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Raw Normal View History

2015-09-18 14:52:52 +00:00
/* Copyright © 2015 CentraleSupélec
2015-09-19 16:54:10 +00:00
2015-09-18 14:52:52 +00:00
* This file is part of Hand Control.
2015-09-19 16:54:10 +00:00
2015-09-18 14:52:52 +00:00
* Hand Control is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
2015-09-19 16:54:10 +00:00
2015-09-18 14:52:52 +00:00
* Hand Control is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
2015-09-19 16:54:10 +00:00
2015-09-18 14:52:52 +00:00
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Hand Control. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2015-08-21 18:39:01 +00:00
2015-09-18 14:52:52 +00:00
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <pcl_ros/point_cloud.h>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>
2015-05-27 16:31:41 +00:00
#include <pcl/features/normal_3d_omp.h>
#include <hand_control/Plan.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dynamic_reconfigure/server.h>
#include <hand_control/EstimatorConfig.h>
#include <pcl/common/pca.h>
typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB Point;
typedef pcl::PointCloud<Point> PointCloud;
2015-05-27 16:31:41 +00:00
typedef Eigen::Matrix3f& Matrix;
class Callback {
2015-09-19 16:54:10 +00:00
2015-06-26 18:34:26 +00:00
// handles received messages and publish the plan estimation
2015-09-19 16:54:10 +00:00
void callback(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& msg) {
ROS_INFO("PointCloud received");
if (msg->width > 3) {
// else, no plan can be estimated…
Matrix eg = analyser.getEigenVectors();
// to build the "Plan" message to be published
float x, y, z, th, h, c;
x = y = z = th = h = c = 0.;
// v = eg_1 ^ eg_2 is the plan normal
Eigen::Vector3f v = eg.col(0).cross(eg.col(1));
v.normalize(); // to have norm(v) == 1
// x, y and z are the coords of the plan normal
if (!reverse) {
x = v(0); y = v(1);
} else {
// if "x" and "y" axes are inverted
// (reverse is a parameter to set with dynamic_reconfigure)
x = v(1); y = v(0);
z = v(2);
// h is the altitude
h = (analyser.getMean())(2);
// angle calculation
// m_x and m_y are the "x" and "y" coords
// of the first principal component
float m_x, m_y;
// parameter to set
// with dynamic_reconfigure
if (reverse_angle) {
m_x = eg(0, 0);
m_y = eg(1, 0);
} else {
m_x = eg(1, 0);
m_y = eg(0, 0);
// because we want "th" only between -90° and 90°
if (m_x < 0.)
m_y *= -1;
th = - asin(m_y / sqrt(pow(m_y, 2)+ pow(m_x, 2))); // 0 <= th <= pi
th *= _RAD2DEG; // -90 <= th <= 90
// TODO(someone)
// -> calculate "c" (the curvature)
// ( c == 0 for the moment)
// publication
ROS_INFO("Plan published");
x, y, z, h, th, c,
2015-09-19 16:54:10 +00:00
explicit Callback(const ros::Publisher& pub) :
reverse_angle(false) {}
2015-06-26 18:34:26 +00:00
// updates the parameters received from dynamic_reconfigure
2015-09-19 16:54:10 +00:00
void reconfigure(const hand_control::EstimatorConfig& c,
const uint32_t& level) {
reverse = c.reverse;
reverse_angle = c.reverse_angle;
2015-05-28 17:10:13 +00:00
2015-09-19 16:54:10 +00:00
ros::Publisher publisher;
2015-05-27 16:31:41 +00:00
pcl::PCA<Point> analyser;
const float _RAD2DEG;
2015-05-28 17:10:13 +00:00
bool reverse, reverse_angle;
2015-06-26 18:34:26 +00:00
// return a "Plan" message build with
// the informations provided
inline const hand_control::Plan::ConstPtr
2015-09-19 16:54:10 +00:00
to_Plan(const float& x, const float& y,
const float& z, const float& h,
const float& th,
const float& c, const uint32_t& seq,
const uint64_t& msec64, const uint64_t& number) {
hand_control::Plan::Ptr ros_msg(new hand_control::Plan());
ros_msg->normal.x = x;
ros_msg->normal.y = y;
ros_msg->normal.z = z;
ros_msg->altitude = h;
ros_msg->angle = th;
ros_msg->curvature = c;
ros_msg->number = number;
uint64_t sec64 = msec64 / 1000000;
uint64_t nsec64 = (msec64 % 1000000) * 1000;
ros_msg->header.stamp.sec = (uint32_t) sec64;
ros_msg->header.stamp.nsec = (uint32_t) nsec64;
ros_msg->header.seq = seq;
ros_msg->header.frame_id = "0";
return ros_msg;
2015-09-19 16:54:10 +00:00
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
ros::init(argc, argv, "estimator");
ros::NodeHandle node("estimator");
ros::Publisher publisher = node.advertise<hand_control::Plan>("output", 1);
Callback callback(publisher);
ros::Subscriber subscriber =
node.subscribe<PointCloud>("input", 1, &Callback::callback, &callback);
// sets up dynamic_reconfigure
dynamic_reconfigure::Server<hand_control::EstimatorConfig> server;
dynamic_reconfigure::Server<hand_control::EstimatorConfig>::CallbackType f;
f = boost::bind(&Callback::reconfigure, &callback, _1, _2);
// begins working
ROS_INFO("node started");
return 0;