import os from django.shortcuts import redirect, render from django.urls import reverse from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group from preferences.models import GeneralPreferences, PaymentMethod, Cotisation from gestion.models import Keg, ConsumptionHistory, Category, Product, Menu from users.models import School from .acl import active_required, admin_required def home(request): """ Redirect the user either to :func:`~gestion.views.manage` view (if connected and staff) or :func:`~coopeV3.views.homepage` view (if connected and not staff) or :func:`~users.views.loginView` view (if not connected). """ if request.user.is_authenticated: if(request.user.has_perm('gestion.can_manage')): return redirect(reverse('gestion:manage')) else: return redirect(reverse('homepage')) else: return redirect(reverse('users:login')) def homepage(request): """ View which displays the :attr:`~preferences.models.GeneralPreferences.home_text` and active :class:`Kegs <gestion.models.Keg>`. """ gp, _ = GeneralPreferences.objects.get_or_create(pk=1) kegs = Keg.objects.filter(is_active=True) return render(request, "home.html", {"home_text": gp.home_text, "kegs": kegs}) def coope_runner(request): """ Just an easter egg """ return render(request, "coope-runner.html") def about(request): """ A page about the project """ contributors = [] try: with open(settings.BASE_DIR + "/contributors.txt", "r") as f: for line in f: contributors.append((line[:line.find('(')], int(line[(line.find('(') + 1):line.find(')')]))) except: pass license = [] with open(settings.BASE_DIR + "/LICENSE", "r") as f: for line in f: license.append(line) return render(request, "about.html", {"contributors": contributors, "license": license}) @active_required @login_required @admin_required def stats(request): users = User.objects.all() adherents = [x for x in users if x.profile.is_adherent] transactions = ConsumptionHistory.objects.all() categories = Category.objects.all() categories_shown = Category.objects.exclude(order=0) products = Product.objects.all() active_products = Product.objects.filter(is_active=True) active_kegs = Keg.objects.filter(is_active=True) sum_positive_balance = sum([x.profile.balance for x in users if x.profile.balance > 0]) sum_balance = sum([x.profile.balance for x in users]) schools = School.objects.all() groups = Group.objects.all() admins = User.objects.filter(is_staff=True) superusers = User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True) menus = Menu.objects.all() payment_methods = PaymentMethod.objects.all() cotisations = Cotisation.objects.all() gp,_ = GeneralPreferences.objects.get_or_create(pk=1) nb_quotes = len(gp.global_message.split("\n")) return render(request, "stats.html", { "users": users, "adherents": adherents, "transactions": transactions, "categories": categories, "categories_shown": categories_shown, "products": products, "active_products": active_products, "active_kegs": active_kegs, "sum_positive_balance": sum_positive_balance, "sum_balance": sum_balance, "schools": schools, "groups": groups, "admins": admins, "superusers": superusers, "menus": menus, "payment_methods": payment_methods, "cotisations": cotisations, "nb_quotes": nb_quotes, })