# LaTeXmk configuration file # Usage example # latexmk file.tex # Main command line options # -pdf : generate pdf using pdflatex # -pv : run file previewer # -pvc : run file previewer and continually recompile on change # -C : clean up by removing all regeneratable files # Generate pdf using pdflatex (-pdf) $pdf_mode = 1; # Define command to compile with pdfsync support and nonstopmode $pdflatex = 'lualatex -shell-escape'; # Use default pdf viewer (Skim) $pdf_previewer = 'evince'; # Also remove pdfsync files on clean $clean_ext = 'pdfsync synctex.gz'; $ENV{'TEXINPUTS'}='/home/klafyvel/Documents/asso/rezo/formations/SystèmePaiementRe2o/rmrf-latex:' . $ENV{'TEXINPUTS'};