name): con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""select players.id,players.firstname,players.name, machines.id,machines.ip,players.ban_end from players inner join machines on players.id=machines.player_id where players.firstname=(?) and players.name=(?)""", [firstname, name]) row = cur.fetchone() con.close() user = None if row is not None: user = {'id': row[0], 'firstname': row[1], 'name': row[2], \ 'machine_id': row[3], 'ip': row[4], 'ban_end': row[5]} return user def is_banned(user_id): con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""select ban_end from players where id=(?)""", [user_id]) ban_end = cur.fetchone()[0] con.close() return time() < ban_end def playable_required(f): @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): ip=get_ip() user = get_player_from_ip(ip) if not user: return render_template('not_subscribed.html',stats=statistiques()) # Un utilisateur banni ne peut pas jouer elif is_banned(user['id']): return banned() return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function def get_players_not_banned(): con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""select id,firstname,name from players where (?) > ban_end """, [time()]) rows = cur.fetchall() con.close() not_banned = [{'id': row[0], 'firstname': row[1], 'name': row[2]} for row in rows] # Ensuite on applique les règles d'immunité with open(IMMUNITY_FILE, 'r') as f: immunity = f.read() result = [] for user in not_banned: if user['firstname']+' '+user['name'] not in immunity: result.append(user) return result def cheat(player_id, target_id): success = random.choice([True, False]) try: # ok = [line.strip().partition(' ') for line in IMMUNITY] # ok = [get_player_from_full_name(names[0], names[2])['id'] for names in ok] ko = [line.strip().partition(' ') for line in ASSHOLES] ko = [get_player_from_full_name(names[0], names[2])['id'] for names in ko] if target_id in ko: success = True elif player_id in ko: success = False # elif target_id in ok: # success = False except TypeError: pass return success def ban(player_id, target_id, success): player = get_player(player_id) target = get_player(target_id) banned_player = success and target or player con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""select id,ban_end from players where id=(?)""", [banned_player['id']]) con.commit() con.close() con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() ban_end = cur.fetchone()[0] ban_end = time() + BAN_DURATION cur.execute("""update players set ban_end=(?) where id=(?)""", [ban_end, banned_player['id']]) con.commit() con.close() con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""insert into bans (player_id,target_id,success,time) values (?,?,?,?)""", [player['id'], target['id'], \ success and 1 or 0, time()]) con.commit() con.close() def unban(player_id): con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""update players set ban_end=(?) where id=(?)""", [time() - BAN_DURATION, player_id]) con.commit() con.close() def get_bans(player_id): con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() # Bannissements concernant le joueur : cur.execute("""select player_id,target_id,success,time from bans where target_id=(?) or player_id=(?)""", [player_id, player_id]) rows = cur.fetchall() con.close() return [{'player_id': row[0], 'target_id': row[1], \ 'success': row[2], 'time': row[3]} for row in rows] def banned(): player = get_player_from_ip(get_ip()) if DEBUG: print(player,'is banned and tries to play') last_ban = sorted(get_bans(player['id']), key=lambda p: p['time'], \ reverse=False)[-1] if last_ban['target_id'] == player['id'] and last_ban['success'] == 1: source = get_player(last_ban['player_id']) explanation = u'Tu t\'es fait trancher par %s %s.' \ % (source['firstname'], source['name']) else: explanation = u'Tu t\'es tranché toi-même, pas de chance...' timeleft = int(player['ban_end'] - time()) return render_template('banned.html', \ explanation=explanation, timeleft=timeleft, stats=statistiques()) def statistiques(): #Calcul des statistiques con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""select firstname,name,ban_end from players""") rows = cur.fetchall() con.close() tranchés = 0 n_tranchés = 0 with open(IMMUNITY_FILE, 'r') as f: immunity = f.read() for row in rows: if row[0]+' '+row[1] not in immunity: if row[2] > time(): tranchés += 1 else: n_tranchés += 1 return (tranchés,n_tranchés) @app.route('/banned_ip') def banned_ip(): #Actualisation de l'etat de la roulette with open(STATE_FILE, 'r') as f: global STATE STATE = f.read() if DEBUG : print(STATE) # Liste des ip pour récupération par babel et plop if not DEBUG: if get_ip() not in ['']: abort(403) con = connect_sql() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""select machines.ip from players inner join machines on players.id=machines.player_id where players.ban_end>(?)""", [time()]) rows = cur.fetchall() con.close() return '\n'.join([row[0] for row in rows]) @app.route('/') @playable_required def home(): player = get_player_from_ip(get_ip()) if DEBUG: print(STATE) if DEBUG: print(player, 'arrived') bans = sorted(get_bans(player['id']), \ key=lambda ban: ban['time'], \ reverse=True) bans_hist = [] for banned_user in bans: date = strftime('%Hh%M (%A)', localtime(banned_user['time'])) source = get_player(banned_user['player_id']) target = get_player(banned_user['target_id']) if target['id'] == player['id']: if banned_user['success']: entry = ('ban', u'%s : %s %s a réussi à t\'avoir.' \ % (date, source['firstname'], source['name'])) else: entry = ('warn', u'%s : %s %s a essayé de te trancher, en vain.' \ % (date, source['firstname'], source['name'])) else: if banned_user['success']: entry = ('ok', u'%s : Tu as tranché %s %s avec succès.' \ % (date, target['firstname'], target['name'])) else: entry = ('ban', u'%s : Tu as échoué en voulant trancher %s %s.' \ % (date, target['firstname'], target['name'])) bans_hist.append(entry) if "down" in STATE: return render_template('down.html', user=player, stats=statistiques(), bans_hist=bans_hist) elif "up" in STATE: return render_template('home.html', bans_hist=bans_hist, stats=statistiques()) else: return render_template('precampagne.html', user=player,stats=statistiques()) @app.route('/jouer', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @playable_required def play(): ip = get_ip() player = get_player_from_ip(ip) if "down" in STATE: bans = sorted(get_bans(player['id']), \ key=lambda ban: ban['time'], \ reverse=True) bans_hist = [] for banned_user in bans: date = strftime('%Hh%M (%A)', localtime(banned_user['time'])) source = get_player(banned_user['player_id']) target = get_player(banned_user['target_id']) if target['id'] == player['id']: if banned_user['success']: entry = ('ban', u'%s : %s %s a réussi à t\'avoir.' \ % (date, source['firstname'], source['name'])) else: entry = ('warn', u'%s : %s %s a essayé de te trancher, en vain.' \ % (date, source['firstname'], source['name'])) else: if banned_user['success']: entry = ('ok', u'%s : Tu as tranché %s %s avec succès.' \ % (date, target['firstname'], target['name'])) else: entry = ('ban', u'%s : Tu as échoué en voulant trancher %s %s.' \ % (date, target['firstname'], target['name'])) bans_hist.append(entry) return render_template('down.html', user=player,stats=statistiques()) elif "up" in STATE: # Traitement de la requête de bannissement if request.method == 'POST': target_id = request.form['target_id'] if target_id != 'none': if is_banned(target_id): flash(u'Utilisateur déjà tranché, il faut en choisir un autre.') else: success = cheat(player['id'], target_id) if success: target = get_player(target_id) ban(player['id'], target_id, True) flash(u'Trop cool, %s a été tranché pour un bon moment.' \ % target['firstname']) else: ban(player['id'], target_id, False) return banned() # Liste des joueurs non bannis, triée dans l'ordre croissant ou décroissant players = sorted(get_players_not_banned(), \ key=lambda player: player['firstname'], \ reverse = random.choice([True, False])) # sans le joueur actuel players = filter(lambda p: p['id'] != player['id'], players) return render_template('play.html', players=players, stats=statistiques()) else: return render_template('precampagne.html', user=player,stats=statistiques()) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()