#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class Run { private: float xx, yy, zz, theta; // read coords // see README.md to know what are the parameters float x_vel, y_vel, z_vel, angle_vel, up_factor, neutral_z; // parameters float max_curv; // not used yet float z_dev_min, x_dev_min, y_dev_min, th_dev_min; // parameters : thresholds uint64_t min_number; // parameter bool no_diag; // parameter ros::Publisher pub; void publish() // build and publish a message from the "xx", "yy", "zz" and "theta" informations { geometry_msgs::Twist::Ptr mvt(new geometry_msgs::Twist()); if (fabs(zz) > z_dev_min) { // up_factor to balance out the gravity effect if (zz > 0) mvt->linear.z = zz * z_vel * up_factor ; else mvt->linear.z = zz * z_vel; } // no_diag true : the drone can only translate on the "x" axis // or the "y" axis but not on a linear combination of these axes. if (no_diag) { if (fabs(yy) > fabs(xx) && fabs(yy) > y_dev_min) { mvt->linear.y = yy * y_vel; } else if (fabs(xx) > x_dev_min) { mvt->linear.x = - xx * x_vel; } } else // no_diag false : the drone can translate on any possible direction { if (fabs(yy) > y_dev_min) mvt->linear.y = yy * y_vel; if (fabs(xx) > x_dev_min) mvt->linear.x = - xx * x_vel; } if (fabs(theta) > th_dev_min) { mvt->angular.z = theta * angle_vel; } pub.publish(mvt); ROS_INFO("cmd published"); } public: Run(const ros::Publisher& cmd_publisher) : pub(cmd_publisher) {} void callback(const hand_control::Plan::ConstPtr& msg) // handle received messages { ROS_INFO("plan received"); if (msg->curvature < max_curv && msg->number > min_number) // we ever have msg->curvature == 0 in fact (not implemented yet) { if(msg->normal.z > 0) { yy = msg->normal.x; xx = msg->normal.y; } else { yy = - msg->normal.x; xx = - msg->normal.y; } zz = msg->altitude - neutral_z; theta = msg->angle; // theta between -90 and 90 ROS_INFO("coords updated"); } else { xx = yy = zz = 0.; } publish(); }; void reconfigure(const hand_control::CommanderConfig& c, const uint32_t& level) // updates the parameters (received with dynamic_reconfigure) { max_curv = c.max_curvature; x_dev_min = c.x_minimal_deviation; y_dev_min = c.y_minimal_deviation; z_dev_min = c.z_minimal_deviation; th_dev_min = c.theta_minimal_deviation; neutral_z = c.neutral_alt; min_number = c.min_points_number; up_factor = c.up_fact; x_vel = c.x_vel; y_vel = c.y_vel; z_vel = c.z_vel; angle_vel = c.angle_vel; no_diag = c.no_diag; } void run() // runs the callbacks and publications process { ros::spin(); } }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "commander"); ros::NodeHandle node("commander"); ros::Publisher cmd_pub = node.advertise("/cmd_vel", 1); Run run(cmd_pub); ros::Subscriber plan_sub = node.subscribe("input", 1, &Run::callback, &run); // setting up dynamic_reconfigure (for rqt_reconfigure) dynamic_reconfigure::Server server; dynamic_reconfigure::Server::CallbackType f; f = boost::bind(&Run::reconfigure, &run, _1, _2); server.setCallback(f); // starts working run.run(); return 0; }