#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB Point; typedef pcl::PointCloud PointCloud; typedef Eigen::Matrix3f& Matrix; class Callback { public: void operator()(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& msg) { ROS_INFO("PointCloud received"); if (msg->width > 3){ analyser.setInputCloud(msg); Matrix eg = analyser.getEigenVectors(); float x, y, z, th, h, c; x = y = z = th = h = c = 0.; // we consider the whole PointCloud std::vector indices; for (int i = 0; i < msg->points.size(); ++i) indices.push_back(i); // v = eg_1 ^ eg_2 is the plan normal Eigen::Vector3f v = eg.col(0).cross(eg.col(1)); // norm(v) == 1 v.normalize(); x = v(0); y=v(1); z=v(2); // h is the altitude h = (analyser.getMean())(2); // this formula is good only if : // -pi/2 <= th <= pi/2 // ie cos(th) == m_x >= 0 float m_x(eg(0,0)); float m_y(eg(1,0)); if(x < 0) { m_x *= -1.; m_y *= -1.; } th = 2 * atan(m_y / (1 + m_x)); // -pi/2 <= th <= pi/2 th *= _RAD2DEG; // -90 <= th <= 90 // publication ROS_INFO("Plan published"); publisher.publish(to_Plan(x, y, z, h, th, c, msg->header.seq, msg->header.stamp, msg->width)); } } Callback(ros::Publisher& pub):publisher(pub), _RAD2DEG(45.f/atan(1.)){}; private: ros::Publisher publisher; pcl::PCA analyser; const float _RAD2DEG; inline const hand_control::Plan::ConstPtr to_Plan(const float& x, const float& y, const float& z, const float& h, const float& th, const float& c, const uint32_t& seq, const uint64_t& msec64, const uint64_t& number) { hand_control::Plan::Ptr ros_msg(new hand_control::Plan()); ros_msg->normal.x = x; ros_msg->normal.y = y; ros_msg->normal.z = z; ros_msg->altitude = h; ros_msg->angle = th; ros_msg->curvature = c; ros_msg->number = number; // uint64_t msec64 is in ms (10-6) uint64_t sec64 = msec64 / 1000000; uint64_t nsec64 = (msec64 % 1000000) * 1000; ros_msg->header.stamp.sec = (uint32_t) sec64; ros_msg->header.stamp.nsec = (uint32_t) nsec64; ros_msg->header.seq = seq; ros_msg->header.frame_id = "0"; return ros_msg; } }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "estimator"); ros::NodeHandle node("estimator"); ros::Publisher publisher = node.advertise("output", 1); Callback callback(publisher); ros::Subscriber subscriber = node.subscribe("input", 1, callback); ROS_INFO("node started"); ros::spin(); ROS_INFO("exit"); return 0; }