import json

from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, get_object_or_404
from django.contrib import messages
from django.urls import reverse
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict

from coopeV3.acl import active_required

from .models import GeneralPreferences, Cotisation, PaymentMethod

from .forms import CotisationForm, PaymentMethodForm, GeneralPreferencesForm

def generalPreferences(request):
    Display form to edit the general preferences


        The GeneralPreferences form instance


    gp,_ = GeneralPreferences.objects.get_or_create(pk=1)
    form = GeneralPreferencesForm(request.POST or None, instance=gp)
        messages.success(request, "Les préférences générales ont bien été mises à jour")
    return render(request, "preferences/general_preferences.html", {"form": form})

########## Cotisations ##########

def cotisationsIndex(request):
    Lists the cotisations


        List of cotisations


    cotisations = Cotisation.objects.all()
    return render(request, "preferences/cotisations_index.html", {"cotisations": cotisations})

def addCotisation(request):
    Form to add a cotisation


        The CotisationForm form instance

        The title of the form

        The text of the form button


    form = CotisationForm(request.POST or None)
        cotisation =
        messages.success(request, "La cotisation (" + str(cotisation.duration) + " jours, " + str(cotisation.amount) + "€) a bien été créée")
        return redirect(reverse('preferences:cotisationsIndex'))
    return render(request, "form.html", {"form": form, "form_title": "Création d'une cotisation", "form_button": "Créer"})

def editCotisation(request, pk):
    Form to edit a cotisation

        The primary key of the cotisation


        The CotisationForm form instance

        The title of the form

        The text of the form button


    cotisation = get_object_or_404(Cotisation, pk=pk)
    form = CotisationForm(request.POST or None, instance=cotisation)
        cotisation =
        messages.success(request, "La cotisation (" + str(cotisation.duration) + " jours, " + str(cotisation.amount) + "€) a bien été modifiée")
        return redirect(reverse('preferences:cotisationsIndex'))
    return render(request, "form.html", {"form": form, "form_title": "Modification d'une cotisation", "form_button": "Modifier"})

def deleteCotisation(request,pk):
    Delete a cotisation

        The primary key of the cotisation to delete
    cotisation = get_object_or_404(Cotisation, pk=pk)
    message = "La cotisation (" + str(cotisation.duration) + " jours, " + str(cotisation.amount) + "€) a bien été supprimée"
    messages.success(request, message)
    return redirect(reverse('preferences:cotisationsIndex'))

########## Payment Methods ##########

def paymentMethodsIndex(request):
    Lists the paymentMethods


        List of paymentMethods


    paymentMethods =  PaymentMethod.objects.all()
    return render(request, "preferences/payment_methods_index.html", {"paymentMethods": paymentMethods})

def addPaymentMethod(request):
    Form to add a paymentMethod


        The CotisationForm form paymentMethod

        The title of the form

        The text of the form button


    form = PaymentMethodForm(request.POST or None)
        paymentMethod =
        messages.success(request, "Le moyen de paiement " + + " a bien été crée")
        return redirect(reverse('preferences:paymentMethodsIndex'))
    return render(request, "form.html", {"form": form, "form_title": "Création d'un moyen de paiement", "form_button": "Créer"})

def editPaymentMethod(request, pk):
    Form to edit a paymentMethod

        The primary key of the paymentMethod


        The PaymentMethodForm form instance

        The title of the form

        The text of the form button


    paymentMethod = get_object_or_404(PaymentMethod, pk=pk)
    form = PaymentMethodForm(request.POST or None, instance=paymentMethod)
        paymentMethod =
        messages.success(request, "Le moyen de paiment " + + " a bien été modifié")
        return redirect(reverse('preferences:paymentMethodsIndex'))
    return render(request, "form.html", {"form": form, "form_title": "Modification d'un moyen de paiement", "form_button": "Modifier"})

def deletePaymentMethod(request,pk):
    Delete a paymentMethod

        The primary key of the paymentMethod to delete
    paymentMethod = get_object_or_404(PaymentMethod, pk=pk)
    message = "Le moyen de paiement " + + " a bien été supprimé"
    messages.success(request, message)
    return redirect(reverse('preferences:paymentMethodsIndex'))

########## Active Site ##########

def inactive(request):
    Displays inactive view
    gp, _ = GeneralPreferences.objects.get_or_create(pk=1)
    return render(request, 'preferences/inactive.html', {"message": gp.active_message})

########## Config ##########

def get_config(request):
    Load the config and return it in a json format
    gp,_ = GeneralPreferences.objects.get_or_create(pk=1)
    data = json.dumps(model_to_dict(gp))
    return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json')